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Destruction Caused by UFOs

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posted on Jun, 12 2003 @ 05:40 PM
In the first minutes of the Disclosure Project's now-famous National Press Club speeches (May 9, 2001), Dr. Greer made the statement that there has never been any recorded instance of harm come to humans by UFOs. Aside from the apparently unheard cries of the majority of the abductee community, the below clearly argues otherwise. (Scroll down for closing comments and appeal to Disclosure Project leader Steven Greer.)

The following is from the book "UFOs: What on Earth is Happening" published in 1976 by Bantam Books, authored by John Weldon with Zola Levitt, and is used by permission of each.

The book is now out of print, which may be why Dr. Greer is unaware of these reports. Whether he is aware of them, or chooses to ignore them, remains yet to be seen.

"In the same way, most of those who claim contact with UFO creatures report they are friendly and concerned about the welfare of humanity. This is the perfect deception (assuming it is a deception - AR) -- evil beings masquerading as benevolent, yet they are not benevolent. The UFO literature is full of indications that UFO entities are evil, hostile beings of great cunning and ability.

"Major Don E. Keyhoe and others have listed many incidents where UFOs have deliberately attacked aircraft and been responsible for several deaths and injuries.

"In one amazing case in 1953, a F-89 interceptor was scrambled at Kinross AFB to investigate a UFO. The UFO followed the jet over Lake Superior. Then the ground radar control watched amazed as the UFO merged with the F-89 on the radar scope! The jet interceptor and the UFO were locked together. The combined blip then moved off the scope, but no trace was ever found of the two pilots, the jet, or the UFO.

Another incident involved an Air Force C-118 transport plane which was hit by some object in the air. The plane crashed, killing the pilot and the three man crew. Prior to the crash, witnesses had seen two UFOs following the aircraft and other people had noted UFOs in the area. Some of the reports were confirmed by Fred Emard, Chief of Police at Orting, Washington.

"In another case, Col. Lee Merkel crashed and was killed just after reporting a UFO. Other cases have undoubtedly been kept secret.

"The foremost Russian authority on UFOs, Dr. Felix Zigel of the Moscow Institute of Aviation, has stated that UFOs may have 'frightened, harassed, and possibly even killed Russian cosmonauts on their missions.' (1)

"According to some reports, UFOs have simply destroyed planes pursuing them. Books such as Brad Steiger's Flying Saucers Are Hostile and Harold Wilkins Flying Saucers On The Attack prove at least some of the UFOs are evil. Steiger mentions an entire African village that was destroyed by a UFO Beam.

"Jerome Clark, a leading American UFO researcher, in his article Why UFOs are Hostile mentions the possibility of 'hundreds, possibly thousands' of people being murdered around the world by UFOs. Referring to Steiger's book, he says UFOs or their occupants have been responsible for aggravated assault, burnings by direct ray focus, radiation sickness, murders, abductions, pursuits of cars, assaults on homes, paralysis, cremations, disrupting power sources, etc. Clark says there is also 'no objective evidence' apart from contactee cases, that UFOs are friendly or from other planets. Several other respected researchers as well have noted UFO hostility.

"There are also dangerous physical effects resulting from close association with UFO beings or craft. These include blackouts, blindness, sexual assault, psychological disturbances, painful skin infections, chronic headaches, convulsive seizures and even cancer. (4)

"In the case of those who claim personal contact with extra-terrestrials (contactees), they have reported being programmed, deceived and made to look like fools. They have experienced the loss of jobs and experienced family disruptions. Reportedly, there are frequent cases of insanity, particularly paranoid schizophrenia, found among contactees and at times they are commanded to murder others... There is a very large number of sudden or mysterious deaths, suicides and nervous breakdowns among UFO investigators."

"The UFO occupants themselves seem to be habitual liars. They often contradict each other and espouse obviously false beliefs, if we are to believe those who claim contact with them. These include : Saturn's civilizations exist in subtropical paradises; Venus has forests, streams, healthy wheat fields, suburban areas, etc; the Sun and Mercury are not hot; Pluto is not cold. They have said that man will never be permitted to set foot upon the Moon..."

posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 12:11 AM
I think that the stories of abduction, if true, are a hostile act just by themselves. Maybe its not hostile to them but if they came after me I'd be pretty pissed. "They come in peace..." Yeah right.

I'd have serious anger managements issues with anything wanting to break into my house in the middle of the night to bother myself, my family, my pets, my property etc, etc, etc... That goes for humans as well as aliens.

[Edited on 13-6-2003 by tacitblue]

posted on Jun, 13 2003 @ 12:09 PM
I would have to agree, this part of the disclosure is untrue. I have only seen one or two picturers of human mutilation, and that is toooo much!

I dont know the true reason why the "Disclosure" project does not give out the complete truth on this issue. Unless, they themselves, have a covert mision.

Dr Greer, are you a closet Mason?

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
I would have to agree, this part of the disclosure is untrue. I have only seen one or two picturers of human mutilation, and that is toooo much!

