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1,000+ Migrants Rape, Rob, and Brawl, At ONE German Train Station On New Year’s Eve.

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posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 05:44 AM
a reply to: svetlana84

That's quite a gesture of defiance, that bus!

Old ma Merkle must be getting her knickers in a knot rght now.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 11:59 AM
Another shot update:

- The bus is still on the way, a bit longer than expected, the reason for this: after a stop over they missed a person. So the searched for the missing person but could not find it. It's unclear if the person just left or went missing.

The refugees on board are said to be voluuntarily on the bus, since they wanted to go to Berlin, however it's not sure, if they know the political background of this bus.

- First town cancels carneval due to security concerns. This might not sound dramatic, but let me assure you carnival is somewhat holy in this region.

- "Weisse Rose" (an organisation which cares for victims of sexual violence) accuses the Köln police to have known who did the crimes at NYE.

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 03:01 PM
The Bus situation is getting bizarre.

(For those who did not follow it: Peter Dreier, politician from Bavaria sent a bus full of refugees to Berlins seat of government, as a protest, because Bavaria can't handle the situation anymore)

Now the bus has arrived in Berlin. Lots of journalist on spot.

The refugees in the bus got on the bus voluntarily, because they wanted to go to Berlin.
Then again it seems nobody told them the political meaning of the bus.
During the travel they started to realise what game is played, and got angry, because they don't want to be played.

The Kanzleramt (Chancellors' department) did not send any one to welcome the refugees or the bus.

Now the big question is "what to do with the refugees". Temperatures dropped massively in germany, its below freezing temperature.

Focus (in german)

Most of the comments in the newsoutlets are like "finally someone does something to show how bad the situation ist.

I follow german news since decades, never seen anything like this...

posted on Jan, 14 2016 @ 11:01 PM
a reply to: svetlana84

Our media usually draw a distinction between “civilised” middle-class refugees and “barbarian” lower class refugees who steal, harass our citizens, behave violently towards women, defecate in public... Instead of dismissing all this as racist propaganda, one should gather the courage to discern a moment of truth in it: brutality, up to outright cruelty towards the weak, animals, women, etc, is a traditional feature of the “lower classes”; one of their strategies of resisting those in power always was a terrifying display of brutality aimed at disturbing the middle-class sense of decency. And one is tempted to read in this way also what happened on New Year’s Eve in Cologne – as an obscene lower-class carnival:

This is why the naive attempts to enlighten immigrants (explaining to them that our sexual mores are different, that a woman who walks in public in a mini skirt and smiles does not thereby signal sexual invitation, etc.) are examples of breath-taking stupidity – they know this and that's why they are doing it. They are well aware that what they are doing is foreign to our predominant culture, but they are doing it precisely to wound our sensitivities. The task is to change this stance of envy and revengeful aggressiveness, not to teach them what they already know very well.

"Breath taking stupidity". That just about sums it up. When I tried to befriend the non-English speaking young Syrian who was being exploited as cheap labour for a dirty job I was met with extremely challenging behaviour immediately. Not a chance of reaching out to him. I'm not suggesting anything bad about him, just that he was messed up.

The bus solution seems sensible. If you think we should be blind to the variety of different characters among the migrants you should have them delivered to your doorstep. The trouble is people who are so brainwashed or breath takingly stupid won't have any sensible solutions.

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 05:13 AM
ATS member Unity_99 posted this video in another thread.

I'll just put it here as well; a Hungarian Economist on the current situation, and how it is played by the forces behind:

Operation "Gladio" with "stay behind armies" 2.0

(post by yesyesyes removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: svetlana84
ATS member Unity_99 posted this video in another thread.

I'll just put it here as well; a Hungarian Economist on the current situation, and how it is played by the forces behind:

Operation "Gladio" with "stay behind armies" 2.0

From the beginning of this farce, many here on ATS have been trying to warn of this plan. We have been attacked, labeled, and dismissed, every time we have tried to sound the alarm.

As he states, only those that are involved, or [sic] "the idiots absolute idiots" are incapable of comprehending the manipulation that is taking place to bring to fruition, this well planned and financed war, that is now almost too late to stop. TPTB, the running theme that sits at the core of ATS, has done its job globally well, and has played us all.

We should have seen it coming but our egos allowed us to be played like a fine tuned instrument, in the hands of a master.

We the ones that think ourselves so intelligent, so sophisticated, so enlightened. We can stand for our applauds. We made it so easy for them, in fact they may not have been able to pull it off without us.

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: Kester

Instead of dismissing all this as racist propaganda, one should gather the courage to discern a moment of truth in it: brutality, up to outright cruelty towards the weak, animals, women, etc, is a traditional feature of the “lower classes”; one of their strategies of resisting those in power always was a terrifying display of brutality aimed at disturbing the middle-class sense of decency.

