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A racist white professor tells Africans Their Intellectual Ability Not Good Enough For White

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posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 12:25 AM

originally posted by: ugmold

originally posted by: LSU0408
This is in Australia........Why did you leave that part out?

Perhaps you need to read to the beginning of the second paragraph.

Referring to the click bait title.
edit on 30-12-2015 by LSU0408 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 12:30 AM

originally posted by: Crazy Diamond
a reply to: LSU0408
Would you "knock a couple of his teeth down his throat, put him in his place" as well, like you said you would do to the black professor from the other thread? Hypothetically speaking of course, if he were from your country.

Sure would. G'day mate, and cheery-o.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 12:36 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I think you missed the sarcasm.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: Astyanax

As previously stated by the OP, it was in conjunction to the black professor in America about racism in America. Not Australia. Its purpose was to see if there would be a rise out of the same ones that got a rise out of the other thread. My comment was not a stab at other countries or the importance of just America. Sheesh, read between the lines my friend.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 02:34 AM

originally posted by: LSU0408
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I think you missed the sarcasm.

I wish it was sarcasm. If I believed that I'd not have responded like I did.

If you said it I'd believe it was sarcasm because you're a red blooded American type that isn't going to piss and moan about how bad you have it. You might dislike unfair advantages, but based on what I've read from you I'd bet you sure as hell won't be pissing and moaning about your situation. You just handle your business and don't expect help.

I really wish I thought this was the case from the post I responded to.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 07:39 AM

WASHINGTON-Do African immigrants make the smartest Americans? The question may sound outlandish, but if you were judging by statistics alone, you could find plenty of evidence to back it up.

In a side-by-side comparison of 2000 census data by sociologist John R. Logan at the Mumford Center, State University of New York at Albany, black immigrants from Africa average the highest educational attainment of any population group in the country, including whites and Asians.

For example, 43.8 percent of African immigrants had achieved a college degree, compared to 42.5 of Asian Americans, 28.9 percent for immigrants from Europe, Russia and Canada, and 23.1 percent of the U.S. population as a whole.

That defies the usual stereotypes of Asian Americans as the only “model minority.” Yet the traditional American narrative has rendered the high academic achievements of black immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean invisible, as if it were a taboo topic.

Immigrant populations are not typical of their native populations. Thomas Sowell has proven this argument time and time again. Demonstrating it is culture that is the issue. Other examples include chinese immigrants into malaysia, japanese immigrants into the USA, Jews into america during the interwar/ww2 period, etc.

The conclusion Sowell comes too is that trash culture produces trash results, paraphrasing lol.

The problem is once it is agreed that culture determines outcomes more than anything it will fly in the face of "multiculturalism". which is one of the worst ideas ever concieved. Some cultures are just not conducive to free productive societies.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 07:53 AM
a reply to: theySeeme

How can you say blacks are repressed when the US president is FREAKING BLACK!

One ignorant and stupid professor does not mean whitey is keeping blacks down.
Only people keeping blacks down these days are the blacks themselves with gang culture and victimisation.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 08:17 AM

originally posted by: crazyewok
a reply to: theySeeme

How can you say blacks are repressed when the US president is FREAKING BLACK!

Are you saying that because the president is half black that there is not a disproportionate amount of intolerance towards the black community? What's with the capitalization of"FREAKING" and "BLACK" in your post, what emotions triggered such response and what does it signify, for you?

If there is no intolerance against blacks, why do forums like stormfront exist? If there is no hate against blacks, why are you so riled up about this topic? Better yet, if there is no intolerance because the president is black, why is it that many white americans dislike the president because he is black and/or liked by black people (let's be real here.)

Here is yet another weird reply to me, I have no idea where these people (if they are even people at all) come from..

One ignorant and stupid professor does not mean whitey is keeping blacks down.

No one said "one" means whitey is keeping blacks down (what's with saying whitey instead of white, what are you trying to say here? Just weird..), what is happening is the millions of stories of professors like this one, police killings, unequal employment, disproportionate drug arrests (even though statistically white people use drugs at higher rate, they are arrested at VERY small rates for them), ect. There is a reason so many people see this, it's because it's REALLY happening.

It's sad that your kind gets so emotionally invested in a skin color, you can't even see the bigger picture. That is the complete opposite of the purpose of this board, why are you dividing yourself? Why not unite yourself instead?
edit on 30-12-2015 by theySeeme because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: Astyanax
a reply to: LSU0408

It's just click bait. This has nothing to do with us.

Who is ‘us’? Americans? White Americans?

Your prejudices are showing, chum. This site isn’t just for, or about Americans. It was founded by an Englishman and has members from all over the world. One of them is me.

And racism is the same all over the world, too. You stand exposed — for about the hundred and fiftieth time on ATS.

Finally someone who really sees what I see, call them out on their #!

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: theySeeme

the oppression against blacks is never ending!

