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President Trump...You Better Get Ready, It's Happening

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posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 03:12 AM
America is turning into the movie idiocracy. Trump reminds me of a drunk obnoxious uncle and if he wins his big mouth will get us into ww3. He has offended, in one way or another, Mexicans, women, Muslims, the handicapped, Jews, and yet he would have to punch a baby in the mouth for people to see him for what he is.

The thing that bothers me is that the man is a fear propoganda machine, time and time again he stretches the truth and puts out disinfo with out fact checking himself and in doing so millions of people take his word for it. He is literally scaring people into voting for him with all his half truths and lies. Imagine how easily he would get his gullible followers to drag us into some major drama around the world. He will be bush iraq wmds times 3!!!!!
edit on 5-12-2015 by conspiracy nut because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 03:17 AM

originally posted by: Navieko
Cut with the crap about Trump not having a "plan". We don't vote strictly based on the plans they create before they're even close to winning the election - we vote based on the candidates stance on important matters, their character, and overall the trust that we have for a candidate to be able to follow through with their promises and make a positive difference. You cannot expect a candidate, especially this early within the election cycle, to lay out an in-depth plan for the general public - without being privy to all the facts (of which most would not yet be available until sworn in).

Why not? That's exactly what I expect of a candidate. They're trying to be a leader, that means I expect them to have consulted with numerous experts, be competent in every subject, and a master of a few subjects, and have come up with unique ideas to solve issues, as well as several different ways to go about implementing the issues. Those are absolute basics for a leader. In contrast take Rand Paul, who speaks in detail with every foreign policy engagement, what the strategy for each should be, and how to obtain that.

Sanders has done it, Fiorina has done it, Paul has done it, Christie has done it, Kasich has kind of done it. None of the rest have.

From the moment someone says they're running for President I expect them to be able to do this, on every single subject. If they can't do it, they're not fit to lead.
edit on 5-12-2015 by Aazadan because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 03:25 AM
a reply to: Navieko

If you honestly think Trump does not have a very good chance at winning the election - considering the "amazing" options on the playing field of the Democrat's side - then you are truly in denial.

Nope you seem to be uninformed.

What do you say if he wins?

I would say the majority of voters have become substandard in regards to intelligence.

The majority of Americans are "Trump supporters"?

Is that actually a question? Because you left a question mark.

Anyway, the majority of Americans are not Trump supporters. Also it is the voting base that counts and with the voting base he only holds the majority in one party.

The majority of one party does not = Most Americans. Now you have been informed.

Wouldn't be much of an insult now would it? I'm sure the supporters would be proud to admit it.

That part doesn't make much sense.

What is supposed to be much of an insult? What would they be proud to admit?

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 03:58 AM
a reply to: whyamIhere

I like what I hear, but then again...I have heard so many lies before, that I have also liked. How is this Billionaire different?

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: IlluminatiTechnician
a reply to: whyamIhere

I like what I hear, but then again...I have heard so many lies before, that I have also liked. How is this Billionaire different?

He lies a lot at such a volume that people don't hear the cries of 'bull excrement!' from the fact checkers, or indeed anyone connected to reality. The man's a bloviating ignoramus and is the logical extension of the past 20 years of the GOP going raving mad.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:12 AM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
Nope you seem to be uninformed.

Care to elaborate on exactly what it is you think I'm "uninformed" about or that all you got?

I would say the majority of voters have become substandard in regards to intelligence.

And I (and most likely the majority of the world) would say the majority of American voters have been substandard in regards to intelligence for the last couple decades. You think voting Bush 2 terms and Obama 2 terms is a sign of intelligence? Haha.

Anyway, the majority of Americans are not Trump supporters. Also it is the voting base that counts and with the voting base he only holds the majority in one party.

The majority of one party does not = Most Americans. Now you have been informed.

I never stated otherwise. I simply asked if he was to go and win the election (which would obviously mean then that the majority of Americans/voters are Trump supporters), what would your excuse be.

Clearly you'd be too narrow minded to see that maybe the populace is just sick of the same old bull and therefore voted for the one candidate that despite any shortcomings - is still far more likely to bring about real change as opposed to the usual career politicians.

As for the confusion you seem to have with understanding some of the points I was making, not worth getting into but I will say, you need to work on your "substandard" reading comprehension skills.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:15 AM
anyone who's only been rich, never struggled in life, grows to be an extreme egotist and no longer in touch with the reality or the masses. That's a recieptee for distaster. He'll ruine the country big time because he's not affriad to pursue extreme ways to deal with issues. awhhhh scary stuff

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: conspiracy nut

and yet he would have to punch a baby in the mouth for people to see him for what he is.

even if he did he would find a way to make it the babies fault and his supporters would eat it up

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:22 AM
a reply to: whyamIhere

Reichstag fire 1933. Fear from a communist attack led a scared and paranoid population to go full retard and propel and narcissistic nut case into absolute power.

Anyone else with a working brain cells see the similatries?

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:23 AM
a reply to: Navieko

Care to elaborate on exactly what it is you think I'm "uninformed" about or that all you got?

I already explained it seems to have gone over your head. Oh well. You can always go back and try to comprehend it.

Clearly you'd be too narrow minded to see that maybe the populace is just sick of the same old bull and therefore voted for the one candidate that despite any shortcomings - is still far more likely to bring about real change as opposed to the usual career politicians.


posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:28 AM

originally posted by: burdman30ott6

originally posted by: TheBulk
The guy says whats in his heart despite all the backlash and you think hes lying?

The problem is what he's saying now doesn't gel with his past political comments and supports. To be honest, I have my fears that the man is a ringer.

