posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to:
Which is why any legislation that does pass has to be very carefully constructed so that it doesn't remove any rights of law-abiding citizens but, at
the same time, makes it harder for crazies and criminals to get a hold of guns. Personally I think there is a deeply in-grained Fetish for guns
embedded in American society that makes the problem that much harder to crack. Everyone, from a gang member on the street to some average law abiding
citizen in the suburbs thinks that guns are the answer, thinks they are absolutely necessary. It makes it hard to make any progress because for people
who want to go on a violent self-destructive rampage guns work just as well for them as they do for the hunter just trying to put food on his family's
Then we add in mental illness, poverty and our near police state level of incarceration, we've got people who are under-medicated, people who are
over-medicated, and no matter what everyone is taught from birth to grave that guns are their right.
No matter how many factors and complications though it is still a discussion that needs to happen on a National level and the Red Herrings don't help.