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Now I understand why "the bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."

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posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: incoserv

Very well put. And this applies to all the big lies on the geopolitical, national, and economic levels as well.

"Too big to fail," "labor is cheaper and better overseas," "unions are bad," "American children are stupid," and so on.

There are times when you just have to trust in and believe common sense and logic, even if you're powerless to do anything but that. And as corollary to this, part of the lie is that we are powerless. They have convinced us of this. But we're not.
edit on 12/6/2015 by ~Lucidity because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 09:09 AM
a reply to: incoserv

In my personal opinion it is quite a sinister master plan.

To use people's goodness, nativity, and ignorance against them to further one's agenda by creating more chaos is beyond forgivable.

I would classify these groups as subjective sociopaths.

The only way these types of people can, will, or will ever be able to understand is if they have the ability to understand and feel the chaos they create.

If karma and re-incarnation exists I wouldn't want to be in these people's shoes.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 09:49 AM
Born awakened here.Always looked at those who believe what they've been told to believe with horror and incedulity.
Though life till now.Do not ever try to awake someone who's sleeping, if you don't want to experience what the real rage is.Instead, let them awake by themself, and avoid those who don't want to.After all they are just people who suffer alot, and you are not supposed to be their savior.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: incoserv

And then . . .the question is what you or me can do about it, I decided to live life to the fullest, be as happy as I can be, made sure my children now adults are not influence by lies, both are well aware and question anything, yes question anything and speak my mind to those that listen, is more out there that question everything also, but remembering that is always repercussion for the way we use our freedom of speech.

You have seen it here in ATS and anywhere else, freedom of speech is just allowed as long as it approved.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: incoserv

It really is another world once you begin to 'see right'. Enjoy the ride.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: soulwaxer

I fully agree with you. After 12 years of trying to open some of my friends' and family members' eyes, it has become clear to me that they just refuse to accept what is so clear. Some of these people are very intelligent individuals who USED TO BE much more interested and critical in political and social events. I have watched these people slowly shut down their critical thinking. They actually seem like zombies to me now. They have given up a very important part of being human in return for a sense of security. All this has changed my view on humans drastically. Most are much weaker than I ever imagined, and since they are the huge majority they will take the rest of us down with them.

don't be too hard on them that was me a few years ago,if someone had told me how it really is I wouldn't have believed either. For me it took years of research and contemplation to come to the realization that things are not what they seem.Even with everything I've read,researched and believe, I still know very little and have more questions than answers.I find I contemplate things more carefully now than I had before.One thing I've discovered is just how much lying is going on until people get that one fact straight it's harder to see the bigger picture and will continue to believe what they're told.
I also don't think it has anything to do with intelligence as much as to do with how these subjects factor into their lives how they see the world from their viewpoint,so don't be too quick to count them out just yet most people have an epiphany at some point in their live.They'll discover the one big lie that will topple everything...the domino effect.I think of it like the grieving process you have to go through all the stages before you can change your reality.
Heck look at most of the members on ats who rarely believe the same and rarely agree on anything,lol
edit on 6-12-2015 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: MyHappyDogShiner
Some people are prone to psychotic episodes in reaction to the institutionalized falsehoods they want to believe so badly.

Like depression, you don't need a pill to get past it, if one waits it will pass. ...

My point, HappyDog, is that msot people do not want it to pass. Most people will choose to continue believing the lie. When those mental contortions get to be too intense, they will do what that system tells them to do: head to the doctor to get a prescription for some drugs to make the hurt go away.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 01:36 PM
Yap, you got a heck of a good epyphany. It wasn't new for me, but is always good to see that we are not alone on the subjet.

Anyways, what I keep missing in that and I seemingly can't figure out, is:
what truth is the lie trying to hide? Why so many lies are necessary? What can be so devastating that people can't handle? And last, but not least, is:

if most people are electing not to see the truth it's because they know they can't handle whatever it is. So aren't the lies justified right there?

Is it possible that our attempts to make them see the "real truth" are just torture for those poor people? After all we are not offering any solution or alternative, we are just throwing on them unpleasant facts and saying: "see? They are lying" but in reality we don't even know what truth they are hiding, we only know the lies they are exposing and that's not much.

