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The Legend of the Goatman, my personal experience.

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posted on Dec, 30 2015 @ 07:44 PM

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: LSU0408

My house is haunted as well. I actually have learned to cover for the ghost in order to not freak my wife out...who is easily freaked out.."yes honey that was me talking to myself in the back-room" "that was just me knocking on a wall" etc. I think she knows I lie, but it is preferable to her to believe me rather than completely freak out.

The only time I myself got freaked out was when we heard clear whispering and a chuckle over the baby monitor while my wife and I were lying in bed. That had me bursting into the nursery with my sword errant bullets near babies..I am usually OK with ghost stuff, but that night still gives me the chills. When the kids were younger they would talk in detail about a couple different "friends" that would visit them at night. Even drew some of them was bald with pointy ears and my daughter said it's head would poke up through the floor up and down and play "peek-a-boo" with her at night. My sister and mother were cooking in the kitchen one thanksgiving about 15 years ago and a salt shaker flew through the air between them and cracked a window. That was the only time we had something near poltergiestish..The rest is just noise and harmless mischief and not very often. I have had guests "see people" sometimes...always the same two a woman with flowing white dress usually turning a corner, the other a midget or "little person" dressed formally. Not much activity in recent years though. Oh...and there is a whistler...strange, creepy tune usually late on summer nights..that freaks me out and has caused me to do room to room searches and around the house with my .45 ...last time I heard the whistler maybe 2 years ago. I was alone heard the tune being whistled outside and went out in the yard (surrounded by woods) walked around the house and then heard the whistling again from back inside the house..Not faint either, but clear, whistling of a creepy tune. That had me breathing hard going room to room.

That whistler thing is seriously creeping me out! I am working through the fourth of the Missing 411 books (Paulides), ,and some reports of whistling were made by searchers in some cases. Whistling for which large search parties never found a source.... Add in the cases of people reporting "people" in or behind bushes, and it gets creepier! Whistling would really bother me as well.

Never saw a flying salt shaker, but I did see one of those heavy glass Coke bottles fly up off a counter before shattering, and nearly sending my sister through the ceiling in shock.

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 12:41 AM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: LSU0408

My house is haunted as well. I actually have learned to cover for the ghost in order to not freak my wife out...who is easily freaked out.."yes honey that was me talking to myself in the back-room" "that was just me knocking on a wall" etc. I think she knows I lie, but it is preferable to her to believe me rather than completely freak out.

The only time I myself got freaked out was when we heard clear whispering and a chuckle over the baby monitor while my wife and I were lying in bed. That had me bursting into the nursery with my sword errant bullets near babies..I am usually OK with ghost stuff, but that night still gives me the chills. When the kids were younger they would talk in detail about a couple different "friends" that would visit them at night. Even drew some of them was bald with pointy ears and my daughter said it's head would poke up through the floor up and down and play "peek-a-boo" with her at night. My sister and mother were cooking in the kitchen one thanksgiving about 15 years ago and a salt shaker flew through the air between them and cracked a window. That was the only time we had something near poltergiestish..The rest is just noise and harmless mischief and not very often. I have had guests "see people" sometimes...always the same two a woman with flowing white dress usually turning a corner, the other a midget or "little person" dressed formally. Not much activity in recent years though. Oh...and there is a whistler...strange, creepy tune usually late on summer nights..that freaks me out and has caused me to do room to room searches and around the house with my .45 ...last time I heard the whistler maybe 2 years ago. I was alone heard the tune being whistled outside and went out in the yard (surrounded by woods) walked around the house and then heard the whistling again from back inside the house..Not faint either, but clear, whistling of a creepy tune. That had me breathing hard going room to room.

That whistler thing is seriously creeping me out! I am working through the fourth of the Missing 411 books (Paulides), ,and some reports of whistling were made by searchers in some cases. Whistling for which large search parties never found a source.... Add in the cases of people reporting "people" in or behind bushes, and it gets creepier! Whistling would really bother me as well.

Never saw a flying salt shaker, but I did see one of those heavy glass Coke bottles fly up off a counter before shattering, and nearly sending my sister through the ceiling in shock.

Yes. The whistling might be my most disturbing encounter. Mostly because I thought it was someone in the woods near my house messing with me. Went outside and made a full circle of the house with flashlight and gun, peering into the woods and then convinced myself I didn't hear it ...I took a deep breath and thought somehow it was just my imagination..then clear as day I heard the next few notes of the bar of the tune come from inside the house behind me and I realized I left the door wide open when I circled the house. My hair was pretty much standing up and I could hear myself breathing loud. I forced myself back into the house doing a room to room search and found no one. Didn't sleep much that night.

I didn't see the salt shaker thing...heard it hit the window though and my mom and sister were freaked out.

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

I'll add this...maybe 20 years ago when I bought the house, I had a housewarming party. We had a fire out back and a few friends. One of my friends arrived and asked who the "little person" was...aka midget. I asked what he was talking about and he said he saw a little person standing on the porch smiling at him as he walked from the driveway to the backyard. We laughed at him. Maybe 6 years later we ripped out some walls in the attic to put in a dormer and found a glass plate negative in the wall from the 1920's of a little person, dressed well and smiling at the camera...showed it to my friend who said he saw the guy years earlier and he turned pasty white and sweaty saying it was the same person. I took the glass negative to a photo shop for a print and have the picture framed in my kitchen..actually my wife makes me keep it under the kitchen sink..

