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#BLM and Kean University HOAX...are there more?

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posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 06:53 AM
So, I feel like gloating just a little here in relation to this thread:

As was shown in that thread, there were plenty calling the racist card when I stated my opinion on the matter. Turns out I was correct. Thanks to SeargentSmoke for the story on it.

I have to, now, and have questioned the validity of other claims from other universities lately from BLM protesters. While BLM may have started out as a good cause, I think it had quickly spiraled downhill. I view it as a joke after this particular incident that had BLM supporters all fired up.

Anywho....on to the story.

Kean University President Dawood Farahi drew audible gasps from faculty and students on Tuesday when he informed them that the suspect who recently made “abhorrent” threats against black students was a black former student and “active participant” in an on-campus rally on Nov. 17.

“We are saddened to learn that the person allegedly responsible was an active participant in the rally that took place on campus on Tuesday, Nov. 17 and is a former student of Kean,” Farahi said to gasps.

Police say 24-year-old Kayla-Simone McKelvey, who is black, left the Nov. 17 demonstration on Kean University’s campus and created an anonymous Twitter account to post a threat against black students.

“I will shoot any black person I see at Kean University,” she allegedly wrote in one tweet.

In another she allegedly stated, “the cops won’t save you….you’re black.”

A short time later, McKelvey returned to the rally and began to circulate details about the fake threat, according to police.

McKelvey, a former president of the Pan-African Student Union, has been charged with third-degree creating a public false alarm, The Star-Ledger reports.

And I particularly like how the Director of African Studies tries to spin it in the end of this...what a jaded schmuck:

In his address to students and faculty, Farahi said “no cause or issue gives anyone the right to threaten the safety of others” and asserted the “horrible tweets tried to tear us apart and tarnish our reputation, but they have failed.”

However, some seemed undeterred to learn that the racist threats were made by a black former student actively involved in on-campus protests.

James Conyers, director of the African Studies Department, reportedly argued it “does not matter that it was a black person who did this — this was all in the context of racism.”


And the perpetrator, one Kayla-Simone McKelvey:

I just have to have a bit of a chuckle at this desperate to make a cause justified. People like this are only causing more harm and there are surely many more.

Here is a link from the other thread just to show it has been done before...

College Hate Crime HOAXes
edit on 12/4/15 by Vasa Croe because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 07:15 AM
Not quite experienced adults yet, college kids experimenting with their notions of free speech and protest.

Now sweetie, you can't do a paper on the reactions a room full of people have when you run in and yell, "Fire!".

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 07:15 AM

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

James Conyers, director of the African Studies Department, reportedly argued it “does not matter that it was a black person who did this — this was all in the context of racism.”

What the hell does that mean?

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 07:17 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

James Conyers, director of the African Studies Department, reportedly argued it “does not matter that it was a black person who did this — this was all in the context of racism.”

What the hell does that mean?

It means he is a part of the problem and that was a weak attempt at damage control for BLM.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy

It means he is a part of the problem and that was a weak attempt at damage control for BLM.

I get that but what exactly was he trying to say? To me it translates as, 'It's okay if a black person makes racist threats against other black people since a white person probably was thinking/saying it', which is friggin retarded.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 07:19 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: Vasa Croe

James Conyers, director of the African Studies Department, reportedly argued it “does not matter that it was a black person who did this — this was all in the context of racism.”

What the hell does that mean?

That's the academic explanation: it doesn't matter who did it because it's true.
Did she paint the poop swastika too?
It's pretty sad when they have to create incidents to make racism look real.
Racism isn't dead but compared to 50 years ago the White people I know have come a long, long way.
They need to stop beating this dead horse and get on with living instead of blaming others for what they fail to accomplish.
edit on 4-12-2015 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 07:20 AM
Oh...forgot to add the video of the Kean University President speaking about it....

And to top it off I will roll with Girl Who Cried Wolf for $1000 Alex:

Kean alum accused of Twitter threats claims she's getting death threats, police say

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 07:24 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: butcherguy

It means he is a part of the problem and that was a weak attempt at damage control for BLM.

I get that but what exactly was he trying to say? To me it translates as, 'It's okay if a black person makes racist threats against other black people since a white person probably was thinking/saying it', which is friggin retarded.

That about sums up my thoughts on BLM at this point. Seems anyone can do whatever for a cause as long as they can justify it with their majority and it fits their agenda.....

Hard for me to believe that Kean would support a Director of African Studies that would make a statement like that. Seems he is just advocating for students to feel justified in their actions even when the didn't happen and are illegal. I wonder how many more idiots this one taught and got to in this manner....I wonder if this girl was one the Directors students at some point. I can only imagine the agenda being pushed by the African Studies division with someone like this at the helm.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

What a sorry excuse for a human being.

Talk about RACE BAITING.

Shame on this KAYLA individual, what a scummy, scummy thing to do.

I'm white, discriminate against me all you want. I'll just know you are ignorant. But trying to STIR the pot and make fake threats against a certain group to incite hatred.. that's about as LOW as it GETS

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 07:54 AM

originally posted by: AugustusMasonicus

originally posted by: butcherguy

It means he is a part of the problem and that was a weak attempt at damage control for BLM.