I dont know the true reason why the "Disclosure" project does not give out the complete truth on this issue. Unless, they themselves, have a covert mision.

Dr Greer, are you a closet Mason?

I don't think they know the whole truth yet. Until they gather everyone who is behind the cover up no one will know the whole truth.


posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 11:44 AM

I don't think they know the whole truth yet. Until they gather everyone who is behind the cover up no one will know the whole truth.

Ah but Mr. Mulder you above all others should know that the truth is out there and as Albert Schweitzer once said "Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now - always."

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by ID

I don't think they know the whole truth yet. Until they gather everyone who is behind the cover up no one will know the whole truth.

Ah but Mr. Mulder you above all others should know that the truth is out there and as Albert Schweitzer once said "Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now - always."

That's true. I even have to convince Scully sometimes of what we've seen on our investigations.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 12:32 PM
Well... I posted a thread about the F-89 incident awhile ago... and we had some great replies to that... and I've often mentioned the various 'missing aircraft' situations that have occured over the years with UFOs... But I'm still not convinced such acts signify a completely hostile intent. No major attack has been launched on a human society, despite over 100 years of UFO sightings... and, certainly, any society that can travel between stars can also build weapons on the scale of atomic bombs.

So far as the abductees go... It's important to note that they are returned to their homes, with the apparent goal of not having traumatic memories (though this obviously isn't always a perfect process).

Now, and this may be the thousandth time I've stated this on the board... It's important to separate hype and internet lore, as well as almost mythic speculation, from what are known as reported facts. 'Facts' about alien plots or motives are nothing but speculation, as are descriptions, which many here take without question, that all the aliens are simply mindless clones or bio-engineered puppets.

Frankly, something IS occuring, but we often read things into it that don't exist. We conjure up alien motives with little evidence.. then act as if we know what they're up to for sure. We also demonize them.. prefering that aliens be literary or religious figures rather than living, conscious entities.

Now, some people go to the other extreme and make the aliens out to be their star brothers and all that... But, in those cases, they are still making the fatal error of being unobjective and more interested in easy explanations than a truth which, in the long run, may be beyond our capacity for understanding.

Just think about that.. we may bot be able, ever, to understand how they think, or if they see themselves as 'good' or 'bad'... or if they even have similar concepts. To make the aliens our token gods or demons, for sensationalistic effect, only, in the long run, keeps us from knowing them.

Yes... it PREVENTS us from knowing the truth, as they may very well be waiting until we are capable of not treating them as 'demons' before they actually come down.

My belief is that they are most likely scientists/explorers who are waiting to make contact until that time in which they feel that can land without being chased around with pitchforks.

[Edited on 29-8-2003 by onlyinmydreams]

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 07:31 PM
Hey guys! This is my first post here, but I've been following this site for 2 days now.

In my own scientific inquiry into the POSSIBLE nature, mind-set and ability of aliens, I have partly concluded that an atomic bomb would not survive inter-solar travel. Neutrinos have been known to de-stabilize atomic structure and render weapons grade nuclear material useless. Certainly, Prolonged exposure to neutrino space radiation will have this affect. Neutrinos almost always pass through matter and without an intense magnetic field for protection, Will even pierce into an alien craft. Lets not go into the: they have figured out free energy!

They could use resources gathered on earth to build nukes (or even nukes created by us as shown by the nuclear countdown/alien sighting incident in Russia), but who is to say that they are not hostile (to us) while also being interested in Earth as it is and not utterly destroyed. There is also the problem of projection of power over space. Not like they can haul anything they want anywhere they want.

And it is to be understood that they are no more evil then scientists experimenting on animals. Or Ozzy Osborne ripping heads off of cats( ok, ok, he is the Antichrist but still). Or pesticide sprayers that kill colonies of ants. With all these rumors of telekinetic powers, they are, of course, extremely intelligent, but they could also be more intelligent then, metaphorically speaking, we are to ants.

In the end it comes down to natural selection: who/what will be the group to dominate the universe and perhaps: the rightful society to thrive.

I am sure that any alien society will be looking out for his-self, him and his own interests. It is the only reason that an alien society would ever try to reach out into space and impose their own will on other species out there. And their own instincts will of course be of 1.)self-preservation 2.)fear. These things would be present in all living creatures that evolved (even aliens came from monkeys per to say)

P.S. :When I see an alien, I will also try to kill it.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 08:45 PM
I didn't mean to say that they used atom bombs, but that they had at least reached the stage in development where they knew what atom bombs were.

And, if they also know that neutrinos can disarm atomic weapons, why not disarm all of our nuclear weapons using the same principal?

The fact is that our bombs still work and that they have (if you believe 'they' exist) the ability to travel between stars. Thus, we have yet to be disarmed of our most powerful weapon, while they can easily match, and probably exceed, our best weapon. were they hostile, our weapons would either be disabled... or that same power control technology they used to cross all of those lightyears (perhaps over years... but, still, it takes a lot of raw energy to move a craft that far.. and perhaps even more energy to create an artificial 'wormhole' of some kind) would have been used to flatten us already.

