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List of ALL Medical Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer

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posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 05:59 AM
a reply to: namelesss

there is a corrilation between vaciations and cancer so as long as they give vaccinations you'll find a lot more cancer in society regardless of treatments. Plus there's a gazillion other poisons we get subjected to from diet soft drinks to fast food, to smoking etc etc. So as people get cancer then they try and source out a solution. Most turn to there family dr who winds who probably points them in the wrong direction. They get chemo and radiation and the cancer gets worse. I know someone who has cancer right now. i told them what to do but as far as I know they ahven't done it. Last I heard they were on oxygen and getting worse. But what can I do I told them about 5 times to try weed but they're stupid. They don't think outside the box. So they end up a victim of msm.
edit on 30-1-2016 by lavatrance because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 06:20 AM

originally posted by: lavatrance
a reply to: namelesss

there is a corrilation between vaciations and cancer so as long as they give vaccinations you'll find a lot more cancer in society regardless of treatments.

Citation needed.

posted on Jan, 30 2016 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: GetHyped


..."Yes I'd like to order, could I please get a heaping plate of Chemo, like a lot of chemo, like dripping off the plate, and could I get a side of radiation with that. And make it snappy I want to check out of this life as fast as possible!!!"

edit on 30-1-2016 by lavatrance because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 1 2016 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: lavatrance

Absolutely and unequivocally unfounded. There is no correlation between vaccinated and vaccinated.

A well preserved 2700 year old body of a Russian woman was found to have died of cancer...

In fact, if you take lung cancer out of the equation (hello smoking), cancer rates have been steady since they started being tracked, about 200 deaths per 100k people.

To think there is a correlation to vaccines is anti vaccine propaganda.

Edit, I didn't even mention the high rate of cancer among indigenous peoples of places like Australia, many of whom NEVER get vaccinated and live in remote areas. They have high rates of cervical cancer (preventable) among women and prostrate cancer among men. The thought process is they may have high rates from passing genetic disorders, diseases or high exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
edit on 1-2-2016 by raymundoko because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2016 @ 05:22 AM
Saw this.. thought it was relevent..

I don't condone drugs, alcohol or tobacco.. but somewhere in the word this plant is useful.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 06:43 AM
the fact that marijuana is a plant and not a drug makes our laws even more insane

terrence mckenna said it best , marijuana is not a drug its a natural plant that can provide a whole host of benefits to mankind
as a psychoactive as a relaxant etc etc

Drugs are combinations of chemicals which are derived from natural plants.
to say marijuana is a drug is wrong !

Even more insane is that '___' is illegal and its made in your body , so essentially we are all manufacturing and holding a class A , schedule 1 drug in our brains !
so why arent we all locked up ?

ridiculous the fact that we all supposedly live in a democracy and we have governments telling us what we can and cant do with our own mind and bodies is absurd!

Democracy in this sense means nothing if we are not free to explore our own consciousness then its a fallacy

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 08:51 AM
a reply to: sapien82

You do realize most drugs are made from natural plants right? That's an idiotic argument.

posted on Feb, 4 2016 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: raymundoko
a reply to: sapien82

You do realize most drugs are made from natural plants right? That's an idiotic argument.

I guess you missed the part of his post where he explained the difference?

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 03:04 PM
a reply to: IslandOfMisfitToys

He's didn't describe the difference. Opium is not a mix of chemicals...

Almost all hard drugs come from a natural plant. The plant may be processed down but nothing else is added.

posted on Feb, 5 2016 @ 03:42 PM
a reply to: ColdChillin

I remember seeing when you first posted this topic, great collection of sources.

I am slowly wondering if the possibility that we do not have a cure is that those above us, wish us to die. As just thinking about having a cure would mean hardly any deaths. Yes there is many more diseases we face on a daily basis and yes there is many things that could and can kill us but of recent cancer is spreading and becoming more and more dangerous. Something is not right.

posted on Feb, 6 2016 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: lavatrance
a reply to: namelesss

there is a corrilation between vaciations and cancer so as long as they give vaccinations you'll find a lot more cancer in society regardless of treatments. Plus there's a gazillion other poisons we get subjected to from diet soft drinks to fast food, to smoking etc etc. So as people get cancer then they try and source out a solution. Most turn to there family dr who winds who probably points them in the wrong direction. They get chemo and radiation and the cancer gets worse. I know someone who has cancer right now. i told them what to do but as far as I know they ahven't done it. Last I heard they were on oxygen and getting worse. But what can I do I told them about 5 times to try weed but they're stupid. They don't think outside the box. So they end up a victim of msm.

What about cancer prior to vaccinations?
What about those who have had vaccinations but have never had cancer?

And there's "gazillions other poisons"...err yes, yes there are.
So what's responsible?

