People often think that freedom has something to do with privacy. It does not.
Being watched doesn't stop you from being free to do what you want to do. What matters the most is whether or not the eye that is watching is good or
evil and what the consequences are from being watched (if a man is being watched and steals but suffers no consequences from it, then what? but if a
man is being watched and steals and suffers consequence from it, then what?).
Because who cares if there are camera's set up on every street corner... except the person who wants to hide something? And why does that person want
to hide? Perhaps because they want to do something sneaky(commit a crime)? Otherwise being watched while you cross the street doesn't stop you from
crossing that street. Being watched while you eat doesn't stop you from eating out or even stop you from farting. Being watched while you shower,
well maybe that might feel a little embarrassing at first lol but, it won't stop you from showering. We're all stinky human bodies that value good
hygiene(a lot of us anyway?) and it ain't no crime to be human.
So yeah, privacy has nothing to do with your freedom to live, sing badly, do jumping jacks, dream loud, and etc. After all, what is GOD, who see's
all? And does his all seeing ability stop people from being who they are and living their lives? I think not. Religious people have no problem
believing in an All Seeing Eye of God but then maybe that's because God doesn't really give you evidence of being watched or immediate consequences
for your actions(the consequences come in the after-life, which I think is part of some evil scheme to get us to endure the stench of our own feces
for as long as possible).
It is in this fashion that I sense only those who don't want to be seen due to their naughty acts will cry the loudest when this kind of surveillance
is implemented.
I've thought a LOT about this, and I continue to do so because it's a subject that has touched my personal life... and I'm babbling a lot and I know
lots of people won't like what I have to say but basically, I really think it depends on the eye that is watching. And I am a growing fan of an all
seeing eye that is just and fair and good. A real one that will deliver fair consequences. I think it WILL reduce crime rates, if done correctly,
and I'm a fan of that.
I liken it to living in a household full of people and keeping watch over all people in that household in order to make sure that things are good (a
parent going through a teenagers stuff, and etc). It can be likened to how a workspace has camera's, which keep the workers and the employers safe,
not only safe from one another but also safe from outsiders as well. But it all really depends on who's the head of the household and if they are
good or not. And of you don't like the household you're in, then get out, or start a rebellion, or whatever.
And... I'm sorry if this is really redundant.
edit on 21-12-2015 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)