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Czech leader calls migrant wave in Europe an 'organised invasion'

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posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 05:03 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Just like the men that fought for my freedoms, my father, two uncles, my two grandfathers, my brother and my husband, I will fight for my country and like those in my family that died heroes in war I will died proudly too.

I don't need nobody to take me anywhere, no need for that.

How about you.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 05:08 PM
a reply to: CaptainBeno

History doesnt tell us anything about what you as an individual would do, just what others did. You're probably of an age where joining the regulars or reserves are an option if it's something you believe in.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 05:21 PM
a reply to: marg6043

Now is too late, if Britain doesn't ban Sharia completely they will become an Islamic country rule by majority within the next 50 years while the original population will live as minorities, as Islam is one of the faster growing religions in that country right now.

Not sure where you get your facts from but they are false. The UK census (undertaken every 10 years) release of 2011 does not support this.

The question used in the 2011 census – what is your religion? -– was the the only voluntary question and 7% of people chose not answer it. The census figures show us that 34% of under-fives were recorded as having no religion – a higher percentage than in the general population. In fact, there were more children aged 0-4 recorded in the census data as "religion not stated" than those that were Muslim.

Is it true there is a 'startling' rise in the birthrate of British Muslims?

The UK Muslim population should be kept out of the political arena if they are going to use twisted statistics.

edit on 27-12-2015 by deliberator because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: marg6043

You questioning my patriotism? Or my level of bravery?

I'm pretty sure you don't know what you would do in certain situations - but it's always pretty easy to claim whatever makes you look best under the circumstances

Then we all loving freedom humans will become the refugees to be taken by countries that will have us and that still will have some respect for freedoms and democracy.

The irony.

You said this. I asked you a question. Are you afraid to answer it: If you were a refugee Marge - why should anybody ever take you in?

Are you saying refugees are all cowards? Were the people that left Cuba cowards? Hungary? Viet Nam? The list is very long...

During the First World War the refugee emerged as a liminal figure who threatened social stability partly by virtue of the sheer number of displaced persons, but also because the refugee was difficult to accommodate within conventional classification such as assigned people to a specific social class. Other kinds of disorder were also at stake. The crisis caught everyone by surprise and limited possibilities for political action that might contribute to further upheaval. The social upheaval did not end with the cessation of hostilities.

The magnitude of the wartime refugee crisis is difficult to establish with precision. It was characterised by multiple flows of human beings, and therefore an imaginary census at a given point in time would underestimate the real total of those who were displaced. Nevertheless, data from different countries suggest that at least 10 million people were displaced either internally or as a result of fleeing across an international frontier.


That conflict sent millions of Europeans fleeing the persecution, fighting, and poverty that came with it. The displacement began even before the war did, as the first signs of Nazi aggression pushed German residents and their neighbors—particularly Jews—to seek safety elsewhere. Migration continued throughout the war, as families left burned-out towns, children were sent to safer areas, and the scale of Nazi crimes increased. Even the return of peace saw a surge of refugees, with released prisoners as well as citizens of occupied Axis powers left wandering the continent.

All told, by some estimates, a total of about 60 million Europeans became refugees during the entire World War II period. According to the United Nations, a million people had yet to find a place to settle by 1951, more than five years after the fighting stopped.


Not all of those refugees were elderly, women or children - they were people fleeing a situation they couldn't turn around

You think those young men entering Europe stand a chance against what's going on in the Middle East now? They're not soldiers. They're as likely to be killed by (what we can only loosely call) allied bombing as they are by their own countrymen or ISIS

You would call them cowards? You can do that from the safety of your home - it doesn't make you brave

edit on 12/27/2015 by Spiramirabilis because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: marg6043

I have admiration for you and your family who have done the things they have said but.....

If I was planning an assault or an invasion like what we are seeing and this is in the thousands across multiple countries across all continents then I certainly would consider deploying a similar strategy,

It's a straight forward strategy which requires no relevant combat training or special selection process.

This is also peaceful which you don't have to select any special man but a man between 18 - 50 to breed with natives and start to breed them out. I have seen this first hand with friends I know who have got pregnant and were forced to adopt thier way of life. One lady I know was actually forced to wear a burka due his family religion, this lady was a white British lady! Forced to adapt to a religion, the lady I know did actually split up with that man but how is it right that these people try and change the people of our culture through force to their own religion.

It's unbelievable that no one can see this happening

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: CaptainBeno

Would you stay and fight for a corrupt Government fighting a more corrupt proxy army?

Do you think they are that naive to die (because the odds are stacked) for someone else's greed?

Run for the hills and don't look back.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: InMyShell

Two wrongs do not make a right and corruption will be around no matter what but even though our democracy is corrupt, the brutality of day to day life is nothing compared to what's going on over there.

