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Turkey And ISIS Oil Trade. WHY Are We Not Speaking About The Russian Evidence?

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posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 02:55 PM
I understand that we are in a campaign season here in the U.S. I get that things like Trump and Clinton, mudslinging, and your standard political theater are taking center stage. What I don't understand though is why there is a current Elephant in the room that nobody seems to be interested in.

Russia (your personal feelings aside) has been documenting at great length, and in great detail, the movement of oil trucks/tankers into Turkish territory. It has been documented better than almost any 'topic' I can think of recently, with video showing direct evidence, some would say PROOF, of Turkish wrongdoing....and by NATO Alliance...U.S. conflict of interest.

And all I can ponder is, HOW is it possible that U.S. intelligence never knew? I don't believe it is. How is it possible that all of the members of Congress, (R) or (D), right up to those on Intelligence Committees had/have ZERO clue. I don't think it's possible, in fact I think there has been a willful cover-up of the entire "Turkey ISIS Oil Issue".

It boggles my mind, because it means we have a Congress made up of both Houses, IGNORING direct evidence of a cover-up at the least, or willfully COVERING up evidence, at the most. While we claim to be "At War" with ISIS and Terrorists.

Is this not grounds for investigation? We went NOWHERE with Benghazi. In fact Benghazi had less evidence and took years of investigation, and Millions of dollars.

But with this, we have an entire Admin, DOD, Military, Pentagon, Congress...with what HAD to be foreknowledge...and not a word from the Trey Gowdys of the world? Hillary Clinton was the Grand Prize while THIS gets no mention in the Halls on the Hill?

Knowledge and EVIDENCE of an Illegal Oil trade with people who behead children, rape women, attack cities, commit genocide, own slaves, and are currently erecting a Caliphate in the Levant.

How? Why? Do we have priorities anymore? Is this all theater? People take time out of their lives to contact their Representatives, make GoFundMe pages, setup Facebook pages over issues like "Gay Marriage", or "Wedding Cakes" or Christmas Nativity Scenes....but THIS gets almost no mention?

Where is the mere curiosity? Do we even have THAT?

edit on 29-12-2015 by BatheInTheFountain because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:11 PM
Government ties, are why the government lies.
Even if our own news came out and said Turkey had done this, and we knew about it, nothing would happen. So many people are happy to live in willful ignorance that they will either ignore it completely, or make up some justification in thier head so they can go on saying 'mericas the best country ever. I deal with it all the time with certain members of my family, I try to enlighten them of some of the stuff going on in the world, and regardless of the evidence, they believe whatever fits thier current paradigm, chalk everything else up to the idea that if governments did anything wrong, those same governments would tell us the truth. To me that's the same mentality as a cop not looking for criminals, cause if there were criminals, they would be at the station already, confessing to all thier crimes.

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:12 PM
Because Russia has no more 'credibility' than our own leaders.

That's why.

The only reason Russia is there is because of Gazprom,and Putin stands to make BILLIONS more.

The only reason Iran is there is because of NIOC that's the National Iranian Oil Company.

The only reason Saudi Arabia is there is because Saudis' ARAMCO.

I have no clue as to why we are 'there'.

Most if not ALL that is headed to Europe.

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:18 PM
Why aren't Trump and Sanders talking about this, they seem to be all about transparency? There must be a line that they won't cross! Don't mess with the black ops!

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: neo96
Because Russia has no more 'credibility' than our own leaders.

That's why.

The only reason Russia is there is because of Gazprom,and Putin stands to make BILLIONS more.

The only reason Iran is there is because of NIOC that's the National Iranian Oil Company.

The only reason Saudi Arabia is there is because Saudis' ARAMCO.

I have no clue as to why we are 'there'.

Most if not ALL that is headed to Europe.

Agreed, there are numerous and wide implications and many hands in the cookie jar here. But I think our lack of pure curiosity in the issue is stunning. I happen to believe that when Putin had a 'sidebar' with Obama at the Paris summit, this came up.

I would really like to know. WHO was collaborating with ISIS in oil trade? And if any were, are they not contributors to genocide and murder? Is the U.S. party to it ourselves? I really don't want to believe that my lawmakers covered up the fact that ISIS oil went into the hands of taxpayer dollars assisting in genocide.

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

First, Russia has not provided any evidence that would serve as evidence against specific individuals in court. The tanker trucks may be carrying oil from Kurdistan, Iraq, or Iran: Russia has not yet documented the process in detail from start to finish, nor has it exposed the identities of the middle men who make the illicit trade possible.

There is no doubt that there is a great deal of corruption in Turkey, but that is a matter for the Turkish people, not the United States. Ultimately, Turkey is one of our best allies in the region, and a vital strategic asset. Alienating Turkey would be a grave error, so diplomacy treads softly.

Why would you think it could possibly be otherwise? Are you advocating an Iraq style invasion and regime change?
edit on 29-12-2015 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

contact their Representatives, make GoFundMe pages, setup Facebook pages over issues like "Gay Marriage", or "Wedding Cakes" or Christmas Nativity Scenes....but THIS gets almost no mention?

Precisely, distraction, distraction, distraction... I personally have to shake my head these days. People (here in the U.S. anyway) have their heads so far up their APPS, its discussing. I love how their believe that every app is just free... most of them require ALL of your personal data access,,, just wow...

What Neo mentioned, Because Russia has no more 'credibility' than our own leaders. & greed, money, greed and more money

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

WHO was collaborating with ISIS in oil trade?

ISIS makes money from oil,drugs,sex trafficking,and extortion, and looting.

Where they get their military arms is we left a bunch of stuff behind we shouldn't.

The rest comes from our arab 'allies' that are predominately sunni.

There is no 'good' guys over there.

Except maybe the Syrian people.