Again, as stated in the video provided by #Kester, the solution he puts forth as used in Hungary is

sooner or later every European nation must do what we did. The borders have to be specifically closed. And this filth must be cleared out of here. Yes this is what it's about.This is the level of the phenomenon. We don't need to fight a civil war. Just with a single decisive motion, clean out this global trash pile that this unnameable global power poured over here. This is what need to be said.

Of course these guys will be labeled as the evil xenophobes, so anything they have to say is evil, bigoted, and anti-Islamic. And that is exactly why we are doomed to fight another long drawn out, destructive war, that will continue to reduce us to living hand to mouth, killing each other, and keeping those in power, in power, and ruling over us.

I guess being awake isn't the answer everyone thought it would be. Minions, cowards, and idiots are awake, they are just playing for the other team.

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 11:20 AM
People need to be discerning in choosing their allies for the upcoming war. The enemy has always been amongst us and it was there before any nation; before any religion; before the printing press; and before any university.

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: svetlana84I follow german news since decades, never seen anything like this...

This - yet again - has been twisted beyond belief. Folks, what is it with you that you simply draw conclusions out of thin air without doing even the simplest of checks? DENY IGNORANCE, please.

Actually, Landrat Peter Dreier (the man who sent the bus) is perfectly willing to take in their fair share of the refugees. Actually, he is on their side! He is faced with a problem indeed, but not "rape" or "crime" or other such nonsense, no - he is faced with a housing problem. There aren't sufficient houses available in his region to house everybody. And winter is (finally) setting in in Germany, hence tents and barracks will not do anymore.

Please note that this has NOTHING to do with resentment of "Muslims" and "their culture of rape" and other such nonsense. The reason Landrat Dreier sent out that bus was to give a clear signal that they don't have sufficient means to give everybody a decent house, period.

In the meantime, almost all refugees that were in the bus - and that mounted it voluntarily! - drove back and are now back in Bayern.

For those who read German: source

Aus Protest war gestern auf Initiative von Landrat Peter Dreier (Freie Wähler) ein Bus aus Niederbayern nach Berlin gefahren, um auf die vielen Probleme der Kommunen, Gemeinden und Flüchtlinge hinzuweisen. Der Landrat bezeichnete die Reise nach Berlin als "Verzweiflungsaktion", weil es in seinem Landkreis keinen freien Wohnraum mehr gebe. Dreier hat heute Morgen noch einmal seine Aktion verteidigt und Kritik am Kanzleramt geübt. Er habe viel Zuspruch von Bürgern aus der ganzen Republik erfahren. Lediglich Teile der Politik hätten sein Vorgehen kritisiert sagte er dem Bayerischen Rundfunk.

Dreier: "Ein Ende der Flüchtlingswellen ist überhaupt nicht in Sicht, die Kapazitäten an menschenwürdigen Unterbringungsmöglichkeiten in unserem Land gehen rapide zur Neige und ich sehe nicht, dass bislang neue Wohnungen für die Zuwanderer gebaut worden wären."


edit on 15-1-2016 by ForteanOrg because: he forgot to mention that all refugees that sat in that bus were there VOLUNTARILY. They had not been informed about the stunt that Dreier pulled off subsequently, they thought they were on an outing! Really.. sigh..

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: ForteanOrg

I think you got my post wrong. I posted a short summary of the Focus article.

Never stated that Dreier has a problem with rape or crime.
He, like other Bundesländer has a capacity problem.

And a problem that Berlin does duck all to solve it.

Edit/addition: might clarify this as well: by saying i have not seen anything like this happening in germany i meant: i have never seen someone on Bundesland level doing such a symbolic and open affront towards a chancellor. Normally in german politics there are discussions after discussion, but seldom very open symbolic actions like this Sending a bus to the Kanzleramt.
edit on 15-1-2016 by svetlana84 because: addedlast paragraph

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: svetlana84

Please note Svetlana84 that I did not intend to attack you, nor was I referring to you, I'm sorry if you got that notion.

I was referring to the hoards of nitwits that post their unfounded crap here lately, preferably using vastly exaggerated headings. I strongly suspect they have an agenda: to portray Muslims as the root cause of all evil. They use anything they can get their hands on to create an image of Muslims and refugees that hardly matches reality.

In general, I found your postings quite factual. If I offended you, I sincerely apologize.

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 02:37 PM

edit on 15-1-2016 by ForteanOrg because: he unintentionally double-posted.

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 03:39 PM
a reply to: ForteanOrg

OK, seems to be a misunderstanding on both sides.

I did not feel offended, just wanted to make sure there are no misunderstandings.
Apologies accepted, we're cool.

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: symphonyofblase

originally posted by: NeoSpartan
a reply to: ForteanOrg

People mix and match. Cultures blend. It's what has happened for thousands of years, it will remain like that.

