posted on Jan, 5 2005 @ 05:27 PM
So be it. The EU is not allie to the US anyhow. If you ask me, a Cold War is brewing. Started with the Euro crushing the Dollar, crying about the
American invasion into Iraq, and the crying about Americans not donating enough money to the Tsunami victim nations. If a Cold War does occur, of
course, America is likely to be crying in the end, considering it's already over-inflated military budget and the fact that everyone already hates
the US (let's make some more enemies). Everyone wins, and loses.
Massive ammount of miliatary units on one side of the ocean, massive ammount of technology on the other. It'll be rough, but different. I do hope
that the EU publicly calls the US a bully or something. I think that may keep Cold War II away. I mean, if you're called a bully, and don't wish to
be looked upon in that maner, why body build, right?
It's too bad, I don't particularly like any regime out there right now. I don't like the EU, the US or The Soviet Union II either. All three have
been barking at eachother, it's only a matter of time before one tries to bite. Sadly, I don't think either side deserves the honor of winning
politically or militarily against one of the other regimes.