Now, I don't (and this is purely conjecture) even think they're heavily armed. I think their ships only have what it takes to disable a fighter jet if the need arises... This is because I am convinced that they are essentially scouts or explorers. They have acted, fundamentally, in avery non-aggressive way...

..Were they hell-bent on conquest, all they would have to have done in the past was overide the airwaves and say something like "Resistance is futile. There is no God. Prepare to die..." and the earth's population would have destroyed itself. No shooting needed..

..But, even then, I see, though UFOs have been reported for over a 100 years, no vaporized military bases, no cleaves of ashen earth... No slave barges landing in Central Park to take us away... I see no attacks. If, anything, they would, were they bent on conquest, kept the cold war or WW2 going (divide and conquer).. as is, they have allowed the nation that won those struggles to grow and consolidate its power without interference.

As for abductions... The majority of abductees only remember bits and pieces of their abduction. Details concerning torturous experiments are added latter during 'memory recovery' via hypnosis -- a process which opens itself up to suggestive fantasies. Also, were the aliens truly villains, no abductee would ever have been returned.

As is, with comic book and scifi conventions left aside, it appears that the aliens are doing little more than surbeying the Earth... and waiting for the moment when they won't be shot as 'demons' to land and make contact with the public.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 08:54 PM
Is it UFOs that are drying out the otherwise tasty Mesquite Chicken dinners all accross America?!

Is it UFOs that cause our young men to appear as recent HookWorm sufferers?!!!!!!


Destruction is all AROUND!


posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Springer
Is it UFOs that are drying out the otherwise tasty Mesquite Chicken dinners all accross America?!

Is it UFOs that cause our young men to appear as recent HookWorm sufferers?!!!!!!


Destruction is all AROUND!


Yeah, very clever.

Why belong to a conspiracy website if you're just going to make fun of what's discussed in it? BTW, you didn't figure out the puzzle the other day...

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 10:42 PM
OnlyInMyDreams, you bring up good points. I will try to answer some of your questions to the best of my ability.

Neutrinos are produced by a few different reactions in the universe: either fission and fusion as well as anti-neutrinos can be produced by anti-matter reactions. Simply put, they have no mass and no charge but are given off when a neutron decays. So, when anti-matter and matter collide corresponding with the destruction of both bodies, a neutrino is produced. Similar neutron construction, destruction and decay occurs in fission and fusion. If the aliens are using some of these reactions for energy, and in a 30 foot wide craft, lots of neutrinos are released and will destroy nuclear material and/or detonate it! Neutrinos can set off a nuclear reaction. There�s a theory that says that any occurrence and event is perfectly reversible. Boom--->neutrino -or- neutrino--->boom

The reason that our nuclear materials have not decayed to this point is that they are pretty new and have not yet been affected by that many neutrinos. This is why we need tests on nukes every so often: To see if they still work. There is even military interest for a neutrino generator that will be able to shoot neutrinos through the Earth and disable nuclear weapons.

Lets say that the aliens traveled 10,000 light years away and took a little greater then 10,000 years to get here. Any bomb they have would be, at the atomic level, screwed up!

It is just that in my opinion, they don�t have nuclear capabilities extended out to us. Their hack into a USSR missile silo didn�t even work. They can�t nuke us, Mwuahahah. Maybe I am just tricking myself into security when they really do have a button with �Earth destruction� written as its label.

�but, still, it takes a lot of raw energy to move a craft that FAR�

Moving through space doesn�t take the amount of energy you think (if I understand you correctly). 99.999% of �friction� in space is gravity and the farther you are from it, the less �friction� there is. It takes the same amount of energy to go x miles at y of light speed as it does to go x * infinity miles at y of light speed. The function of energy for travel is one of time (not of energy). This is assuming that the traveling object is in an area of little gravitational pull. Say, between galaxies.

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 01:19 AM
Pardon me, Manwith the Plan,
I wasn't clear before. What I meant to say was that travelling at near relativistic speeds required tremendous amounts of energy. Einstein predicts that,as you get closer to lightspeed, you will need more energy to keep accelerating. Now, I would never claim that the aliens are bound by the limits of human science. However, even if you factored in some unexplainable sort of 'artificial wormwhole'... however it may be constructed... that allowed aliens, somehow, to get around Einstein's laws... you would still end up with a civilization that was many times more powerful than our own. You see, I am not just making a scientific analysis, but a cultural-economic one. Certainly, any race that has embarked on an interstellar journey has developed an economy that can support such a mission. Such a race must have energy to spare... plus a developed space transport system... both tnings we have yet to achieve. It goes to reason, then, that a race that can conduct interstellar voyages is also ahead of us in an economic as well as scientific sense. That is... it is reasonable to assume that a race that is technologically and economically superior to us is also militarily superior to us.

And, so far as bombs go, like I said before, Springer, I don't believe that they are lugging A-bombs around. What i am saying is that, if you can fly between stars you have certainly also mastered forms of weaponry we have yet to discover.


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