1. Term limits.
2. Any pay increase must be based on individual merit and approved by 2/3 of their constituents.
3. Congress can not acquire or enjoy any benefit for themselves that they have not also secured for the general public.
4. Congress shall at all times be subject to the same laws, rules, and regulations as the general public.
5. Members of congress can not accept any money, donations, or gifts of any kind from corporations, their board of directors, or CEO's.
Judicial system:
1. Innocent until proven guilty applies to everyone, all the time.
2. A police officers testimony has the same legal weight as a lay person.
3. Losing, tampering with, or obscuring evidence is a felony with a mandatory prison sentence.
4. Judges, court officers, and any federal, state, county or municipal law enforcement officer convicted of a crime automatically receives the maximum
allowable punishment by law and forfeits any and all tax payer funded benefits.
5. Prisons are to be places of reform and education.
6. All laws imposed on the general public will be enforced in prisons also. Every violation committed in prison adds to the term of the person
committing the violation. Prisoners with life sentences will be upgraded to death row upon further infraction or violation of law.
7. Death row has a maximum of six months residence before execution.
1. Legal immigration is permitted provided proper vetting is insured, and, the person(s) applying for citizenship can prove within reasonable doubt
they will a) not commit criminal acts, b) commit acts not in the best interests of the US, c) will not become a burden to society, d) have a job skill
that is currently lacking among US citizens.
2. Illegal immigrants, their families, and anyone who aids and abets their entry into this country or attempts to hide or protect them from
deportation is deported and denied re-entry to the US.
3. Any business caught employing an illegal alien will pay a fee of $1000 per day of employment for each offending employee.
1. Banks must repay bailout money received with interest or forfeit holdings sufficient to repay the debt.
2. Any corporation that outsources jobs or moves its headquarters off US soil may no longer sell any products or provide any services to US
3. No corporate employee, CEO, board member, or managing director can receive a salary (including bonuses and stock options) greater than 500X their
lowest paid employee.
4. Corporations will pay the same income tax rate as their highest 10% wage earners.
5. Property tax is directly related to property value.
6. Decrease income tax and increase sales tax to compensate.
7. $12 per hour minimum wage.
8. Employees must be given a minimum two week notice prior to termination or lay off.
This is just a start...
edit on 1-1-2016 by Vroomfondel because: (no reason given)