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

How? Why? Do we have priorities anymore? Is this all theater? People take time out of their lives to contact their Representatives, make GoFundMe pages, setup Facebook pages over issues like "Gay Marriage", or "Wedding Cakes" or Christmas Nativity Scenes....but THIS gets almost no mention?

What, specifically, do you think should be done? Impose sanctions that would drive Turkey further into the Islamist camp?

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: neo96

Or the Kurds

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:32 PM
It's not that they don't know or never knew.

It's more that they were / are turning a blind eye and hoping that nobody will notice. Allies don't rat out allies - so it's more about one of those closed door secret society things than American intelligence being blind and / or dumb.

Then you also have the USA being implicated themselves in working with ISIS as below, which would explain why their 'campaign' against them has been totally ineffective - they are possibly aiding and abetting them in the hopes that they would depose Assad.

A pretty sick and twisted way to remove a leader from power, I am sure you will agree.

Then you have the plumber who sued an American car dealer because his still signwritten car ended up in the hands of ISIS and all over TV

Just another example of how the USA is implicated in dealing with ISIS. If they wanted nothing to do with them, they would not be exporting cars for them to use on the battlefield now, would they?
edit on 29-12-2015 by markosity1973 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: neo96
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

There is no 'good' guys over there.

That is a fairly accurate statement. There are however less 'bad' guys when compared to others. Assad's government is one such example. Yes he probably needs to go when this is all over, but he ran the country in a secular manner and ensured that the minorities could live in safety.

The Islamists aka ISIS who are trying to take over are committing genocide on these minorities. So they are definitely unfit to ever take control of a country. The USA has been supporting them in order to get rid of Assad 'at any cost'.

Isn't it nice that the nation who is supposed to be the beacon of freedom and democracy to the world is prepared to spill so much blood of citizens of other nations to achieve goals it wishes to impose upon them

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:50 PM
Look we all know the US has been playing some kind of double game with the ME.

I have said many times it’s a COVERT OPERATION.

There’s no other explanation for the screwy policy of the US overthrowing secular leaders for nutty jihadi war lords.

This COVERT OPERATION extends through the Bush regime and unto the Obama regime.

It just so happens that these kind of COVERT OPERATIONS are run by the CIA and the state department.

Remember Benghazi

And also know this. COVERT OPERATIONS are always done with the advisement of the congressional committees on intelligence.

They KNOW this is a US COVERT OPERATION therefore their not starting any dam hearings on it and its associated operators such as Turkey.

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 03:54 PM

It is not actually secret, it was discussed when the SHTF in Syria and Iraq ( also discussed at the time here on ATS )
It just happens that media is not much talking about it in US. In Europe we have knew this long time and it has been in our news too

Picture is from Financial time
Syria oil map

Excellent article btw.. worth of reading

edit on 29-12-2015 by dollukka because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

Something that continually bothers me about the sheer humbug going on in the ME and especially the supply of oil, without which of course Daesh couldn't function is that there is obviously some kind of wicked agenda for just a few people that is being forced onto us, regardless of our intelligence and what we are able to gleam from the different news channels, especially RT which shows proof of much of what it claims and yet the international community still manage to falsely appear oblivious to and of course and web.

There is an agenda that is slowly being enacted out without any concern for the suffering and destruction that is pouring forth. Our leaders are the ones facing us but hopefully there is light at the end of the tunnel on this because there is more and more calling for Blair to be taken to the human rights courts and if he goes, then Bush goes also and then obviously Obama and Cameron.

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 04:17 PM
Perhaps a large part of Syria was promised to Turkey for their hand in Syria's demise, who knows. We just know from General Wesley Clark that wars were planned by the US in 2001 against Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran. Obviously the US cannot directly attack these nations as that is an act of war that the US population might rise against. So they use proxies to deny wrongdoing then hide any leaks using government controlled media.

If you look at the nations that were earmarked for destruction, none are controlled by rothschild owned central banks. So these countries were likely attacked to try keep the USD afloat against a rising Chinese (and BRICS) influence. But much like Rome, the US will eventually collapse from its own greed and moral decline. The US public will be the ones who will eventually pay for these crimes against humanity. Those really responsible will just jump ship to another country and live prosperous lifes.
edit on 29-12-2015 by glend because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 04:20 PM
Many good points brought up on this thread.


posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

Given the capability's of US intelligence and the spy satellites and/or observation drones at there disposal you can be dam sure that "They" already knew about these Oil convoys.

We are not talking about the subject simply because its all true. Our mass media networks simply dont know how to present the truth anymore.

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 05:14 PM
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

Probably the same reason the main stream media propaganda train does not analyze and expose the fact that US politics is run from behind the scenes by dynastic bloodlines such that we have another Clinton and Bush vying for the countries top spot again - coincidence?............I think not.

Thank God Hollywierd was created as the ultimate distraction lest the citizenry actually wake up and smell the oil...

ISIS could have never expanded their terror campaign in Syria if it were not for the backing of Turkey, along with Saudi Arabia and Qatar - Syrian President Bashar al-Assad

Assad blasts Jew controlled Turkey for buying ISIS oil

Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive....

posted on Dec, 29 2015 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: BatheInTheFountain

Given the capability's of US intelligence and the spy satellites and/or observation drones at there disposal you can be dam sure that "They" already knew about these Oil convoys.

We are not talking about the subject simply because its all true. Our mass media networks simply dont know how to present the truth anymore.

Because if it were true, that means that the U.S. collaborated with it's very 'stated enemy' by looking the other way for profit, for alliance with a bad "NATO Partner"...or some bad actors in Europe.

Which means our policy is a fraud, which means it's all a lie, conflict of interest, or downright nefarious.
edit on 29-12-2015 by BatheInTheFountain because: (no reason given)

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