posted on Feb, 20 2008 @ 09:08 PM
there are things called honeypots used to find out who is being nosey. so be careful out there. I am not about to go into the odds and ends of it but
a few things might help you understand why these sites would be so wide open.
first of all dotgov is a private domain but it is on the public internet. even with all the passwords you would not find anything on a dotgov site
that is classified in nature. any files of substance would only be accessible after gaining access to the private network.
secondly by going to sites that are not linked you open yourself up to being noticed. good thing we are all law abiding citizens. it is fun to do i
must admit. But i just want you to know there are some places with tidbits of cool stuff and while your looking at it, someone else is looking at you.
lots of silent installs and i am sure there are some cool windows scripts we will never be told about. might want to check for rootkits and also look
at your outgoing logs if you hae a firewall installed after looking around some of those sites.
I do not believe much time is wasted tracking down curious americans but you might not want to start typing in passwords or running some hack you
found on a site.
now as far as other businesses and colleges google is really good at showing you some interesting things. you can search for private folders or home
cameras and all kinds of stuff!
Just thought i would leave a little note before people started thinking our gov had security that lax.