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8 year old suspended for saying Merry Christmas.

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posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:14 AM
This has gone too far. Suspending a 3rd grader for saying "Merry Christmas" to an atheist teacher. Our schools are not teaching freedom of speech. I was hoping it was a hoax. But this isnt the first time a child was suspended for saying Merry Christmas.

Im curious about how other atheists feel about this. Would you have caused a small innocent child to suffer a weeks punishment for saying Merry Christmas? (A week off school would have been a reward to me. lol) How about those of other faiths? Would you consider it viable to punish a child for wishing you a Merry Christmas, instead of what ever appropriate holiday well wishing required by your faith?

Im not a Christmas person. I dont do a tree, yada yada, I buy something for my grandkids, but I dont really care about Christmas. But, I respect others right to celebrate.

San Francisco, CA — The ‘war on Christmas’ continues as a simple well-wishing of ‘Merry Christmas’ has led to big trouble for one third-grade San Francisco girl this week.

Samantha Dawson, an 8-year-old student at Westview Elementary School in San Francisco, CA., was in the school cafeteria Tuesday eating with friends when she was taken to the principal’s office and given a week-long suspension. Her punishment was consequence for saying ‘Merry Christmas’ to her homeroom teacher earlier that day.

Dawson’s teacher, 37-year-old Paul Horner who is an outspoken Atheist, was offended at the students display of Christmas spirit and had staff suspend the young girl for the rest of the week.

“I say ‘Merry Christmas’ to everyone,” the young girl told CBS News. “I didn’t think it would cause so much trouble just for saying a couple little words.”

The girl’s mother, Laura Dawson, 41, was fuming over the issue.

“You don’t traumatize a child who loves to go to school, who wanted to be early every day to school, you don’t make her cry, just for wishing someone Merry Christmas,” she told reporters, holding back tears. “You just don’t do it.”

Reporters spoke with Mr. Horner as he was leaving from school yesterday.

“I warned the children not to bring religion into my classroom,” Horner said. “Maybe Samantha will listen to adults next time.”

At the time of this press release, Westview Elementary School officials declined to comment, though this was posted on the school’s website:

Once again we had to suspend a student, 3rd grader Samantha Dawson, because she said “Merry Christmas” to her homeroom teacher, who is a proud Atheist. The schools website. I wonder if the 3rd grader can read, its written across their web page. This is a Christmas free zone. Bologna. JFYI there is a contact page, we should flood their email with outrage. Or if you agree write to champion them for being strict on their decisions.

If I had school aged kids, I would explore home schooling options. I think this is an attack on freedom of speech and there should be an outcry from Parents of all faiths to fire this teacher. He is teaching intolerance. There is no way to separate church and state in the mind of a child.

edit on 12-12-2015 by misskat1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: misskat1
Im curious about how other atheists feel about this. Would you have caused a small innocent child to suffer a weeks punishment for saying Merry Christmas?

The action taken by the teacher is pretty ridiculous. I am an atheist, and even though I'm anti religious as well, I would never punish someone for an innocent act of wishing me a happy [insert religious tradition] day.

Public schools are supposed to be secular, and to be opinion-less and open to all backgrounds, not anti-religious (or anything else for that matter).

So yes, the teacher was in the wrong.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: misskat1

The important thing however, is that the fully grown adult male human teacher has a safe space away from the ravings of the 8 year old child who was warned not to bring religion into his classroom even though merry is a state of mind and well because, you know, kill me........kill me now.

Full Retard has a new cheerleader.

edit on 12-12-2015 by Sublimecraft because:

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:25 AM
One has to wonder how secure this Atheist is in his atheistic position if he can take such offense at a Christmas greeting.

Fair enough - he warned the kids "not to bring religion into my classroom" but surely an allowance can be made for a little kid who has got caught up in the excitement of the Christmas Season?

The punishment meted out far exceeds the crime. He could have made her write out a hundred lines or so. Something like: Mr Horner is a killjoy and I will never again wish anything good for him.

I don't like Christmas and avoid as much of it as I can BUT if someone smiles and wishes me Merry Christmas I'll reciprocate. I don't need to ram my aversion down someone else's throat. Not when they're happy.

Actually, I'll respond in kind to any well wish. If your religion doesn't include cruelty to and sacrifice of animals and children - wish away

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: misskat1

This is a sad, sad world today!

From your link:

“I warned the children not to bring religion into my classroom,” Horner said. “Maybe Samantha will listen to adults next time.”

Perhaps Samantha will "listen to adults next time" but, I hope her parents encourage her to NOT listen to A$$_____!
Why must it be known that he is a proud, outspoken atheist?

I mean this is just getting out of hand. My brother is an atheist and if I say Merry Christmas, it is no big deal! He'll even say it back...

Also from link:

Once again we had to suspend a student, 3rd grader Samantha Dawson, because she said “Merry Christmas” to her homeroom teacher, who is a proud atheist.
PLEASE, lets learn from this horrible act and not let the the holiday spirit be ruined by the few that confuse church and state.
Happy Holidays everyone!!!

First of all, you would think that a school website would have someone check punctuation before posting but, oh well...
Secondly, the emphasis in the above quote is mine.
Thirdly, I hope every parent of every student in his classroom petition the Principal or BOE to have their children placed with another teacher immediately.
Not because he is an atheist but, because he is (IMO) an over reacting jerk who can obviously "boast" about his lack of a religious affiliation while (IMO) offending and punishing others for their beliefs.

What a douche!

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: misskat1

Welcome to the NWO. Zero tolerance for use of "words" that are deemed offensive and seen as expressions of micro-aregressions towards those who hold different views and are members of a different culture. So, "Christmas" is the new "N" word for atheists.