There never was a time in which the Germanic people were facing becoming a minority in their own countries in only 2 generations.

But hey, by now it is clear that this is what you want to happen.

In the 90's the German population alone was over 75 million. Germanic people aren't going to become a minority anytime soon.

First off, Germanic is not the same as German.

And it seems like you are forgetting to include some numbers there, sport.

If you want to even attempt to make a valid argument against my statement you should at least include the number of natives in a country, their birthrate, the number of non natives, and their birthrates, and then factor in 2 or 3 generations.

I mean really, this is you at your A game?

"Uhuhuh but the total German population is more than 75 million derp....."


posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: ForteanOrg

This - yet again - has been twisted beyond belief.

Where and by whom was this twisted? What else has been twisted?

Why don't you just admit that you misinterpreted a post because of your mandatory pro immigrant behavior.

Please note Svetlana84 that I did not intend to attack you, nor was I referring to you, I'm sorry if you got that notion.

You mean you are sorry that you gave her that notion with that post, cause that's what it looked like.

(post by symphonyofblase removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jan, 16 2016 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: symphonyofblase

Of course it isn't the same as German, but thanks for sharing Captain Obvious.Why don't you tell me something I don't know? Given that it is a word used to describe the speakers of certain languages, who reside in certain countries in Europe, it makes my comment very much valid and your attempt at debunking it very much ineffective.

You focused on Germany specificly, as if I was talking about Germany specificly when I said Germanic people.

Yep, I didn't mention the current population of Germany. In 1990, the population of Germany was 80 487 159. The last number mentioned was in 2014, with an increased population at 82 652 256. In 24 years, the population of Germany has only risen by 2 165 097 people. Germany (a country where the natives are Germanic) is not about to be overrun anytime soon, and neither are the rest of the Germanic countries.

Even though I just explained which numbers you have to include to produce an argument that has any bearing on the statement I made, you fail miserably yet again.......

The numbers you come up with now still have nothing to do with it obviously.

This isn't about being overrun, it's about being outbred. The small increase in total population says nothing about the changes in the make up of a population, and again you fail to factor in the different birthrates, and how this adds up in a few generations. Again you fail to include the percentage of natives and non natives.

Calling on God won't help you either. It's going to take a lot more than a miracle to make you intelligent enough to know what you're talking about.

Oh that's rich, you can't even come up with a relevant counterargument, even thoughI had explained to you exactly which numbers you needed to include to do so.

Double derp.

posted on Jan, 16 2016 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: NeoSpartan

You focused on Germany specificly, as if I was talking about Germany specificly when I said Germanic people.

I know you weren't. I merely used Germany as but one example, since Germany is a Germanic country.

originally posted by: NeoSpartan
Even though I just explained which numbers you have to include to produce an argument that has any bearing on the statement I made, you fail miserably yet again.......

The numbers you come up with now still have nothing to do with it obviously.

They have everything to do with it. People such as yourself are trying to claim that European/Germanic countries are in danger of being overrun by immigrants, when the reality couldn't be further from the truth.

originally posted by: NeoSpartan
This isn't about being overrun, it's about being outbred. The small increase in total population says nothing about the changes in the make up of a population, and again you fail to factor in the different birthrates, and how this adds up in a few generations. Again you fail to include the percentage of natives and non natives.

Hahaha are you so out of touch with reality that you think a few immigrants are somehow going to pop out so many offspring, that in the space of a few years they will number more than 80 million? The population of Germany in 1990, before they'd even heard of Muslims, was 80+ million.

Yet you're trying to say that a few thousand immigrants are going to somehow outbreed 80 million German natives???
Lol perhaps you better go read up on the process of childbirth, and how long it actually takes to carry a baby to term.

originally posted by: NeoSpartan
Oh that's rich, you can't even come up with a relevant counterargument, even thoughI had explained to you exactly which numbers you needed to include to do so.

Double derp.

What you think, and what you actually know, are 2 entirely different things. I don't need to follow the advice of somebody who doesn't have the first clue of how life actually works. And I certainly won't let them try to dictate to me and try to tell me what to do, as if they think their opinion and standing in society actually matters.

So, once again, would you like to have another attempt at debunking my comment?

posted on Jan, 16 2016 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: NeoSpartanWhere and by whom was this twisted? What else has been twisted?

From my post:

I was referring to the hoards of nitwits that post their unfounded crap here lately, preferably using vastly exaggerated headings. I strongly suspect they have an agenda: to portray Muslims as the root cause of all evil. They use anything they can get their hands on to create an image of Muslims and refugees that hardly matches reality.

Why don't you just admit that you misinterpreted a post because of your mandatory pro immigrant behavior.

Because I did not misinterpret that post. You seem to be confused between admitting an interpretative error and being concerned to have hurt somebodies feelings. In both cases one apologizes, maybe that is the cause for your confusion.

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