posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 11:53 AM
I had posted this in another obscure thread on ATS, so here goes:
1. The first mass shooting for 2016 will be so botched by Obama's logistic group that even Scott Pelley, as liberal as he is, will say WTF??? on live
2. Extraterrestrials will finally communicate with us from outside the moon's orbit and we won't like what they have to say.
3. Liquid and solid fueled rockets will become obsolete when anti-gravity technology is revealed.
4. Something will happen to both Clinton and Trump and they will leave the election process, our next president will be a female, possibly Nikki Haley
(not sure about that one).
5. Most oil companies will go bankrupt as gas prices continue to fall as low a 29 cents a gallon.
6. The war in Ukraine never happens because the US state department people that are running it all die in a plane crash.
7. Iran becomes more involved in the UN, allowing all UN nuclear inspectors to inspect every square inch of the country. They will also call for
inspections of Israel by the UN. It won't be pretty.
8. Syria gives control of the air, coast and ground to Russia. Turkey is proven to be funding and supplying ISIL. Russia performs surgical air strikes
on Turkey and takes out Erdogan and Davutoglu. ISIL is destroyed and the US cries bloody murder, but does nothing. Syria is saved at great cost, but
gradually builds back.
9. The war in Saudi Arabia ends with the death of the insurgent leadership and their defunding. With no fuel, ammo, and good vehicles, they simply
walk away.
10. Evil in the US Government becomes endangered. Illegal contributions are identified and stopped. Half the US congress and Senate are indicted.