Of course, some lies have reasons that are easier to uncover, they are (IMHO) just part of a bigger lie, which in almost unreachable 'cause digging that deep it's hardly a few men's job, and the powerful liars are making sure that we remain few.


posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: incoserv


You have had the same shuddering realization that many of us have had. It is jarring when the "light goes off", and you probably had a visceral reaction to it when it happened. I know friends and acquaintances who have shared how "sick" the realization made them feel when they finally understood what was happening. They finally understood that it wasn't an illusion or mind game they were playing with themselves. It was real and the deception became so obvious to them they physically and emotionally wretched from it.

I sat with a very good friend for two hours at breakfast yesterday and talked about many of these same things. He was so rattled the other day that he called me during the day and asked if we could meet and talk. This is a man who runs a very successful business and is practically a workaholic and honestly in all the time I've known him this is the first time he has ever called me like and was that rattled.

The obvious unraveling in so incredibly blatant, and it so out of control that they don't have a handle on it and haven't for a long time. It seems to me that most people who would never question the "narrative" are standing around saying 'WTF" for many of them it's the first time, for many others the veneer is peeling off of the lies and the "Hush Baby, Don't Cry" kind of hypnosis that has been spoon fed to us from 911 on.

The world leadership has been doing business with forces so far out of their league they don't have clue. Many in leadership have made "Deals with the Devil" and the bill is coming due. This isn't paranoia or hand wringing on my part, you don't have to be some crystal ball gazing New Age freak or accredited professor in Poly-Sci with tenure to see that this machine is winding down.

There are many folks who have a heavily vested interest in making their version of the "End Times" come true, and like it or not, some of them are working overtime to make it happen. From the Imams looking for the reappearance of the "Thirteenth Imam", the hard-core fundamentalist Christians waiting for St. Michael to arrive announcing the "Second Coming" and collecting heads with his "Sword of Righteousness", to the New World Order Secularists and Banksters and Social Engineers who are are working to divest "Freemen" of their freedom by reallocating the worlds populations (or culling them) and resources for the "Good of Humanity", to our brethren of the "World Workers Unions" who are positioning themselves to further the cause of what they perceive to be resurgence of Chinese Hegemony, (along with Putin and Company).

We are witnessing a movement into the end of a generational shift, somewhat similar to the last 80 plus year cycle that ended with WWII. But the level of technology and weaponization that we have achieved makes the stakes of the game potentially much more apocryphal in potential outcomes, in my opinion. The next decade will be the tipping point and the the outcome is anyone's guess, and most of those will be wrong, regardless of who gives them. If you read any historical texts before, during and even after WWII written by the experts, almost everyone of the postulated outcomes was wrong and their "Crystal Balls" got it wrong. The more they manipulate the game the more obtuse the outcomes.

Great Post!

edit on 6-12-2015 by sharkman because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2015 by sharkman because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-12-2015 by sharkman because: Can't Spell!!

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: Realtruth
a reply to: incoserv

In my personal opinion it is quite a sinister master plan.

To use people's goodness, nativity, and ignorance against them to further one's agenda by creating more chaos is beyond forgivable.

I would classify these groups as subjective sociopaths.

The only way these types of people can, will, or will ever be able to understand is if they have the ability to understand and feel the chaos they create.

If karma and re-incarnation exists I wouldn't want to be in these people's shoes.

It DOES exist, just now in any fashion you have been lied to about how it works.

The biggest conspiracy I have seen , far surpassing anything is in the higher realms of spirituality that things "balance out" and have a proper system of karma etc.

These are the most incredible of lies, and if THESE lies are ever exposed they will surely change the UNIVERSE and all the other forms of things FOREVER.

The power wielded at all levels, including beyond this realm, are all convinced that this system is true, at work, and in play.

The exact garbage of corruption here, is even more present in the beyond.......

And the same things have happened, in the misunderstanding of all of this, all things just keep getting more and more damaged, and even the highest of beings are too afraid to admit the truth.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: Anosognosia
The most logical, reasonable, and intelligent people will struggle to find the truth. The reason being that the truth was never meant to be found.

So true...

This is why logic will ultimately lead to a dead end in any search for truth.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 05:01 PM
It's frightening isn't it? It's almost like that movie where you can
put on glasses and see everything...all the deceit...all the corruption
...and everyone around you is oblivious.