Some obscure Nigerian website with a Youtube, and you use this as evidence about Australias attitude towards coloured folk? Really...?

heres this from the same website


Bed Bug Treatment Bed Bug Control, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Do you know that it takes bedbug six months to die if it does not have any blood to suck, Hus will tell you how long bed bugs can stay in your house without you finding out and as it lives with you so does it lay and hatch eggs that if you are nor proactive in tackling its menace, it it will spread like wild fire.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 08:29 AM

originally posted by: theySeeme

Are you saying that because the president is half black that there is not a disproportionate amount of intolerance towards the black community?

No it means careers and opportunity’s are not closed anymore.

originally posted by: theySeeme
What's with the capitalization of" FREAKING" and "BLACK" in your post, what emotions triggered such response and what does it signify, for you?

Its called empathises.

But please feel free to infer im a evil racist as I know you will anyway.

originally posted by: theySeeme
If there is no intolerance against blacks, why do forums like stormfront exist?

Because ignorant fools will always exists. You will never get rid of them.

originally posted by: theySeeme
If there is no hate against blacks, why are you so riled up about this topic?


Because I disagree with you I hate blacks?

Yeah ok whatever,

originally posted by: theySeeme
Better yet, if there is no intolerance because the president is black, why is it that many white americans dislike the president because he is black and/or liked by black people (let's be real here.)

He is disliked because he is at best a mediocre president and all politicians are hated.

originally posted by: theySeeme
It's sad that your kind

My kind?

What is my "kind" ?

originally posted by: theySeeme
gets so emotionally invested in a skin color, you can't even see the bigger picture.

What bigger picture?

And who says I care about skin colour? Your the one that seems to be hung up on it....

originally posted by: theySeeme
That is the complete opposite of the purpose of this board, why are you dividing yourself? Why not unite yourself instead?

Your the one dividing us putting people in "kinds".

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: forkedtongue

I wish I was black, then I would have all kinds of free stuff handed to me like jobs im not qualified for( thnx affirmative action) or extreme amounts of help getting into a college and paying for it( thnx united negro college fund and black only universities) and special advocates to try to endlessly increase these hand outs ( thnx NAACP)! 

They should try being a white male and getting none of the above, then tell me about oppression. 

Did you ever stop to think why those affirmative action measures were enacted in the first place?

When the world you live in is ruled by whites, you don't need a free pass to get in, if you are white. It really is that simple.

I know it may look like the guy in the wheelchair had an advantage in winning the race, but if you really stop and think about it intelligently, did he really?

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Discrimination is wrong no matter what!

Some as you discriminate against one group you create resentment and tension.

Nothing these days stops blacks studding at school and getting a good education and becoming what they like any more than whites.

And being white does not equal a “free pass”.

I still had to study hard at school and go to interviews. Hell I even lost a interview to a black candidate (who got the job on her own merits and deserved it).
Being white doesn’t mean I hit 18 and suddenly owned a bank and got a free pass into Cambridge and the old boys network.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 08:39 AM
a reply to: LSU0408
Even though I don't believe you, at least you are consistent in using violence against those whose opinions you disagree with. You know what that makes you? Forget PC police, this is whole another level, PC Nazi perhaps.

I am also pretty sure you either didn't read the article black professor wrote or it went right over your head if your first reaction would be to "knock few teeth down his throath".

Btw, I am from Serbia, not UK as you seem to think.

edit on 30-12-2015 by Crazy Diamond because: (no reason given)

edit on 30-12-2015 by Crazy Diamond because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: LSU0408
a reply to: introvert

I'm talking about the title of the thread. It's just click bait. This has nothing to do with us.

LSU0408 you are the typical white american extremist racist in the same class as KKK and Aryan, no doubt about it. Now, to make sure I am not breaking the rules, I will post sources of YOUR OWN posts and comments that support this claim entirely, check it out

originally posted by: LSU0408
a reply to: introvert

I'm talking about the title of the thread. It's just click bait. This has nothing to do with us.

Who is "Nothing do with us"? is that "This has nothing to do with us white people"?


Here are a list of topics our friend LSU0408 has posted in recently (some of them posted in over 10 times) check this out

- 40% of black voters and 45% of Hispanic voters.
- A Racist black professor
- One Of The Many Face of Racism in America
- Grand jury declines to indict Cleveland policemen in fatal shooting of 12-year-old Tamir Rice
- #BlackLivesMatter Sets Up "Decoy" Protest in..
- Obama: It’s the media’s fault that people are... -
- Obama: It’s the media’s fault that people are... -

I would quote some of LSU0408's replies but they might get me banned if I post them, most are racist in nature and tone, see for yourselves folks.

When something doesn't make sense, it's best to go research WHY it doesn't make sense, in this case we see it's because OP is actually racist and very active in spreading his preaching built upon that.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: crazyewok
It looks like you jumped to a lot of conclusions from my post, the problem is that your conclusions have nothing to do with what I posted.

I never said anything about discrimination, pro or con, and I never said that white people are handed a free pass in a white world.

