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Black Inner-City Violence: Lead Poisoning and Vaccines and Autism and Cannabis

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posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: SlapMonkey me an ugly baby and I'll call it like I see it.

You are trying to get me in trouble by posting an ugly baby to see... You should here me when my kids suck, I say boy you sucked...I also say boy you did great when they do great...hehe
edit on 8-12-2015 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I do not have an answer for this and it seems the Government doesn't either.

I think they do actually... but there's no profit for them in fixing the problems. Their profit is in covering up and enabling and exploiting the problems.

How do you stop mentally/intellectually impaired people from having babies to continue the process without going full Orwellian.

Not easily, nor should it be. But the answer is to stop the impairment at the root causes, so that there is no need to stop anyone from reproducing.

One thing to remember is there is a hell of a lot more poor whites than blacks that live in the same #ty conditions or worst due to just numbers, so why is this mainly a black issue since there is a hell of a lot of ignorant whites in America that do not have such large issues.

This Chicago Tribune reporter did the homework and crunched the numbers and showed that the highest lead-paint numbers were found in the same segregated neighborhoods of Chicago where African-Americans were once forced by law to live, and where they are still concentrated. There is also some research to suggest that African-Americans are affected differently than other races, and that all races experience autism differently to one extent or another. It could also have much to do with diet and nutrition, with inner-cities often being "food deserts," i.e., no supermarkets within a certain distance, so little availability of fresh produce, dairy products, or meat. It may also have to do with earlier diagnosis and treatment for White children, but violence is still a huge problem for White families with autistic children, it just doesn't affect the community the same way.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

If it only stopped there. You have just scratched the snow on the surface of the iceberg.

Abstract Six million children live in poverty in America's inner cities. These children are at high risk of exposure to pesticides that are used extensively in urban schools, homes, and day-care centers for control of roaches, rats, and other vermin. The organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos and certain pyrethroids are the registered pesticides most heavily applied in cities. Illegal street pesticides are also in use, including tres pasitos (a carbamate), tiza china, and methyl parathion. In New York State in 1997, the heaviest use of pesticides in all counties statewide was in the urban boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. Children are highly vulnerable to pesticides. Because of their play close to the ground, their hand-to-mouth behavior, and their unique dietary patterns, children absorb more pesticides from their environment than adults. The long persistence of semivolatile pesticides such as chlorpyrifos on rugs, furniture, stuffed toys, and other absorbent surfaces within closed apartments further enhances urban children's exposures. Compounding these risks of heavy exposures are children's decreased ability to detoxify and excrete pesticides and the rapid growth, development, and differentiation of their vital organ systems. These developmental immaturities create early windows of great vulnerability. Recent experimental data suggest, for example, that chlorpyrifos may be a developmental neurotoxicant and that exposure in utero may cause biochemical and functional aberrations in fetal neurons as well as deficits in the number of neurons. Certain pyrethroids exert hormonal activity that may alter early neurologic and reproductive development. Assays currently used for assessment of the toxicity of pesticides are insensitive and cannot accurately predict effects to children exposed in utero or in early postnatal life. Protection of American children, and particularly of inner-city children, against the developmental hazards of pesticides requires a comprehensive strategy that monitors patterns of pesticide use on a continuing basis, assesses children's actual exposures to pesticides, uses state-of-the-art developmental toxicity testing, and establishes societal targets for reduction of pesticide use.

It is not like they don't know. It is that they don't care.

The New York studies found that for every increased increment of prenatal organophosphate pesticide exposure, the IQs of the children studied dropped by 1.4 percent and their working memory scores dropped by 2.8 percent. A key finding of the Columbia University study was that the relationship between pesticide exposure and IQ and working memory scores was linear and showed “no evidence for a threshold.” In other words, the greater the exposure, the greater the impact on cognition.

Pesticides and inner-city children: exposures, risks, and prevention.

From the Fields to Inner City, Pesticides Affect Children’s IQ

I don't want to cause thread drift, but I could add hundreds of other reports of substance and medical experimentation that goes on among the poor, disenfranchised, the elderly and the mentally ill.

And I bet you thought Dr. Mengele was dead.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
I think they do actually... but there's no profit for them in fixing the problems. Their profit is in covering up and enabling and exploiting the problems.

Take Chicago, large black population, huge issues, but they also have a large number of blacks in Government and been under control by the champion of the poor democrats since forever, and it only gets worst every year... If they are unwilling to fix it then intercity life is doomed forever.

Not easily, nor should it be. But the answer is to stop the impairment at the root causes, so that there is no need to stop anyone from reproducing.

So you fix it at the root cause and you still have millions reproducing that can not afford it or should due to their personal limits as you addressed in a never ending cycle.

