posted on Dec, 10 2015 @ 03:32 PM
Hi everyone. I've recently started to watch some videos on Youtube about the Flat Earth theory. Some of them seem more plausible than others... I
have to say some of the arguements the suporters bring seem intriguing. Is it true that we don't have recent pictures of Earth from space? I
mean...with the amount of satelites ,probes,telescopes,etc. ...nobody thought of looking back at Earth and take some HD pictures. I'd personally love
to have limitless access to a live feed of Earth and being able to see it from any angle imaginable. Doesn't the techonology to make some really
good cameras able to work from space already exist? Is it true that airplanes or submarines,long train tracks don't take in consideration the
curvature of the planet? Are there definitive,testable,real proofs that Earth is round? I'm not here to defend or atack any position,neither that
Earth is round or flat. I have intermidiate to good understanding of maths,physics and geometry. I'm definitely not a science geek or some please,if possible,layout your arguements using concepts and aspects relatively easy to understand for a guy like me.