Was the Christian movement an actual holy movement for life continuance on Earth as a new spiritual review?
Why was a world community involved in the War?
Muslims along with the English, both attacked previously by the Roman Empire suddenly conspired as a War to uphold the holiness of Land....why?
What was the ancient conspiracy about regarding the Christian movement...a movement that demonstrates that it belonged to an ancient religious
accounting involving holy personages...such as Christ and Mohammed, when preceding religious documents did not support either of these Deities?
What is a holy person, other than a Deity explanation of Creation itself?
The conspiracy of the Christian movements involves several observations.
1. that Rome defended their own ancient Deity worship....the explanation of Creation previously an anima religion review.
2. that Rome murdered the followers and teachings of the Christ/Christian movement.
What religious deity worship was considered to precede the Christian movement itself? It was the Deity/Creator concept of the anima or Satanic
What was the new religious deity worship considering?
To worship the human life as a new consideration of spiritual purpose.
What conspired between the 2 different proposals of the satanic forms of Deity worship to the human life worship of spirit?
To review the ancient conspiracy is to therefore review the conditions of the Satanic practice....what was the Satanic practice?
The Satanic practice reveals that it was occultism or ancient science....the use and application of alchemical converting methods and teachings.
Therefore the 2 conditions reveal that ancient spiritual practices involved 2 different forms of thinking.
The spiritual thinker, was the Christian who observed the sanctity of human life, the human spirit, the heavenly holiness.
The occultist thinker, was the worshipper of the anima Deity....the Satanic practices that involved scientific conversions and the corruption of both
the Heavenly body and the Earth body.
Is the religious ideal true to the condition of its teachings...spirit?
The answer to this question is to review the human experience and the human experience demonstrates that spirit manifestation is true and real to the
experience. The amount of human life affected by spiritual manifestation is huge, as is the amount of experiences themselves.
Does the ancient conspiracy therefore involve secrets and brotherhoods relating to the condition of forming the Holy War?
The review by scholars who investigated these theories have proved true, for ownership of life was a subject of an ancient deceit....the building of
civilization and the formation of its practices...invention and sciences.
We have always been considered to be owned by the owners of civilization, including our spiritual practice...our spiritual beliefs and our spiritual
What is conspiracy itself, other than a practice of human elitism, performing tactics to cause us to be abused.
Did the ancient life demonstrate that it had been abused spiritually? The answer is of course, the conspiracy of life has always been active on
Planet Earth as many different forms of abuses.
The Holy War was simply another conspiracy acted out for public consideration.
A brotherhood formed that considered their order...Christianity held a holy purpose, for since when is any war fought other than for a condition?
Why would a Muslim community be involved in a Christian movement....and why would an older anima religious following in England also suddenly believe
in the Christian movement....especially when the overthrowers of both communities still practiced the ancient anima religious belief their own
It could only be considered to be spiritually motivated, and the reason against occultist practice is spiritual attack.
Satanism or animism involves the conjuring of evil spirits.
What does the modern spiritual attack provide us with as evidence?
UFO manifestation, followed by meteor fall out and also spiritual attacks.
Therefore the actual conspiracy demonstrates that an ancient spiritual realization was involved in convincing different racial believers to be
involved in an overthrow of life on Earth by evil spirit manifestations, and to prevent the Holy Land from its spiritual corruption.
What many of us have not considered was the review regarding why Land Holdings were religiously considered to be Holy....for why would a Muslim
community who believed in their own Deity...Mohammed want to overthrow the birthplace of a Christian Deity?
What really conspires about the Land around Jerusalem to be claimed as a holy birthplace? Or a sacred birthplace worthy of fighting for?
When we review the ancient considerations of occultist practice, the occult practice belonged to Egypt...Giza Pyramid and the Temple scheme.
The Muslim community by historical review held a huge following of scientific discovery and theory during this period.
What does the Holy Land advise us about?
When we review the landscape, it is obvious by review that the geology demonstrates that a huge eruption and change occurred in this vicinity in
ancient times.
Occultism demonstrates that it was valued as a spiritual concept of the holder/wielder of great powers, called the Ark of the Covenant and it was
considered to be a great secret by various religious orders.
We therefore consider that the Holy War was fought to keep the land safe in this area, for the communities must have demonstrated spiritual phenomena
was occurring due to occultist practices...science.
The only science spoken about in religious documents that related to great secrets was the Ark of the Covenant, and stories that define atomic or
nuclear considerations.
The Muslim followings that taught the respectful review of Christ as a consideration to Mohammed define in retrospect to consider plagues of animals,
human plagues and also natural disasters. Therefore we should consider what the ancients advised their own persons about....science and
occultism...the very reason why a War was considered to be Holy and spiritual.
We should therefore consider what the religious conspiracy reveals.
What was the unholy War attack on Planet Earth as a spiritual consideration, worthy of fighting for as different religious beliefs?
1. that predictions were involved as a prophetic calculation of spiritual attack.
2. the calculations were observations of science....manifested UFO conditions.
3. the predictions and calculations that observed the UFO manifestations demonstrated that the manifestations conferred with plague inheritances and
also natural disaster activations.
4. these considerations would be considered as an attack on the holy spirit itself, the holy human life, the holy Earth and holy heavenly body.
Islam- Mohammed condemns idolatry by emphasizing the existence of a single powerful God, who has created and who maintains heaven and earth: but he
condemns still more emphatically the vices born of idolatry, namely, covetousness, greed, and injustice to one's neighbor; and he recommends prayer
and the giving of alms as a means of purifying the spirit and of being justified at the divine judgment.
The Muslim prophetic attack on their community.
The Battle of Badr (Arabic: غزوة بدر), fought on Tuesday, 13 March 624 CE in the Hejaz region of western Arabia (present-day Saudi
Meteor shower of bolides - meteors that explode in the AIR/ATMOSPHERE
What is the HOLY WAR?
The tradition of being notified of UFO activity.....the spiritual WAR of SATAN...or fall out and UFO activity itself/science/occultism.
Was the Muslim community attacked by Satanic fallout? Yes by spiritual observation it is determined to be true.
Was the Land holdings therefore considered sacred and holy....of course it would, the only reason that life exists.
Therefore we should all consider that the Holy War as a realized spiritual attack, was fought for true spiritual purpose and was not by evidence
fought for religion itself.....it was fought to save the life of spirit on Planet Earth.