posted on Dec, 19 2015 @ 12:06 AM
I'm going to be offline (by choice) until January 5th so as to avoid all Star Wars spoilers lol. May sound silly, but already had one small plot
point spoiled, and I'm really looking forward to the novelization (unable to see the film itself unfortunately) so I figured discretion was the
better part of valor!
Normally I'd post a "for those alone during the holidays" or take part in an existing topic along the same lines, but since I'll be offline just
wanted to take the opportunity to say:
Sincere wishes for health, happiness, wellness, and fulfillment in whatever form that may best take for you for the Winter season, regardless
of what if anything you celebrate or believe. Take care. Stay warm. Stay healthy if possible. And to those suffering or struggling, my absolute best
wishes for what it's worth.