I just wanted to remind all of the members, bleeding heart or otherwise. I do realize (as so many of you that are either too young, or from other
worlds) that the information that I am offering today is from the past directed for TODAY; many will and even more will not even be privy to the
history of the Muslim / Islam faith/traditions & genocide.
Muslim tolerance of non-Muslim defeating of peoples has spanned over the centuries from cold, lukewarm to non-existent. NOW with ISIS’ success in
establishing a new, Ottoman-like caliphate in terms of its brutality, the very word “tolerance” seems like a quaint memory to Christians living in
this part of the world.
With no concerted Western action to eliminate ISIS, it only grows in strength. And its primary enabler is, interestingly, Turkey, says noted Bible
teacher Joel Richardson, author of the New York Times-bestselling “Islamic Antichrist” and director of the documentary film “End-Times
“Because we’ve reached the 100-year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, it’s getting all sorts of new attention in the press, and with that
it’s drawing out many of the deniers,” Richardson told WND in a phone interview. “Even on my own website or on Twitter I’ve had several people
claiming that the Armenian Genocide never took place. Worst of all of these deniers is the modern-day government of Turkey.”
People, what is it going to take for you to realize that the threat is real, ISIS (or if you are with the POTUS) Isil is real, these people for
decades have been murderers and also are real. Believe as you may, it isn't going to get better. ISIS is everywhere, and we have yet to see the
Turkey Genocide
About 1.5 million Armenian Christians were systematically slaughtered by the government of the Ottoman Empire. It was jumpstarted on April 24, 1915,
when hundreds of Armenian community leaders and intellectuals were rounded up in Constantinople, arrested, and killed.
Young Armenian women who were not raped and killed could end up Islamified and taken in as wives or concubines.
The goal was to exterminate every Armenian Christian, whether child, woman, or man. The killings themselves often included all manner of butchery,
torture, and humiliation. My grandmother lamented the crucifixion of her father, who was known in the village as a holy man.
Another part of this extermination program involved deportations that forced Armenians out of their homes and basically put them on death marches into
the Syrian Desert. Many died of starvation and exhaustion on these caravans. Others succumbed to diseases like typhus in lice-infested camp
conditions. Young Armenian women who were not raped and killed could end up Islamified and taken in as wives or concubines.
Today, its still not genocide
It is too late to prevent the occurrence of these monster, non-human executioners of the human race. I ask you ATS, can we even stop the bleeding? I
personally am appalled that so many are just turning the other cheek. Denouncing the fact that ISIS is here. The are actively recruiting & have
copious amounts of cash. In collaborating w/ work associates, Im embarrassed how many just shrug their shoulders and reply "well, the Pres said its
only workplace violence, were safe"... "Lets get a Mocha" .......
Yes, I am fed up and yes, I am am actively profiling. I am not talking about the mentally ill, or gun control or the fact that your wife slept with
your brother and went on a shooting rampage.
I want to draw attention to these deranged Islamic terrorists and their extremism -
While America is throwing the race card, BLM, racism and unarmed persons being shot, a bigger much larger threat that is growing daily across America
and the great nations is planning for takeover.....
Are we too late?
Thanks for your posting and replies, lets keep it between the lines!!!!