posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 05:39 AM
Firstly, I'd like this to be a thread about the pictures and reenactment of those pictures and not the whole Civil War debate. Someone wants to start
a thread about what they said, fine, but can we just keep this on track?
Absolutely stunning. While many of the photographs look like they are from the '50's and '60's - that is the 1950-60's - they are still stunning.
The first image they turned from b&w to color simply made my jaw drop.
This isn't the crappy colorized movies of old, this is done well. Much of it is still re-enactors - how does one spell that word? - doing what they
do but with a little cgi here and there to enhance what they are doing. Plus, they take some scenes and turn them into near exact replicas, moving
replicas. Not anything important, for the most part, but still nice scenes from days of yore. Like the people going to the first Bull Run.
Pretty impressive and really cool to see some of what they did. I hope this is done with more of the photographs taken during that time.