I have been away from ATS for a long time, I know, but you know life... It keeps you busy, and then tired.
Beside, now most of the threads are about US politics and climate change, and I've said already enough in the past about my opinions on the
BUT. There is one thing that does captivate me in the few of free time that I've got, and its called Doctor Who.
First, let me say how awesome the last five episodes have been, and how absolutely astonishing was the last three episodes.
Many have badly criticized the new style of Season 9, but I simply adore it, and I can't seriously find any flaw, or any better acting than what
I've seen in the past few weeks (okay, I was slightly disappointed in the lack of focus on Gallifrey returning, but they had only 1 hour to close off
Season 9, so I forgive them; anyway, just listening to the Doctor playing that bittersweet but beautiful song at the end make up for any flaws).
Secondly, we have all been toying with who is the infamous "Hybrid". So far, we've got three possibilities, two of which have been dismissed, and
the last one made to believe that it was indeed the truth. Here they are, as a recap:
The Hybrid is a creature born from two warrior races, whom can either do great damage as an evil creature and bring up the defeat of Gallifrey, or can
do great things as a good person.
The following possibilities have been brought forth:
#1: Maisie Williams's Me, born from Viking-Human parents, and genetically upgraded to with Maia DNA. Two warriors race. This possibility was almost
immediately rejected, due to Me's lack of influence on both good and bad events.
#2: The Doctor himself: half Timelord and half human (possible explanation for his constant liking of Earth and humans. An extremely kind person, he
can also be a very dangerous warrior. The most plausible explanation at first, since he is literally a one-man army, and could very well bring down
Gallifrey (almost did it).
#3: Last possibility offered, and one which was not explicitly refuted or admitted. The Hybrid is in fact two persons, brought together by Missy (The
Master for those who prefer the old title): The Doctor and Clara. Clara is so much like the Doctor, the latter grow to care so much about her that he
is ready to shatter space and time to save her from her inevitable death, hence almost fulfilling the prediction that doom will result from the
So, the last possibility is the one the show leave upon, making it ambiguous whether it is the truth, or just another assumption.
Though I find it most plausible (next to the Doctor himself being the Hybrid), it does have one flaw: the prophecy clearly state that the Hybrid, if
turned evil, wasn't going to bring down space and time, it was only going to bring down Gallifrey. There's a big difference.
Which brings me to my next theory as to who might in fact be the Hybrid.
Fact #1: the Doctor almost blew up Gallifrey. In fact, until the events during "The Day of the Doctor", he did. Then he went back in time to prevent
the War Doctor from pushing the big red button. But what would have happened, had the Doctor died before that timey-wimey event? He would have,
indirectly, brought down Gallifrey. So who almost killed him before "The Day of the Doctor"?
Rolling drums in expectations....
No one else than Gorgeous Blond Curly Hair/Doctor's Wife, Pr. River Song/Melody Pond:
No, but funny picture aside... guess what she is? An hybrid. Born Timelady because of the TARDIS radiation during Amy Pond's travelling while River
was a foetus, altering the latter's DNA... and daughter of a Roman soldier (Rory Williams), Earth's greatest warrior race.
Raised exclusively to kill the Doctor, she almost succeed, before falling in love with him and healing him with her own regeneration energy. Had she
not saved his life, he would have died, never went back in time to stop the War Doctor, and the latter would have destroyed Gallifrey. The Hybrid
would have brought down Gallifrey, as predicted.
A possibility which would coincide with her return in the upcoming Christmas special...
Just suggesting...
Speaking of River returning, I hope they make that last dinner between her and the Doctor, before she goes to the Library and save the 10th Doctor's
life. She did say that the 10th looked so young compared to her Doctor.... The 12th would be the complete opposite of young.
But also, the peak
point where both know each other the most. With the 11th Doctor, she was still only beginning to know him while he knew everything about her, while
the 10th didn't absolutely knew her, but she knew him full well. Which means there was a third version, older, but whom she now knew as much as she
knew him. That points to the 12th Doctor being the one who last saw her, who gave her the screwdriver (would also match his unparalleled resolve to
let no one he cared about die, resulting in him sending his younger self a hint to save River in the Library hardrive; so even if River isn't by his
side, she is still "alive", a gesture that match perfectly the personality of the 12th more than the 11th), and in him being her Doctor.
That would be nice anyway.
So, what do you guys think? Is the Hybrid Clara and the Doctor, The Doctor alone (I'm positive its not Me), or could it in fact be River Song?