I think a lot of kids from all levels eat bad, really bad. I know well off kids that will eat nothing but McD, everything else taste bad... I guess that is what happens when all you eat in your life is MCD, so sad.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Thank you for adding this -- great info, and quite pertinent to the discussion. All part and parcel of this perfect storm!

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 02:49 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Take Chicago, large black population, huge issues, but they also have a large number of blacks in Government and been under control by the champion of the poor democrats since forever, and it only gets worst every year...

Yes and no. Chicago has long been known as a cesspool of corruption. Many consider it THE most corrupt city in the U.S. and so deeply entrenched in corruption that only those just as corrupt get anywhere in politics... so of course it only gets worse every year, and of course the poor are exploited...

If they are unwilling to fix it then intercity life is doomed forever.

Obviously, they have been unwilling and is doomed as long as folks keep doing the same thing and expecting a different answer. But it doesn't have to be that way. Imagine if folks at BLM read this, understood this, and began to see how they are being played and exploited and extorted... Imagine if these folks began to demand real reforms that addressed the root causes of their predicament, and actually empowered themselves and their children to know better and do better going forward...

Just like the greater community has written these inner city folks off as hopeless, I believe they have likewise written themselves and their condition off as hopeless. But correcting/addressing these issues would go a long way to giving these people some of the tools and skils they desperately need to make better decisions and choices and, ultimately, a better life for themselves, their children, and everyone.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
Imagine if folks at BLM read this, understood this, and began to see how they are being played and exploited and extorted... Imagine if these folks began to demand real reforms that addressed the root causes of their predicament, and actually empowered themselves and their children to know better and do better going forward...

When 52 blacks are shot by other blacks in one weekend in Chicago and the BLM says nothing or even seem to care they are doomed too.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

When 52 blacks are shot by other blacks in one weekend in Chicago and the BLM says nothing or even seem to care they are doomed too.

Yes, they are! And that's why someone -- lots and lots of someones -- need to give them better options than BLM!!!

You and I both know BLM is part of the problem, exploiting a real legitimate crisis for political gain, with no hope for any real solutions... but too many folks don't know. If you and I -- who know this -- refuse to give them better options, then we're just as big a part of the problem.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: Boadicea
If you and I -- who know this -- refuse to give them better options, then we're just as big a part of the problem.

I don't refuse it is just not my game. We all have many concerns that we put effort towards, so what goes on in Chicago, as example, might as well be a million miles away from me. I do care, but there are millions of people directly effected by it all who sit back and do nothing. One needs to pick and choose their battles.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Obviously, they have been unwilling and is doomed as long as folks keep doing the same thing and expecting a different answer. But it doesn't have to be that way. Imagine if folks at BLM read this, understood this, and began to see how they are being played and exploited and extorted... Imagine if these folks began to demand real reforms that addressed the root causes of their predicament, and actually empowered themselves and their children to know better and do better going forward...

The problem here is that you and so many like you, don't understand the plight of the people in the inner cities.

You think they don't know they are being played and extorted? They have been played and are controlled by the best, the masters themselves. Where do you think the players inside their prisons learned their game?

You can't possibly tell me that you can look at any TV show, movie, or music video, and tell me that you don't see who is writing the script, for what is going on in the inner cities. This is a controlled establishment of a societal barrier and a deliberate manipulation on entire groups of people.

The majority of the people in the inner cities were born into their traps, and they know there is no magic wand, or group, that is going to save them. If they can survive the streets, they get family members out, the only way they can, usually one at a time, and they have to be careful how they even do that, because the remaining family members can be used as bait and retribution.

Most get out by way of sports, college, jobs, or entering the military. They are an easily manipulated and controlled resource pool for almost anything the power elite can dream up. From drugs, sex, pedophilia, experimental subjects for every substance imaginable, and you really think that it is just going to take flipping a switch to fix this well established program?

The problem isn't the people in the inner cities not being aware, it is the rest of us that don't realize just how far from Kansas we have drifted.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 03:43 PM
I grew up in urban Detroit. I watched many kids my age make bad decisions. Many of them, like me, didn't. It doesn't come down to being poor or having lead poisoning. I knew even as a child what I wanted and pursued steps to make it happen. I got good grades, worked several part time jobs, loaned my way through college, and now make a six figure salary. And I'll never live in a city again. I don't think there is anything more damaging to urban kids than the current black culture.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

I don't refuse it is just not my game. We all have many concerns that we put effort towards, so what goes on in Chicago, as example, might as well be a million miles away from me....

Fair enough and true enough...

I do care...

I know you do, or you wouldn't take the time and effort to think about it and respond. And therefore I just assume that while you may not be able to do much about it personally, you don't want to stand in the way of others doing something about it either.

...but there are millions of people directly effected by it all who sit back and do nothing....

For those people, oh well, not much we can do, except be thankful they don't get in the way either. I'm more concerned about those who are doing something and that something is making matters worse. Some do so knowingly and deliberately, others because they don't know any better or don't have any better options.

