posted on Jan, 6 2005 @ 11:23 AM
Currently I'm using Adobe Photoshop CS, I even have a book for it around tells you how to do a bunch of cool things and theres allways I really like that site
I got more ^_^ my obsession with the Phantom of the Opera movie lives on , and I have good news I can watch the Phantom of the Opera movie at home now
^_^ dont ask how I got it, my brother got it for me, he has connections
But ya UK, I like that one too, I was fiddling around with the background and I saw that so I was like "Dang...gotta keep that for the background
Here are my new Phantom of the Opera ones:
and the last one
please excuse me while I got watch Phantom of the Opera (again XD) while eating my MC Donalds Chicken Ceaser Salad (I know I know its bad for me but
it tastes good ^_^)