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 01:34 AM

originally posted by: Indigo5
Yes. The whistling might be my most disturbing encounter. Mostly because I thought it was someone in the woods near my house messing with me. Went outside and made a full circle of the house with flashlight and gun, peering into the woods and then convinced myself I didn't hear it ...I took a deep breath and thought somehow it was just my imagination..then clear as day I heard the next few notes of the bar of the tune come from inside the house behind me and I realized I left the door wide open when I circled the house. My hair was pretty much standing up and I could hear myself breathing loud. I forced myself back into the house doing a room to room search and found no one. Didn't sleep much that night.

I didn't see the salt shaker thing...heard it hit the window though and my mom and sister were freaked out.

Egads! I don't think I'd have slept, either! Not that I sleep much at night, anyway, lol! That's seriously freaky!! Something's messing with you there. Don't know your beliefs, but making it clear that isn't welcome isn't a bad idea. Whistling in the woods....then in your house. *shiver*

The Coke bottle, I saw. Dad at work, Mom and brother in the living room, and sister at the kitchen table, with all three in my line of sight. I was in the hallway, petting the cat. My sister had her back to the counter, both hands on a book. I glanced up, no idea why, and saw the bottle move, going up a little, from a goof foot from the edge, then dropping HARD on the floor, and shattering. My poor sister was like a cat in a cartoon, almost clinging to the ceiling, she was so surprised. No way anyone there moved that bottle. We had other weird stuff then, too. One morning, my mom found ice trays in the sink, half filled with tea, for example. Another time, my dad's dentures were in the kitchen, and no one ever messed with those.

Your whistler, though.....seriously creepy. Be careful.

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 01:38 AM

originally posted by: Indigo5
a reply to: LadyGreenEyes

I'll add this...maybe 20 years ago when I bought the house, I had a housewarming party. We had a fire out back and a few friends. One of my friends arrived and asked who the "little person" was...aka midget. I asked what he was talking about and he said he saw a little person standing on the porch smiling at him as he walked from the driveway to the backyard. We laughed at him. Maybe 6 years later we ripped out some walls in the attic to put in a dormer and found a glass plate negative in the wall from the 1920's of a little person, dressed well and smiling at the camera...showed it to my friend who said he saw the guy years earlier and he turned pasty white and sweaty saying it was the same person. I took the glass negative to a photo shop for a print and have the picture framed in my kitchen..actually my wife makes me keep it under the kitchen sink..

I'd make you burn it, so she's more tolerant than me!! Wow....that is wild. Only "little person" story I can share is that my dad said he saw someone small near the house once, like at a corner in the back, nowhere anyone would normally be. The way he talked, was more like "leprechaun" sort than just a midget, or whatever the correct term is these days, though. He didn't feel like it was just some wandering small person. Lots of cultures have stories of races of small people, so you have to wonder!

Regular small people, no issues! Heck, a favorite Game of Thrones character is small. No spoilers, though - only partway through season 3 here! Love that character, though!! Really hope they don't kill him!

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: LadyGreenEyes

The Coke bottle, I saw. Dad at work, Mom and brother in the living room, and sister at the kitchen table, with all three in my line of sight. I was in the hallway, petting the cat. My sister had her back to the counter, both hands on a book. I glanced up, no idea why, and saw the bottle move, going up a little, from a goof foot from the edge, then dropping HARD on the floor, and shattering.

I am usually a skeptic of TV programs but here was a ghost hunting program from a few years back that shows a brick being moved that I always felt compelling.
edit on 31-12-2015 by Indigo5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Yessah, December 19, 1997...

posted on Dec, 31 2015 @ 05:32 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Never been sure if I trust that those guys are honest or not. The Ghost Hunters, mostly, I think. Those guys? Hard to say. Haven't watched much of them, so can't say just yet.

The brick is interesting, though in a dark setting like they all use, how can we really know? Way too easy to fake. Heck, I could make fake videos that looked like that!

I tend to be somewhat skeptical, but I have seen enough that I won't just outright dismiss claims, either. Now and then, even on the worst of such shows, there is something that feels real.

If that was a real brick, it moved awfully fast.

The one show piece that got to me was in a Destination Truth, in some European forest, where the guy was pulled through the air. That, I know, could have been faked, but it didn't feel it. He seemed genuinely scared. I can't find the video, but the show recap is here - link

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Indigo5

Now that's creepy! I have Tiptoe Through the Tulips stuck in my head now...

Remember how I was telling you about the woman giving an evil look to my exes kid's friend?

Ok, I was at my neighbor's house a couple days ago and I mentioned the story about the little kid... She said that about 30 years ago, she seems to remember something about a woman and her child coming up missing. They'd lived in that house. I hadn't said a word about the woman giving the evil looks before she told me that either.

posted on Jan, 4 2016 @ 01:19 PM
FWIW, I finally realized how to post pictures. Here is the hand print I found on my bathroom mirror.

posted on Jan, 15 2016 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: LSU0408

Wow! Just Wow! I am Canadian but I lived in Louisiana before.
Beautiful as most the cemeteries are, pretty brave of you to bump uglies in one.
Some of my co-workers claimed the same thing during 1990-93.

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