I get that but what exactly was he trying to say? To me it translates as, 'It's okay if a black person makes racist threats against other black people since a white person probably was thinking/saying it', which is friggin retarded.

What you said is what I got out of it.
It shows us what our society needs to get used to, as this is a college professor saying it.
Sad days today.... even sadder yet to come.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

There have been MANY others. The media pays attention to these stories up until it's reveled to be a hoax, then they ignore it.

These claims of racism, how can any of them been confirmed? These universities just accept these claims as the truth without any evidence! Why wouldn't the students make these claims? It's allowing them to push forward their agenda and get some extra perks to boot.
edit on 4-12-2015 by TheBulk because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

Racism is the desperately needed crutch that some races require to survive. It's the ever-present and reliable excuse for all shortcomings. If your cause is flagging due to lack of actual racism, what choice do you have but to false-flag yourself with some fake racism?

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 09:57 AM

originally posted by: TheBulk
a reply to: Vasa Croe

There have been MANY others. The media pays attention to these stories up until it's reveled to be a hoax, then they ignore it.

These claims of racism, how can any of them been confirmed? These universities just accept these claims as the truth without any evidence! Why wouldn't the students make these claims? It's allowing them to push forward their agenda and get some extra perks to boot.

Yeah...problem is accountability for your actions. There are none these days. Likely the girl that did this still feels justified in her actions because she was doing it for the cause in here messed up brain.

Another issue is those teaching these kids. Seems extremism is acceptable as a teacher now. I would say the statement from the Director at that school calls in to question his own character and justification methods, but unlikely anyone will say anything about it because that would be racist...

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 10:05 AM
It seems that our perp has been charged with a crime, which is what she deserves. Fortunately, the little twit didn't instigate any violence.
The comments from the Professor of African studies are typical of the genre. A drone, who hasn't the ability or work ethic to study anything legitimate, he has to justify the poorly conceived actions of an activist child in light of her Africanity and the imagined thoughts of the evil white man. From what I have seen, African and Black Studies are feel-good, no-work academic areas, and consist of token courses with token professors. They are completely worthless majors designed to pump out graduates that have no useful skills....other than being professors of African or Black Studies. I have no problem with a course or two that help incite pride in our youth and explain some ugly truths. One such is that Africans sold other Africans into slavery because that's how it was. When confronted many years ago by an activist about my personal responsibility for slavery of black people, I stated that. I asked him if he thought sea captains wandered into the jungle and captured local tribesmen or if the captain just bought them from dealers at a port. How long would a sea captain last in the jungle? Not long. This reality annoyed him no end.
If we really cared about our future, we would revamp our school systems. We would try to break the cycle of dependence that resulted as an unintended consequence of social engineering of the 1960's.
edit on 12/4/2015 by pteridine because: Blatant syntax error

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 10:08 AM
How unfortunate that people need to be dishonest to draw attention to a cause. Reminds me of the Planned Parenthood videos from CMP.

That being said, will we let idiocy like this detract from the reality of systemic racism and issues with how the system has treated black people? I know there may be liars among them, but there are still issues we need to address no matter how much they lie.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: introvert
How unfortunate that people need to be dishonest to draw attention to a cause. Reminds me of the Planned Parenthood videos from CMP.

That being said, will we let idiocy like this detract from the reality of systemic racism and issues with how the system has treated black people? I know there may be liars among them, but there are still issues we need to address no matter how much they lie.

I am sure there are issues, but nothing along the lines of what is being media driven. People blow things out of proportion just because they want to get a story out there and will do anything to do so. People like this girl only detract from the real issues which are not as bad as these protesters would have people believe.

I am like most in the argument though, worry about the violence within the community then focus on the outside. Similar to how you help yourself when in times of need. You work on yourself then you're able to help others. Work on getting the black on black violence under control, it is a MUCH larger issue than any other race on black violence.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Vasa Croe

There are plenty more. The spray painted garage door incident was found that the black homeowner did it herself. There are multiple videos claiming police racism and/or brutality, which afterwards, dashcam footage proved it was a total lie. (Sandra Bland, etc). The fact of the matter is, white folks are simply not out to get blacks, period. The simple fact of all the programs put in place for minorities is just one thing showing the total opposite.

Some feel that they can do whatever they want, law wise, and then when they are punished for it, it is racism. I have been pulled over for silly things like a brake light out or a small crack in a windshield, and each time I never got a ticket. I am sure if I started whining how "unfair" it was, I would have been cited. The police are sick and tired of dealing with these people day in and day out, and the videos of them being totally polite and fair still get them nailed with claims of racism. They are damned if they do damned if they don't.

What more can be done to satisfy them? I think the police should just let them police themselves. But we all know how that would go. Nothing will make them happy, ever. I truly feel bad for all of the decent minorites, and they are just as sick of the games as everyone else. Sadly things are going to get much worse before anything ever gets better.

edit on 4-12-2015 by pcgamer11 because: fix

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