Exactly you just have to look at his past track record and associations to have suspicions, big ones about were his loyalty lay.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:37 AM

originally posted by: Swills

originally posted by: whyamIhere

originally posted by: Swills
Good lord... Really guys, Trump? Why do you like him? Because he has a big mouth and likes to say he's not PC? I haven't seen the term PC thrown around as much as it has lately and I blame that on Trump. Just about every political thread some conservative is mocking a liberal for being PC.

Here's a question, what does Trump actually plan on doing if he's elected? This country has huge problems, debt and lots of it coming from every angle, War and we are constantly at war with no end in sight. So let's keep it simple and ask what are his ideas to quell these issues?

Bueller...Bueller... Bueller...

He has no ideas, just catch phrases. Let's make America great again (but I have no idea how).

Voting for Trump is voting for trouble.

What exactly is so hard about being $20 trillion in debt ?

Maybe a different approach could at least slow that down.

We could still fix it with leadership.

What do you mean what is so hard? You're acting as if this whole debt issue is no big deal for your boy Trump.

Different approach? Trumps approach? What's that, bankruptcy?

Fix debt with leadership? What?

How about WAR? Do you know how much we're spending right now just on the Middle East alone? About 14 million dollars a minute and that number is only going up. Again, that's just on the Middle East.

Havent you heard? Trump with fart and # out gold and all will be saved!

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:38 AM
A Trump presidency will be about as beneficial as Kim Jong Un is to North Korea.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:39 AM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: whyamIhere

Wait what? He said he won't say in advance what he would do? About what, the Middle East? Talk about weak! What a cop out!

How do you support a man with NO plan?! You guys, you have no idea what he'll do once in office. Way to go.... You all are led on by a loud mouth. Well done...

He said he wasn't going to tip them off.

He says he has a strategy. He like myself thinks we should stay out of the ME.

He wants to stay out of the ME......but he has a stratergy to bomb ISIS?

God I would love to hear how he can pull that off ?

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:42 AM

originally posted by: whyamIhere

originally posted by: Grimpachi
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

I believe he asked what Trumps plan was, not yours.

Maybe I am getting totally duped by Trump.

Yes , yes you are.
edit on 5-12-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 04:59 AM

originally posted by: Grimpachi
I already explained it seems to have gone over your head. Oh well. You can always go back and try to comprehend it.

You mean the "explanation" you gave based on your inability to comprehend my initial points in the first place? ...Where somehow you got the idea that I didn't know the difference between the majority of the GOP votes vs the majority of American votes? Oh the irony - haha.


If you can't see the key differences (excluding their party) of why it's so much more likely that Trump might actually follow through and succeed in bringing about change... then I must question your intelligence.

Which do you honestly think is more likely to be bought out, tow-the-line and continue down the path of further worsening the nation's biggest challenges - especially with regards to the economy/massive debt?

The career politician with crap all experience, or the highly experienced & successful billionaire whose already got all the wealth he needs?

You can hate the man's character as much as you want - I'm not much of a fan either - but as far as who I believe will do the most good for the nation, my money is certainly on Trump. And fortunately for you and the rest of the country (whether your too dim to realize it or not), it seems a pretty big chuck of the populace - and hopefully soon to be the good majority - are waking up to this realization too.

Better get used to the idea.

edit on 5/12/15 by Navieko because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: Navieko

Ha HA. You have to love it when people resort to calling others dim because they disagree with them.

Personally I think people are dim when they fall for a character who repeatedly makes dimwitted promises like.

I will make America great build a great wall and through out the illegals.

When asked how?

He says: That's classified now vote for me.

BTW with your whole "people are waking up thing" "go (insert name)" mantra it really is the same ole same ole that gets said every election. Also, I couldn't care less about his character. It is an entertaining character, but that doesn't qualify him to be president.

Trump "We Hope That He May Make Some Change And Not Be As Bad As The People He Bought Off Admittedly" 2016

That is one long bumper sticker.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: 222mockingbirdlane

Even if he only does ONE thing; begin clearing out illegals, that will fix so many problems in one.

It will create more problems than it will solve. The biggest one of all is the price of food will skyrocket simply because Americans won't get out in that heat and do the same job illegals do for the same price.

He is the ONLY one who feels passionate about it, and is really going to do it.

No he won't do anything about it simply because it will cost too much.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 06:44 AM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
Well, he is up 20% on the GOP field and that is before San Bernadino.

So the opinion that he's the best of a bad bunch means he's going to become President?
You're just going to overlook the whole political party thing entirely, just ignore democratic process and claim that because he's in the running and getting some attention from a group of near-radicals he's somehow a sure thing?

Not going to happen.
If we really want to look at proper data, we would see that the Republican party on the whole is failing.

What you're doing is really nothing more than crossing your fingers while you pick out the future captain of a sinking ship.

originally posted by: whyamIhere
We will not tolerate another religion or culture demanding we Worship their way.

Funny, considering so many Republicans want to do exactly that when it comes to Christianity.
For the record, there is not another religion or culture trying to force you to do anything, there are radical extremists (of all kinds) attempting to force their views onto your society through violence.

Dylann Roof ring any bells? How about that crazy right wing loon who shot up a Planned Parenthood? What about the white men who shot people at a BLM protest? Which culture or religion are they all a part of?

And as for what Americans want, the data shows absolutely that the Republican party is failing. You have a divided and factious party split between fiscal common-sense Conservatism and the fanatical right wing who are doing exactly what you claim "all Muslims" want to do. You have a party infested with religious fanatics who are destroying it from the inside out.

By all means let Trump be the leader of that disastrous mess, there is no way in hell he will become President.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 07:14 AM
Bush/Obama bring the corruption for nearly 16 years, trump will fix it, just enough, just in time, to make the people shut up and accept the new laws that have been passed.

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