posted on Dec, 26 2015 @ 11:01 PM
I've been to both the kinds of parties that were more about celebrating family, the ties that bind/ even if it isn't perfect, you leave and your car
is full of @#/& or your life is whatever it is, like I had some friends who did this, celebrated with family and then celebrated pagan perspective or
traditions "later.."
Its about family, there is "christmas spirit" about, its what you'd call nice but not formal, but its definately "about christmas." Sometimes its
very informal, depends.
And then there's church gatherings for those that respect upholding of tradition and well everyone knows about that.
And then there's also the kind of parties where its "holidays, festivus, whatever," as someone else termed it, where I think its more about
socializing/meeting people, hanging out with a general sense of I guess, "holiday cheer." None of this, of course says anything about what individual
people be"LIEEEVE" I only put this in quotes because its kind of impossible...
Anyways all in good fun, all in good fun.
>Inserts paganistic chest beating fire dancing war music here. Leaves.