What I did infer, is that if you are white, in a white ruled world, you don't need a free pass to enter, and while it may seem that a guy in a wheelchair, if allowed to participate in the race, has the advantage, it doesn't mean he has an advantage over the participants that have full use of their legs.

As far as Cambridge goes, if you don't have the grades, or the money, and are trying to get in on need, or scholarship, you still have a better chance of getting in, because they only take in a small number of minorities, just enough to make their quota, so they will qualify for their Federal dollars.

A white ruled world is never going to provide others the tools and weapons to over rule them. It is only smoke and mirrors, and a control chip, that you are rallying against.

edit on 30-12-2015 by NightSkyeB4Dawn because: Bumpy road.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 10:08 AM
I guess that "man" would be more happy is Australia would have been left to the mentality retarded and criminals that had been deported there from English colonies.

Oh and, aren't Australian aboriginals BLACK?

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: LSU0408

Then it has everything to do with "us". How could it not?

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: Crazy Diamond

I've rarely had any problems with people of black complexion. A few notable exceptions, but rarely an issue.

My main point is, when I'm uncomfortable around people of black completion it's not actually because they are black. It's because of the concept of race that everyone refuses to let go of. Either that or because the situation is simply threatening by it's nature. As I said, someone dresses and acts in a way that seems threatening I'm not racist for feeling threatened by it. # to be fair, I'm in a crappy neighborhood I'm cautious regardless. If some big white colored guys are dressed and acting like thugs, that'd make me nervous too.

There've been times in my life where I'm dealing with someone else who happens to be black, everything seems fine, all is good, then bam weird assumptions come out of left field based on race. Things like "Bet you didn't expect something like that out of a black man" when this guy I was talking to said something intelligent. I was totally dumbfounded that he thought I'd be the least bit surprised by what he said originally, and the only real surprise was the ignorance of his assumption about me.

I have in a way a sort of social disorder I guess. I have difficulty treating others differently based on social status, etc. If in my natural state, boss, poor person on the street, black, white, etc. Left to my own devices, I'd treat my boss no different then my best friend, or any other person for that matter. Everyone starts at the same level with me. It's others that force me to treat them different, and it's really difficult for me.

In fact I have trouble not giving people the benefit of the doubt or turning the other cheek in life. Has gotten me taken advantage of. Things like race are concepts that are difficult for me, because like social status like boss, etc, it comes with strange beliefs around it that I have trouble wrapping my mind around. People believe in race, I don't know why, and they assign things to race I don't really comprehend. I'm forced to deal with a concept that honestly does not exist for me. Socially for me it's not race that exists, it's that there's this concept called race that people believe in and I have to try and figure out what it means to them because they think it means something.

I get frustrated because I want people to just be people, to treat everyone the same. But I live in a society where people refuse to be treated the same. Honestly I'm lost a lot. In my natural state, I don't give a # about social status, or things like race, etc. But I'm constantly stuck trying remind myself of these things and getting socially frustrated and confused because of it.

I get uncomfortable around people of color more often because I know this race issue is so often a big deal to them, and is naturally so damn foreign to me. I get uncomfortable in real life when race issues come up, because I hate race issues, they don't mean anything to me, I need to force myself to recognize race as a concept. My inability to naturally do so, along with my inability to recognize age, job titles, etc has caused me no ends of issues in life. So much of my behavior towards people that insist I treat them different is things I've trained myself to do, and have explanations for, but don't come naturally to me and thus I get wrong a lot.

I don't have a natural respect for elders, or status, I don't naturally recognize race, I have several issues gender wise and sexually. Is all really hard to explain.

But my point is I guess, that I'm not racist because I don't know how to be, but I'm damn sure confused by race, and in attempting to deal with the concept I can do things or have anxieties that seem racist. When the thing causing it is my being required to live in a society that believes in race and racism.

If people didn't insist that race exists, I'd be happy as can be, then again... I'm just as quick to tell an old person to # off or my boss if I don't manage to catch myself, so I'm a bit broken I guess. Social division confuses the crap out of me in general. Things like swear filtering super hard for me.

I seem to be meandering, and I'm not really sure where I'm going with this... I'm not sure if anything I've said is even understandable... it's a jumbled confession of confused feelings being expressed.

Actually I'm not really anymore uncomfortable around black people than anyone else, I'm uncomfortable around everyone because there's always some bizarre social construct I get wrong when I try to be outgoing. Over the years have gotten better at faking an understanding though. The black issue is there the whole race social construct I'm supposed to understand too, which I really don't get.

Intellectually I can understand a lot, but that's when I can sit and puzzle things together to create an organized picture, on the spot I'm just confused because puzzling something out over time and it coming naturally are two different skills. Is why I like the internet, it allows me to puzzle things out between responses.

I wish I knew what my issues were because they've plagued me all my life.

posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: TonyS
a reply to: theySeeme

I don't know, but that web site looks to have all the credibility of

HahaHa. There is a reason that website is called beforeitsnews. It's is because it never becomes news!

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