posted on Dec, 9 2015 @ 03:54 PM
What war?
You mean the manufactured fear that we are led to believe is really messed up?
What war?
The War on Terrorism will never end.
It's all part of clearing the field for the NWO.
First up, get rid of all countries that don't want to play along with the international debt game.
- identify all those that oppose consumerism as terrorists and destroy them.
- identify all those that oppose the official story or the sanctioned agenda and destroy them.
- eliminate family structure and religion by destroying all those that believe.
-, door to door, world wide search and destroy, pluck up guns, and destroy.
- destroy the internet and make it a strictly app based environment ruled by sanctioned apps.
- eliminate any chance of being hidden on the internet, all names will be users real names, every comment quickly categorized.
Whats left?
- punish or destroy all citizens that think outside the box
Should take roughly 50 - 80 more years before all of us are dead and any newcomers are lock step in line with the homogenized new world.
edit on 9-12-2015 by NowWhat because: (no reason given)
edit on 9-12-2015 by NowWhat because: (no reason given)