Do you know what "moving the goalposts" means?

posted on Feb, 12 2016 @ 11:36 PM
We need to remember that there are 100 to over 250 different types of cancer (the actual number depends on how some researchers subdivide some types) in humans. Each of these different cancers have different genetics, different prognoses, different causes, and different treatments. In other words, it is not one singular disease with one unified course of treatment. Every cancer is so different with such different physiology, there is just never going to be a magic treatment. So the mutations will very from cell to cell, tumour to tumour and person to person even within the same type of cancer. Worse still is the fact that their severe chromosomal abnormalities will worsen as the disease progresses. From this link 50 breast cancer tumours were studied but over 1,700 mutations were found. Most of which were unique to the individual.

This is what a tumour really is

posted on Feb, 15 2016 @ 12:59 PM
Clinics such as InfoCannabis in Ontario Canada have been helping many people get a reliable, clean, non contaminated, fully verified and tested for of Medical Cannabis. Great service and a solid reputation for helping people in need!

posted on Mar, 3 2016 @ 03:55 AM
I just wanted to add to this thread. Of course it's hard to believe anything these days... Tons of people bull#.. However, the cannabis medicine movement is Real, and it IS curing people of many things. I am a personal patient of this. I have Cured myself of Seizures (I would have them pretty frequently without cannabis), and also used the oils to help many other issues within my body. I also have personally seen it keep people alive that were pretty much "supposed" to be gone.. 2 cases of brain tumors and a very short projected lifespan. Of course the projections they give are just estimations, but once you start shooting years past the predictions, it's probably safe to say something is working....

I have yet to see cannabis Not help someone. I have never in my life met a person that had something wrong with them that cannabis couldn't help, to some degree. Hell, it can even produce fuels for cars and strong plastics. This plant is truly magical. If cultivated properly and consumed properly, it could change our society. Actually, it already is....

posted on Mar, 3 2016 @ 04:06 AM

originally posted by: jondoeuk
We need to remember that there are 100 to over 250 different types of cancer (the actual number depends on how some researchers subdivide some types) in humans. Each of these different cancers have different genetics, different prognoses, different causes, and different treatments. In other words, it is not one singular disease with one unified course of treatment. Every cancer is so different with such different physiology, there is just never going to be a magic treatment. So the mutations will very from cell to cell, tumour to tumour and person to person even within the same type of cancer. Worse still is the fact that their severe chromosomal abnormalities will worsen as the disease progresses. From this link 50 breast cancer tumours were studied but over 1,700 mutations were found. Most of which were unique to the individual.

This is what a tumour really is
One thing to keep in mind though... If you observe everything at its smallest form...everything is pretty much just different vibrations. Vibrations come together like a song, to form objects/people/etc... The Human Body has a certain vibration and frequency to keep it alive and healthy. A certain 'harmony', if you will. If that Harmony is disrupted with negative vibrations it creates a disease or a cancer. THC/Cannabis oils have a positively structured vibration, especially when cultivated properly. This enters the body at large concentrated doses, restructuring the Harmony and vibrations within. This is my opinion from what I've researched, but it has a lot of info backing it. So that being said, any negative vibration that is in your body could probably be pushed away by a positive vibration like Pure 1:1 ratio THC CBD extract. Or there can be special cases that require higher doses of THC (for cancers) or higher doses of CBD (for seizure related things)... My 2 cents on that matter because I see this brought up a lot...

Deep research into this plant leads to one conclusion , it will actually change the world. It really will .The possibilities are insane.

posted on Mar, 3 2016 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: SolarPanel

SO prolonged exposure to cannabis oil makes you delusional. Got it.

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 04:02 AM

originally posted by: namelesss

originally posted by: ColdChillin
List of ALL Medical Studies Proving Cannabis Cures Cancer

A) If pot cured cancer, don't you think that there would not be any cancer patients left?
If I found that I had cancer, I'd sure cure it with pot!
(I'd never get it in the first place, right? How many smokers get cancer?)
Why, I wonder, is there still cancer?

B) I find no credibility in any site that ends in .gov!
Entertainment, of a dark kind, perhaps, but never intelligent honesty!

Pot does not cure cancer. That does not mean there is not a compound in it that can help fight cancer.

You do not need to make pot legal to make that specific compound legal.

posted on Mar, 6 2016 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: sapien82
the fact that marijuana is a plant and not a drug makes our laws even more insane

Never knew Cocaine is not a drug. Most drugs are plants.

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: OccamsRazor04

Hey man, people who smoke a lot of Pot aren't the brightest...

posted on Mar, 7 2016 @ 10:02 AM
Pot smokers just want a defeat to legalize and then smoke more pot freely...

Pot heal this, pot heal that. Is there is something pot cannot do?

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