posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 11:39 PM
Agree 100%.
DICK ACT of 1902 . . . CAN'T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) The Trump Card Enacted by the Congress Further Asserting the Second Amendment as
To add more Gun Laws is forbidden under our Constitution. To do so is a Act of Treason By our Government. The 2nd Amendment is untouchable and if
changed is a cause for alarm for "We the People".
Our Government is a Public Office voted by "We the People". To violate our 2nd Amendment is unjustified and why the Dick Act of 1902 was put in force
to keep the USA it's people free. Look at all of the other Country's gun laws what happened ?
I heard if Hillary Clinton Win's the Election for president of the USA, Bill Clinton will be elected president of the United Nations, and the USA is
History. The Clinton Foundation I believe was set up to fund Clinton's election. In the billions of dollars.
The Honorable William Gordon More Info With over 300 Million guns in the United States, the federal CORPORATE government (federal gov’t defined as
corporation under 28 U.S.C. Section 3002 (15) and the states are subdivisions of the corporation, 28 U.S.C. Section 3002 (10), cannot ban arms or stop
people from defending themselves against a tyrannical government. I read somewhere that just the State of North Carolina can call up 20-30 divisions
of unorganized militia (would be about 200,000-300,000 armed North Carolinians) on a moment’s notice.
Read that link I posted. up above. The NRA should use the Dick Act of 1902.
edit on 4-12-2015 by The only 1 who knows the because: EDIT
edit on 4-12-2015 by The only 1 who knows the because: add more
edit on 4-12-2015 by The only 1 who knows the because: re edit