One needs to pick and choose their battles.

Definitely -- and that's true for everyone involved, but especially those who want to do fight the good fight and want to do the right thing, but need better options.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 04:01 PM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
I grew up in urban Detroit. I watched many kids my age make bad decisions. Many of them, like me, didn't. It doesn't come down to being poor or having lead poisoning. I knew even as a child what I wanted and pursued steps to make it happen. I got good grades, worked several part time jobs, loaned my way through college, and now make a six figure salary. And I'll never live in a city again. I don't think there is anything more damaging to urban kids than the current black culture.

Can I get an Amen!

My story is similar. I stayed in school. Avoided the criminal justice system. Didn't have children out of wedlock. No I make well into the six figures. Looking back on it, It wasn't that hard to get where I am today. I made long term decisions instead of short term ones always thinking about the consequences of my actions.

I always ask kids that I mentor if I gave them a treasure map to riches, would they follow it? They almost always say, "Yeah!". So then I ask the why they won't listen when people tell them to stay in school, don't have kids out of wedlock, avoid "hustling" and the criminal justice system, they don't want to listen?

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 04:17 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

The problem here is that you and so many like you, don't understand the plight of the people in the inner cities.

Please don't presume too much. No, I have never lived in an inner city, but for various reasons, I know more than you apparently assume...

You think they don't know they are being played and extorted? They have been played and are controlled by the best, the masters themselves. Where do you think the players inside their prisons learned their game?

Of course they know they have been and are being played; but no, when "white privilege" is their greatest outrage, I know they need to know more.

You can't possibly tell me that you can look at any TV show, movie, or music video, and tell me that you don't see who is writing the script...

Um, actually, that's what you told me!

...for what is going on in the inner cities. This is a controlled establishment of a societal barrier and a deliberate manipulation on entire groups of people.

I see many players with many agendas at work exploiting and extorting all of us this, that and the other way...

The majority of the people in the inner cities were born into their traps, and they know there is no magic wand, or group, that is going to save them.

As I said, I think many do believe exactly that, and have written their own fate off as hopeless. Or they look to their oppressors as their saviors, mistakenly believing that government is their friend.

They are an easily manipulated and controlled resource pool for almost anything the power elite can dream up. From drugs, sex, pedophilia, experimental subjects for every substance imaginable, and you really think that it is just going to take flipping a switch to fix this well established program?

The problem isn't the people in the inner cities not being aware, it is the rest of us that don't realize just how far from Kansas we have drifted.

I know that this is a multi-faceted problem that requires multi-faceted solutions. I also know that it's much easier to point out problems than it is to find solutions, but whining and complaining and pointing fingers doesn't get the job done. If you have no solutions to offer, okay... but why would you mock and/or minimize anyone's efforts to do so?

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: jjkenobi
I grew up in urban Detroit. I watched many kids my age make bad decisions. Many of them, like me, didn't. It doesn't come down to being poor or having lead poisoning. I knew even as a child what I wanted and pursued steps to make it happen. I got good grades, worked several part time jobs, loaned my way through college, and now make a six figure salary. And I'll never live in a city again. I don't think there is anything more damaging to urban kids than the current black culture.

That's great... for you. But this post is not about you, and people like you, who obviously have the mental and physical capacity to make good decisions and be a responsible and functional and even successful adult... who obviously have not been permanently damaged by lead-poisoning and autism, etc.

It would be great though if we could eliminate the debilitating barriers others face so that everyone had the chance to improve their lot and be as successful as you

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 04:38 PM
a reply to: Edumakated

Your success is evidence that everyone could do it, if given the proper tools -- and not harmed in significant ways.

The point of this post is that many youths are mentally damaged at a very young age in ways that make it difficult, of not impossible, to use the critical thinking, good judgment, and long-term planning to be successful. You were obviously not so harmed... others aren't so lucky.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 08:29 PM
a reply to: Boadicea

Also fluoridation rates tend to be higher in poor areas you know to help them with their teeth...

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 10:05 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

You ever heard trap music lyrics? Some of the most idiotic, keep me down music I've ever heard. I think they're aware yet willfully exploited. I have no sympathy for people who choose to stay in "the trap".

posted on Dec, 10 2015 @ 03:28 AM
Vaccines don't cause autism.
Lead poisoning can mimic autism-like symptoms but it's unclear whether it's causative.

The single main factor for inner-city violence is socio-economics, not a physiological one.
To suggest otherwise is being disingenuous at best.

posted on Dec, 10 2015 @ 04:14 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

Lead was everywhere in Europe until it was banned in the '90s + vaccination rates are high in Europe.
How comes they are not causing the same inner city violence you see in the US?
If lead and vaccines are the cause of autism and violence, how comes it's not happening in Europe?

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