posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 10:35 PM
I try not to ease drop, but this woman was sitting right behind me loudly talking on her phone, hard to ignore. I am going to try and quote her as
exact as possible.
~WARNING!~ Reading the post quote below may be painful, so I'll post a quick summary farther down if you choose to skip.
* 20 something girl's monologue to person on the phone~ "I was in the bathroom at working smoking out of my favourite pipe. I dropped it and it
broke. I was so upset I posted to Facebook that I just broke my favorite pipe. 45 minutes later my boss called me into his office and said '45
minutes ago, you were supposed to be at work, where were you?' I told him I was at work, so he showed me my facebook page and fired me for getting
high at work.
How did he know? He isn't even on my friends list, isn't it like illegal for your boss to look at your facebook page. It can't be legal. No one
should be looking at your facebook page if you don't want them too. I think I am going to sue him for invasion of privacy, I can do that right. I
lost my job because he violated my privacy. Your boss can't look at your facebook page. Now I am afraid to apply for a new job" *
Quick summury~ Girl got fired for posting proof on facebook that she was getting high at work, thinks it is illegal for her boss to look at her
Facebook page and wants to sue.
I don't use Facebook, but even I know pretty much anyone can see what you put on facebook forever. She is going to have a hard time finding a new