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Divide, Conquer, and Control Strategy

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posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 01:44 PM
When the news, media, politicians, celebrities, "act"-tivists, and events in the world make you feel cut-off, separate, or better than others based upon political or religious affiliations and ideas,...
- race, skin color, ethnicity, tribe, or family-descent,...
- nationality, village, city, state, region, or neighborhood upbringing,...
- education, intellect, profession, talent, skill set, or interests,...
- gender, physical appearance, or attractiveness,...
- wealth, clothes, shoes, jewelry, vehicle, house, material attainment, status, social class, or caste,...
- sexual preference or lifestyle choices that cause no harm to others,...

PLEASE oh PLEASE ignore and reject the agenda to divide us through distrust, loathing, hate, and conceit!!! Instead, strive toward Love, Compassion, Understanding, Acceptance, Brotherhood, Unity, and Reconciliation!

It has gotten so incredibly absurd that we even judge, separate, and deplore people based upon music preference and sport team following!

Remember, we are all different for a reason. If we were meant to be, think, and act the same, we would never have manifested as individuals from the Singularity, Source, or God. When division and separation arise, overcome and transcend it through Love; it is the only way.

Peace. Love. One.

edit on 12/15/15 by Sahabi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

Yep, they're doing a damn good job of making us hate each other. George Orwell was a prophet.

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

Official Washington’s anti-Russian “group think” is now so dominant that no one with career aspirations dares challenge it, a victory for “obscure” government bureaucrats, like Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, as Jonathan Marshall explains.

By Jonathan Marshall Too bad they have such a large bull horn with the MSM and are able to blast the masses 24/7 ...To me it's become a sort of white noise but when I let some of the rhetoric filter in , I get sick ....Not because I believe them but because there are so many that do ...

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 02:06 PM
a reply to: the2ofusr1

I watched the 'National Treasure' movies starring Nicholas Cage yesterday. At the end of the second movie, the president showed Nick tomorrow's headlines on a newspaper.

I think that pretty much sums it up.

We are on a predetermined path to think what they want us to think.

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

It has gotten so incredibly absurd that we even judge, separate, and deplore people based upon music preference and sport team following!

I'm going to print that and stick in the rear window of my car.

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

We are on a predetermined path to think what they want us to think.
True for the most part but , there is a growing body of internet readers and posters showing a different side to things . It's not Main Stream but it does have what seems to be a larger audience that cross editorial censorship . Take little Qutar over there in the ME ....did you know ...

When Qatar received its independence from Britain in 1971, its population was a meagre 100,000. Fifty years or so later, its population has ballooned to nearly 2.2 million, but only 275,000 are actual Qataris. The rest are not migrants, they are not going to be integrated in the population as fully fledged citizens, they are simply hired expats on contracts, performing different tasks, and when they finish their work, they return to their homes.

In the few centuries leading up to its independence, successive Qatari emirs have engaged in fierce battles with rulers of Bahrain and the Wahhabis of Najd (to become later on Saudi Arabia). The Al-Thani family took the throne by the mid nineteenth century, and they continue to do so today.

It's pieces like that that tells way more then many volumes of history books could ...So if I wanted to show someone tomorrows head line it might say something to the effect that Turkey is opening a Military base in Qutar ... It might sound reasonable seeing the one they were trying to open in Iraq doesn't seem like its going to happen ..

posted on Dec, 15 2015 @ 03:49 PM
a reply to: Sahabi

It has gotten so incredibly absurd that we even judge, separate, and deplore people based upon music preference and sport team following!

The cool hip thing to do now is to self identify yourself by your personal preferences,tastes and than to voluntarily advertise that into the international information database for everyone to see.

What doesn't help fix the divide is the craze behind social media sites like Twitter,Facebook and Tumblr.
edit on 15-12-2015 by NateTheAnimator because: grammatical error

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: Sahabi

Divide, Conquer, and Control Strategy

If we are to do anything about this we have to inform people that the end of goal of divide and conquer strategy is to
Conquer and Control.

it might sound patently obvious but some people just don't see it and has to be pointed out them.

Having said that I would hate to think we ended up like Muslims who seek to be clones of each other even to the extent of wearing identical clothes and having beards and have their lives governed by some run-away-success mind control program.

edit on 16-12-2015 by Azureblue because: z

posted on Dec, 16 2015 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: Wide-Eyes

George Orwell was a prophet.

well, he did get a "little" bit of help....

But there is an interesting back story of how Animal Farm came to be made that most people are probably unaware of: The most famous British animated film ever made was in fact financed by the American CIA in an effort to encourage a negative view of the Soviet Union.

In 1951, using American taxpayer dollars, the CIA’s Office of Policy Coordination carried out obtaining the rights to the book from Sonia Orwell, the author’s widow, in an operation run by future Watergate criminal E. Howard Hunt. Two members of the Psychological Warfare Workshop staff who were working in undercover in Hollywood made the arrangements. To thank Mrs. Orwell, the CIA arranged for her to meet actor Clark Gable.

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