What might a Modern Day Caliphate look like?
A caliphate (Arabic: خِلافة khilāfa) is a form of Islamic government led by a caliph (Arabic: خَليفة khalīfah pronunciation. But a
modern day Caliphate will be one that is largly ruled by not a calif but by a force. Once the force is no longer needed then and only then will Islam
come together to agree on a Caliph.
Have you ever taken a closer look at China’s form of Communism?
The reason for the success of China’s form of communism is that it is actually a military central Govt in replacement of a Monarch or Imperial
Family. The Modern day Caliphate will undergo the same metamorphosis as Communism under the Chinese. It wont have a one Islamic Sect leader, but one
voted in by the united Muslim coalition as a head but it will be a military Caliphate, under strict Sharia law, enforced Sharia police and local
Islamic Lawyers and Imams. Which answers the question on why Islamic Law courses are being added to public and private colleges in the US, and the
allowing of Sharia courts (tribunals) alongside regional court system already in place.
As the pope is to Roman Catholics so will the Caliph be to Muslims both a political and spiritual leader. Presently Catholics outnumber Muslims by a
small margin of roughly 2 to 1. At the moment those who profess Catholicism is around 3 billion and those who profess Islam is around 1.5 Billion,
currently Islam is growing faster than Catholicism and should equal/or over take Catholicism by 2018.
Once a modern day Caliphate is put in place then and only then will a one world caliphate exist. To establish a modern day worldwide Caliphate there
must be some who would sacrifice their live in order to see that it is in place currently ISIS, Al Queda and Boko Haram have heeded the call to Jihad.
But many moderate Muslims also have taken Islam to every corner of the world. And once there the use the laws of the land to establish Sharia Law.
Now remember any place or location no matter how small that is ruled by Sharia is and of itself a Caliphate. Again a Caliphate is a form of Islamic
government that rules Muslim and those in that place or location. In the modern day version there is no need for a Caliph as long as the law is in
place and Imams and Islamic lawyers are present to uphold Sharia (caliphate) Law.
Where is the location of a modern day Caliphate?
Please remember in today society we have commercial travel and now, unlike in the past, allows Muslims to live anywhere in the world. And wherever
Muslims live there is where they can set up their Sharia to be upheld. Kind of like mini-Caliphates in regions where they live that they may uphold
the laws of the Quran and the Hadiths and there particular brand of Islam among themselves, which can include non-believers on occasion. So in a
sense there already exists a worldwide modern styled Caliphate in place in every community where Muslims live that unites all Muslims under Islamic
rule of Law or modern Caliphate around the world. Anywhere a Muslim goes there is a Sharia Court of Islamic Law that is worldwide.
Currently in Most of the Muslim conclaves in our countries (US ans EU) they are controlled by two groups, the Moderate Muslims who are unarmed and the
Radical Muslim that are armed. This is found in their own writings in the Quran
Surah 8:7" [Remember, O believers], when Allah promised you one of the two groups - that it would be yours - and you wished that the unarmed one would
be yours. But Allah intended to establish the truth by His words and to eliminate the disbelievers”
This is important to understand why around the world where ever Muslims live and have migrated too they establish two groups one that is armed and one
that is not. IN the US it is CAIR (the unarmed group, openly) and the Jihad Islamic force (the armed group, underground currently) that is prepared
to attack at any moment.
Any Muslim desiring not to live under any countries law but choosing to live only under Sharia any where in the world are choosing to live under the
Modern Caliphate. Remember the Caliphate is a govt under Sharia law. The duties are shared with local Imam, Islamic Lawyers or tribunal, and the
religious police (Jihad forces) in upholding Islamic Law. We are seeing this in parts of the world like Pakistan, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia,
Morocco, North, East and West Africa. And we are seeing the establishment of the modern styled Caliphate forming in EU and the US under the guise of
Religious freedom, a mechanism they are taking advantage of in order to establish a secondary Govt via Sharia law. The Sharia conclaves at first seem
harmless only to be used by Muslims but once this secondary govt is established it is seen to be in complete contrast to the laws and constitution of
any lands in which they inhabit. Once these conclaves are established peacefully then the underground Islamic police force begin to wreak havoc and
terror. Some by convert methods i.e SB shooter, Ft Hood, Paris, Germany, Turkey, Israel all have lots of examples of these terror tactics.
Other forms of their covert methods being employed or exploited are helping to stir up youths via the college campuses to hate police and race, much
like we are seeing in the US supposedly by groups like BLM (receiving anonymous donations from groups like CAIR, NOI, etc) And open donations from
race bating black Caucus and leaders like Jessie Jackson, Jeremiah Wright and others.
Another way is religious intolerance of the look of it. This could be Christian vs Muslim or better yet why not a group like Freedom From Religion vs
Christianity, I haven’t seen them go after Islam in public schools and public offices, nor go after the above 10Db sound levels of Mosques while
helping to go after Christian Churches that do. Or go after Hindu and Buddhist religious practices disguised as forms of mediation and exercise by
stripping it of its religious connection. This all works into the hands of the worldwide Caliphate so when any particular society crumbles they have
Islam established already to replace and enforce Sharia when it falls.
The Idea of living wholly by Sharia is shared by Moderate and Radical Muslims alike. When it comes to this it is their desire to have communities and
the nations they live in run by and under Sharia law. In order to establish this over the unbeliever they must have a force one that evokes tactics
of fear or what we term terrorism. This is what the Jihad do, this is the sole purpose of Jihad to place fear into people to conform to and establish
Sharia over an unwilling participant. If they will not conform the Quran does allow for them to be killed for they are not one of those forbidden by
Allah to be killed. And as seen in the above Quranic quote, “ and to eliminate the disbelievers”.
This is what the worldwide Caliphate might look like if the people of world don't wake up and smell the Falafel.
edit on 13-12-2015 by ChesterJohn because: (no reason given)