Our children and families are safe with our bent political system.... For now anyway.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 05:44 PM
a reply to: Johnella08

One lady I know was actually forced to wear a burka due his family religion, this lady was a white British lady! Forced to adapt to a religion, the lady I know did actually split up with that man but how is it right that these people try and change the people of our culture through force to their own religion.

I think this woman was initially either:
a) naive and impressionable trying to please her husband
b) showing respect for her husband's family culture

You state that she left her husband which may suggest an abusive relationship which she ended.

I worked with a UK female mid 20s in Dubai. She started dating a Muslim guy and within a week she was reading a book called "How to become a Muslim".

Four weeks into the relationship a lifelong male friend came to visit her in Dubai. The new boyfriend forbid her from seeing him and guess what? She complied and was miserable for the whole week her male friend was there.

This is an emotionally weak , unbalanced individual giving her life up after knowing someone for 4 weeks. Emotionally balanced people would not even allow a person to dictate anything let alone do this after 4 weeks.

This is actually the real issue and yet you see it as a Muslim takeover?

edit on 27-12-2015 by deliberator because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: deliberator

Yes she actually left that man due to physical abuse should you know. What I'm saying is these people dictate to vulnerable women like my friend as their easier to manipulate and control.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 06:01 PM
I've heard the same rhetoric replacing the invaders for whatever the ethnic group was that was out of favour at the time. West Indians, Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Irish, Tamils, Polish, Romanians, now Syrians. Each time the threat was to the sacred British white woman that was going to end up breeding the indigenous British white man out of existence by having mixed babies.

Well it's been nearly 70 years since the Windrush and white Britons are still the overwhelmingly predominant ethnic group here. Maybe one day they'll realise how paranoid they were, how wrong they were about all of it and how easy it was to manipulate their fear for political capital.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 06:24 PM

This guy is a Real Man. He's trying to stand against the evil in this small insignificant rock we all live on to Inform the Idiots that walk around with their fingers in their ears yelling lalalalalalala.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 06:30 PM
Those who don't learn from History are Doomed to repeat it.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: awareness10

Powerful words!

I'm actually speechless for a change

This guy is right in what he has said, it's not just Islam at fault it's a human nature of which is greed. But yes we do have to stand up and fight for what we have before we realise what we have lost
edit on 27-12-2015 by Johnella08 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 06:52 PM
a reply to: Spiramirabilis

Questioning ones patriotism or affiliations is fear game. You ask me I ask you.

And for me I am not refugee I am an American citizen right now, rather died defending for what I believe than running away defeated.

So asking me if I were a refugee well I am not, so is nothing to answer.

The British and EU problem now with the Islamic refuges is an invasion plain and simple and as such should be approached by the governments affected.

Islam and terrorism is the danger facing the world in this time and age.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: Johnella08

You can equally apply this to vulnerable women in non-Muslim abusive relationships. In fact I would guess the statistics would show this as more common.

When you say "these people" are you inferring that all Muslims are controlling and manipulative or controlling, manipulating individuals who happen to Muslim?

You state that you have friends who are pregnant which proves Muslims interbreeding with intent. How many friends do you have that are pregnant due to Muslim partners?

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 06:59 PM
a reply to: Johnella08

I agree with you 100% the art of war does no means weapons to destroy the enemy with violence, when you see refugees that stay within themselves establishing their own communities and away from the society that is already established in the countries they are migrating too, keeping their own supposedly oppressive way of life that they swear to be running away from and pushing for others to change their way of life to accommodate for the ones they have you know that is all and agenda.

Plain and simple.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 07:02 PM
a reply to: marg6043

The British and EU problem now with the Islamic refuges is an invasion plain and simple and as such should be approached by the governments affected.

The UK is taking 10, 000 refugees from Syrian refugee camps (ie not economic migrants) over 5 years. I would hardly call that an invasion.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 07:06 PM
a reply to: deliberator

The UK already have second and third generations of Muslims and I am sure you know very well how they are doing this days.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 07:11 PM
a reply to: awareness10

He's got Stockholm Syndrome and is still being used as a pawn, he's just not smart enough to see it.

He's not a real man just because he's happy to receive a condescending pat on the head.

posted on Dec, 27 2015 @ 07:18 PM
a reply to: deliberator

10,000 really!

Yes 10,000 on paper but look around you, have you not seen how many are here now?

This is an article from a local new paper from my area and 20% of people consider themselves to have no English link. If you ever visit my local town Brighton then you will see how multicultural it is now but it has started to become a take over.

The Brighton and hove census from 2001 says that less then 5% of people have no English link. 15% rise in 11 years!

My job wage has not gone up that much in that time ffs

My local town has changed and changed massively and it's not just my town it's most nowadays, when my children have children I would dred to think what this world is going to be like.

I would like to add that this article stats

"One in five residents in Brighton and Hove were born outside England."


edit on 27-12-2015 by Johnella08 because: (no reason given)

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