a reply to:
Please let me say that my concerns are absolutely nothing do to with race or actual culture.
I have been there when you have been given orders to do something which you detested. How many people can say they have had to see human cultural
hatred like a soldier?
Being a soldier you see the great and the absolute worst in human kind. I saw some great things which put a tear to my eye, the one thing a soldier
dose not comprehend is being that role model. They hardest thing I saw was young children looking up to us, we are the role models, the actions we
have and do impact their lives.
What I did and what I do impacts the lives of them young children, I was a father without having the partner.
No soldier can prepare that, the horrors of the things I actually saw is nothing compared to the horrors of the memories or thoughts of what I
actually left,
Them kids see what you do and I want to copy, some soldiers are monsters, some are like me nice people.
It was nice to see kids making the most out of a situation which others would call distraught. Kids playing in rubble, kids playing in dust. Let me
tell you all now! You may be judgemental but it's all or nothing,
I was an infantry soldier and I felt like a dad, a social worker, a gardsman and more. You feel and know you have a duty to protect, but protect who?
I actually met some great people.... People..... That's the thing, when your in a war torn country it's people you trust. It's not religion. When I
was there I genuinely did not care about, black, white, brown, green, yellow or purple.
But what we are seeing is a classic situation or the art of war... Read up yourselves about that.
The brainwashing on both sides is appalling, These dictators should be hung as they are not part of the society we have. They don't have the sleepless
nights we have. What I care about is the people of my country. They are about to see a war which is new, and politicians don't know how to deal with
it hence the brush under the carpet.
The emotional baggage I saw and experienced should deserve more than the just above minimum wage we got. I saw grown men cry due to conditions and
implications of what we experienced and saw.
I would love to think I left a positive impact on that town and in the children's lives, it's them children who will fight our children of today,
these people deserve so much from us..... And so do ours!
Sorry about that, I've seen both sides and its touchy to me. I'm fair but.... We are britians and it feels like we have lost our heritage... It's our
children in our home countries who will carry that on.
I do believe it will be our children who will lose everything within just a few generations of we are not careful.
Either side has been given orders which neither understand nor do they really actually comprehend. I just hope that soldier
This war is about to come and just watch, it will be hatred on both sides unfortunately due to media and internet
I will edit this as and when, I'm out at a family dinner at present but answer any questions
edit on 28-12-2015 by Johnella08 because: (no reason given)
edit on 28-12-2015 by Johnella08 because: (no reason
edit on 28-12-2015 by Johnella08 because: Have had a few beers.... It's Christmas lol. Seriously though, please excuse the