posted on Dec, 7 2015 @ 04:46 AM
For great conspiracy-type talk and alternative topics & guests-
Those Conspiracy Guys
The Higherside Chats
Art Bell's Midnight in the Desert
Stuff They Don't Want You to Know
and of course, The Joe Rogan Experience
Best history podcast I've ever heard-
Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
And for discussion of current events, try 'Common Sense' with Dan Carlin. Both of the previously mentioned podcasts only premiere once every 4-6
weeks, but are well worth the wait.
For laughs, I recommend 'Gilbert Gottfried's Amazing Colossal Podcast'. Some people can't get past his voice... If you're one of those people, steer
clear. I find it very funny.
Now Playing - The Movie Review Podcast
Film Junk Podcast
Horror Movie Podcast
More formal and a little elitist, but also sometimes interesting, is 'Filmspotting'.
Pop Culture -
The Nerdist
Pointless with Kevin Pereira
Girl On Guy with Aisha Tyler
And he's pretty mainstream, but 'WTF With Mark Maron' is good sometimes
If you're into video gaming... New game reviews and discussion, and industry news-
IGN GameScoop
GiantBomb cast
The Gaming Marathon
That Video Game Podcast
Gamertag Radio
IGN also has a bunch more video game podcasts, including console- and game-specific shows
Gaming History-
Retro RPG Podcast
Retro Gaming RoundUp
Watch Out For Fireballs
Effectively Wild (Major League Baseball stats and stuff)
The Eephus (Baseball History, very interesting & funny)
Hockey Unfiltered (NHL News, discussion & guests)
And some more random but totally worthwhile mentions-
Think Again - A Big Think Podcast
Rebel Force Radio (best Star Wars show, beware ep7 spoilers)
Mission Log - A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast
Pod Quiz Weekly Trivia Quiz
Stuff to Blow Your Mind
Stuff You Missed in History Class
Psychedelic Salon (recorded talks by Leary, McKenna, Huxley, etc)
Books And Nachos
I'm not crazy about all the NPR stuff, even though I know lots of people rave about the shows. I've tried and failed to listen to it- to me it comes
off as pandering and pretentious, and always seems slanted to the establishment/globalist angle.
Hope you find something that lines up with your interests. Enjoy!