And you hand those people the glasses...HERE LOOK!

And they either refuse, or they take a peek and suddenly hand
them back to you...shove them at you...and run away screaming.

...and so you join ATS

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 05:19 PM
There used to be a group known as the "Illusions" that choreographed a lot of the media, they even wrote scripts for the United nations. Anyone know which group wrote the Obama speech tonight? That might give us a clue as to where to look for "transparency".
edit on 6-12-2015 by Slichter because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 05:32 PM
And when the lie becomes too big to hide, leak the truth out little by little mixed with arbitrary and redundant facts so to throw everyone off.

It is a grand charade these globalists play.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 05:58 PM

"Some people never observe anything. Life just happens to them. They get by on little more than a kind of dumb persistence, and they resist with anger and resentment anything that might lift them out of that false serenity."

Frank Herbert
Heretics of Dune

It's the emperor's new clothes, the monkeys and the ladder, and the Stanford Prison experiment all rolled into one.

I had your epiphany some time before I finished high school in '87 and came to the realization that there are precious few who can stand to look without blinders for more than the briefest time without wanting to go back to sleep.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 06:00 PM

Anyone who would dare question the official narrative must be perceived and attacked as a danger because they are a threat to the perception of a stable status quo. To hear the truth becomes more and more painful, therefore those who speak it will be less and less tolerated.

So in essence there is no war on Islamic Terrorists----Just folks that are koolaid proof. Most don't realize that the powers that be really don't want to take anyone's guns away---quite the contrary. They want you to arm yourselves through the teeth and then turn up the fear mistrust suspicion and anger of one another.
1 tactic they use so much that its practically invisible to the majority is the Hegelian Dialectic- No mystery the Sec of Defenses last name is Hegel- No mystery Obama sounds like Osama and his middle name is Hussein as in Saddam Hussein--These are not synchronicities or magic----its called programming. Cool part is I am a spiritual being thus I don't require weapons, strength in numbers, or sophisticated technologies to watch the watchers, powers, and principalities scurry around as they lose all con-troll while at the same time truly believing they are in CONtrol

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: incoserv

And then . . .the question is what you or me can do about it, I decided to live life to the fullest, be as happy as I can be, made sure my children now adults are not influence by lies, both are well aware and question anything, yes question anything and speak my mind to those that listen, is more out there that question everything also, but remembering that is always repercussion for the way we use our freedom of speech.

You have seen it here in ATS and anywhere else, freedom of speech is just allowed as long as it approved.

For me, opting out of the system as much a possible is the first step. We live simply. We don't spend money on crap we don't need. We earn below the poverty level. (Granted, there are some advantages that we have that make it easier for us to live this way.)

If more people opted out of the system and lived simple lives without consuming and relying on the system, I really think that we could cripple it. We feed it when we live according to their rules.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: Gh0stwalker
And when the lie becomes too big to hide, leak the truth out little by little mixed with arbitrary and redundant facts so to throw everyone off.

It is a grand charade these globalists play.

There is always enough truth to make it palatable.

I often ask people, "Which would you rather drink from, a gallon jug of water with a pint of chicken manure mixed in, or a gallon jug of water with two ouncers of chicken poop mixed in?"

The one with only two ounces is technically "cleaner" than the one with a pint, but ...

You get the picture. There's always some truth mixed in there.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: Murgatroid

originally posted by: Anosognosia
The most logical, reasonable, and intelligent people will struggle to find the truth. The reason being that the truth was never meant to be found.

So true...

This is why logic will ultimately lead to a dead end in any search for truth.


This is the exact kind of reasoning that leads to what my original post was trying to expose.

Thinking through things to arrive to a well thought out conclusion is dangerous. Don't do it!!! Just believe what your heart tells you. (i.e., What you want to believe.)

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 10:17 PM

originally posted by: sharkman
a reply to: incoserv


You have had the same shuddering realization that many of us have had. It is jarring when the "light goes off", and you probably had a visceral reaction to it when it happened. I know friends and acquaintances who have shared how "sick" the realization made them feel when they finally understood what was happening. They finally understood that it wasn't an illusion or mind game they were playing with themselves. It was real and the deception became so obvious to them they physically and emotionally wretched from it.
Great Post!

Back at you. Insightful comments. Thanks.

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