posted on Jan, 5 2016 @ 10:06 AM
I thought it was a KC-46. Wrong.
Back story, last month a rather large aircraft traversed the night sky. I knew it was not a KC-135. For one week it made 5 or so passes a night. The
171st air refueling wing has been using an old burned out fleet of 707/kc-135's.
Now I've been following zaphod and sammish, sorry cause I don't have the name right. But Ankra too. So at best I ran to the FedEx fleet. One engine
per wing, and one engine on the tail. Not new. But it may do the job needed for now. At best I think it's a DC or MD. I've never seen one in flight.
Fast forward... So 2 days ago I went shopping. As usaul I pull onto my street greeted by a passing KC-135. Man I love that sound. And I've had the
pleasure of a C-5 and Antonov pass over leaving a contrail so big... Arnold S. said! Drive a Hummer through it! And there she was... I was carrying 5
bags of food. My neighbors told it best.. "Thought you had a stroke" NO! I dropped 5 or so pounds of cheese! On my walk way... Only a very large
aircraft will make me drop cheese. You all need to understand, planes hit my tree line. That's 800 feet Obove my home. So yes I might have pooped a
So next. I hear her in the day! Made 3 the 4th pass I was armed with my camara. Murphy's law! Pilots went on a lunch brake! That bird was
beautiful. One tail boom. Not on the wings as I was lead to expect.
This aircraft is not in the 171st page. I don't know where it originated. Flight24 will not provide info.
I'm doing this thread on an outdated IPod . So yep. Took me over 2 hours to ask a jaded question.