I've been watching this trend with great interest and one conclusion I've reached is that one result will be a severe diminishment of verbal discourse between people in public spaces. Since you can't know just by looking what particular culture a person is coming from, you're better off saying nothing at all.

Another possible effect will be that more and more people who identify with the "Christian" culture will find it best to send their offspring to "Christian" schools. I've often wondered how the Muslims are handling this situation but the impression I've gotten is that for the most part, they educate their children in Muslim schools.

Interesting times indeed.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:35 AM
All I get out of this is they're all secretly operating under Sharia. I would sue him and teach my daughter to speak up and speak up freely. Teachers don't have that kind of authority of children. They are never to discourage freedom of expression and civilized communication.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:36 AM
I think every parent of every child in this idiot's classroom should each with him a Merry Christmas

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:37 AM

originally posted by: TonyS
So, "Christmas" is the new "N" word for atheists.

Please, don't confuse one ass****'s actions as a depiction to what an entire group of people would say.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: misskat1

Something's weird about this story.

School Fires Teacher for saying Merry Christmas to Atheist Student.

Paul Horner spoke with CBS News about his termination from the school.

“I say ‘Merry Christmas’ to everyone, I don’t mean any harm by it,” Horner said. “I made a mistake and forgot that Westview enforces a strict ‘Christmas-free zone’. I apologized to the boy, his family and my colleagues for my actions, but they still let me go. That job is all I had in life. I don’t know what I’m going to do now.”

The boy’s mother, Sarah Bradley, 32, was fuming over the issue.

“You don’t traumatize an atheist child who loves to go to school, who wanted to be early every day to school, you don’t make him cry, bringing religion into the classroom and wishing him a Merry Christmas like that,” she told reporters, holding back tears. “You just don’t do it.”

Mr. Horner Awarded Teacher of he Year

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:41 AM
Isn't the teacher favoring his own belief by keeping any other belief out of the classroom?

I thought inclusiveness was a good thing.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:42 AM

originally posted by: Benevolent Heretic
a reply to: misskat1

Something's weird about this story.

School Fires Teacher for saying Merry Christmas to Atheist Student.

Paul Horner spoke with CBS News about his termination from the school.

“I say ‘Merry Christmas’ to everyone, I don’t mean any harm by it,” Horner said. “I made a mistake and forgot that Westview enforces a strict ‘Christmas-free zone’. I apologized to the boy, his family and my colleagues for my actions, but they still let me go. That job is all I had in life. I don’t know what I’m going to do now.”

The boy’s mother, Sarah Bradley, 32, was fuming over the issue.

“You don’t traumatize an atheist child who loves to go to school, who wanted to be early every day to school, you don’t make him cry, bringing religion into the classroom and wishing him a Merry Christmas like that,” she told reporters, holding back tears. “You just don’t do it.”

Mr. Horner Awarded Teacher of he Year


I'm confused

edit on 12/12/15 by Ghost147 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: misskat1

If you will read the comments on the link provided in the OP, you will see exactly why religion has no place in schools any where. All the christians have banded together and are flinging " F bombs" and threats to burn the school down with all of the atheists inside.

Christmas is a religious holiday. It always has been. The students were warned not to bring their religion into the school. The other children seem to understand this rule and are able to follow it.

The responses on the schools website by angry violent christians is out of line with what our society, including this school, is trying to support. It is high time that religion is actually kept out of public school. All religions. It has no place in an educational facility. And the ugly behavior on these comments is precisely why.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic
Your right this is weird. I will have to further check it out. I do hope its nothing but a hoax. I have grandkids in school and I hate to believe it has become such a battle field over stupid stuff like saying Merry Christmas.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:44 AM
Oh good grief. Somebody else offended to the nth degree over something so trivial. Gonna stomp his feet up the main street whining how offensive the decorations are too? That child,and every person,has the right to give greetings,display the spirit of the holiday,as they see fit. Period.
edit on 12-12-2015 by AccessDenied because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:44 AM
I am for separation of church and state, but this seems like reverse discrimination. Atheism is being promoted by his actions and this violates all kinds of rights.

Unless the school had made it a known violation that saying Merry Christmas would lead to punishment, the girls should not have been punished.

I don't want to require state-sponsored religious devotion in schools, yet I would never want to take the right of a person to believe away.

The only thing I can imagine that might have happened to justify this is if she were asked not to say it, then immediately said it as an antagonism to the teacher and caused a disruption to the class, but that is not what seems to have happened. Instead, it seems she said it in passing, and he then went to the administration and had the child suspended because he became offended.

What lessons are we really teaching our children?

1) Always listen to authority and never question.
2) Turn those in who you disagree with for being insensitive because that is easier than discussing your differences.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:45 AM
a reply to: Ghost147

It almost sounds like a joke... The articles are nearly the same and it's the same "proud atheist" teacher who was supposedly fired for saying "Merry Christmas" to an atheist student.

These stories require more vetting before we go off half-cocked!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

edit on 12/12/2015 by Benevolent Heretic because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

Excuse me sir... but I am a proud atheist, and I find your Christmas wishes to be grossly offensive. Mods... Ban him!

Yes, the articles are virtually identical in almost every way, This has to be a hoax.
edit on 12/12/15 by Ghost147 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:49 AM
a reply to: Benevolent Heretic

I dont know which or either of these articles are right. I emailed the school and asked, but its Saturday and I wont get a reply until next week. But, In my opinion, the teacher should not have been fired for saying Merry Christmas either.

Sorry everyone, made you look. lol

edit on 12-12-2015 by misskat1 because: added a line.

posted on Dec, 12 2015 @ 07:52 AM
And just out of mischief:

Christmas is so commercialised these days how are children supposed to know it's a religious festival?

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