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Do you believe in Reincarnation? :D

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posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 11:56 PM
I believe in Reincarnation. Do you know why? Because of Astrology, I know that Souls pick their birthdate. Each day has an energy, and souls incarnate on that day i.e the day that they are born.

E.g. I am born on November 27, i incarnated on November 27s Sagittarian energies. And in my next life, i will be born to a different mother, maybe the same birthday maybe not

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 12:02 AM
a reply to: optimisitcplanet

I believe in karma and reincarnation. I also believe there is something to astrology or at least numerology. I won't pretend to understand it like you do, but I am very open minded to the possibility and wouldn't mind learning more about birthdays, birth months, etc and how they affect our lives.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 12:58 AM
I guess I believe in re-incarnation.
But if there were 1 billion people on earth in 1800 and there are about 7 billion now and maybe twice that in another 100 years, where do some of the new people come from? I often ask myself this. The only possible answers I can think of are A. From animals, B. From other life outside of the earth, such as exoplanets in other solar systems. C. That spiritual beings are queued up waiting for new people and so what was a long line in 1800 is a shorter line now. D. That maybe all spiritual beings were one single entity at one point and over time that have been splitting up into different beings but not knowing it . I always find this possiblity fascinating that we were all one at one time.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: optimisitcplanet

Yes; I do because of what I have read in all 9 books, I think it was, by the person known as Tuesday Lobsang Rampa, and also because of what Elisibeth Klubbler Ross said after spending years of working with terminally ill people mostly kids.

The reader may have heard of the saying 'unfinished business.' This came from Elisibeth Klubbler Ross when describing the 4 stages people go through when they are dying, 'unfinished business being the last.

There's also a few other things I've read.

And yes, I am well aware of all that has been said and written about the person known as Tuesday Lobsang Rampa. I am quite familiar with it.
edit on 4-12-2015 by Azureblue because: z

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 02:27 AM
Yes, but the only life I recall (not saying others didn't happen but don't recall that) was a long time ago, a past cycle before this type of human was made in the labs. On Mars, and knew that was a group of survivors from the planet in rubble in the asteroid belt, all the way to Lyra. Long journey. We were higher human and advanced telepathic race and there was a huge war, against those who did bad things on earth, slavers. I recall being a child and wanting to stay with my mother and brother even though we would die, and yet being forced off planet. That we all knew each other and had incarnated over many lifetimes, in different roles, brother, sister, mother/child, best friend. That these were family and precious. And yet felt this loss, and incredible loss of my people. And also, at the same time earth was undergoing a huge deluge/flood, and many more were dying. And was outside the planet in a craft that I'd been put on.

There was a huge river of sorrow running through the fabric of space and it had to be healed.

The only other memory seemed to be something during a forest fire, where I could smell the pitch burning, and had this sensation of trying to leap out of my body to assist, because we assisted nature. I knew it was my job at one point, and then looked down in shock and realized. I can't, in this body can't do anything.

So the answer is most definitely.
edit on 4-12-2015 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 06:19 AM

originally posted by: optimisitcplanet
I believe in Reincarnation. Do you know why? Because of Astrology, I know that Souls pick their birthdate. Each day has an energy, and souls incarnate on that day i.e the day that they are born.

E.g. I am born on November 27, i incarnated on November 27s Sagittarian energies. And in my next life, i will be born to a different mother, maybe the same birthday maybe not

I do think souls decide when to reincarnate, but it is not because of a specific date. Astrology is not the reason, nor is it a Universal construct, it is a human construct with a calender designed by humans based on an earthly condition.

Souls do not simply reincarnate here every time in this human form. Birth dates and astrological rhetoric have no bearing.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 10:27 AM
a reply to: optimisitcplanet would be pointless to just be born, and die...once.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 11:13 AM
I believe in it because people who meditate constantly, such as tibetan monks, have claimed to realize past lives. They dont have a reason to lie and dont operate off a belief system.

I dont understand reincarnation though. For one thing, most people dont remember their past lives. Secondly, what is the point of past lives?

If i lived as a farmer, engineer, politician, and fisherman what did i learn? How are those memories useful now? They are just memories of someone elses life. I wont beable to reconstruct the schooling memories of the engineer to remember how to build things again.

It just seem like an utterly pointless collection of memories that our soul or consciousness collects from one life to another.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: optimisitcplanet

I believe in reincarnation, and have seen "proof" of it. Not only the videos of children who know things from their past, such as the one boy who was a WWII fighter pilot who was downed near Japan, but also a good friend of mine actually had something similar happen to him. When he was really young, he kept having nightmares of being in a fighter plane and being shot down. While sleeping, his parents would ask him questions, and he'd answer them perfectly. No human names were ever given, but he did know the type of plane he was fighting, and how he died.

I'm also a believer that certain things we're interested in may have to do with our past lives. For example, I have a strong connection ancient Japanese culture and viking culture. I grew up in St. Louis until I was 10, then the rest of my teen years in a small town in Colorado. Neither of those schools ever taught me about either culture. When I first learned about each one, it actually felt like I've known it before. Not like I've read about it before, but experienced it before. It's really hard to explain, hopefully you'll understand.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 10:12 AM
Check out Dr. Ian Stevenson. He devoted his practice to the scientific study of reincarnation.

He should be on YouTube.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 10:17 AM
a reply to: optimisitcplanet

if a body is energy and science tells us that energy can not be destroyed only converted

then conversion of said energy is reincarnation .

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 11:27 AM
Yeah, I'm leaning more to the reincarnation side of things, I can't see life as being a one shot deal. I don't think anybody gets it perfect the first time around. Sucks though, having to go through diapers and school again.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 02:05 PM
I believe that the majority of being experience reincarnation because the soul is always learning, growing, adapting, experincing all the wealth of possibilities in this glorious Multiverse/Universe. I have experienced things I can't always consciously recall, because those past-life memories and the lesson therein do not fit the Moment of the Now, so it's pretty touch and go at "remembering" things.

In this lifetime, I experienced a point of transition where I found myself floating through very, very ancient incarnations, lost in a darkness watching life begin in the Cosmic Ocean, so to speak, and then slowly forming into it's multiplicities of Life.

When I eventually pulled out of it, I was immediately drawn to spiritual works in an attempt to explain and give form to what I had undergone. For some reason I was inexplicably drawn to traditional Tibetan Buddhist literature, appropriate, insomuch as many believe their philosophies to be one of the more advanced when it comes to insight. Unusual, considering my current lifetime had been in the instruction of protestant and Catholic doctrine.

It has been an interesting journey trying to unravel all these Greater Mysteries and my singular place within them, but it is the most beautiful, instructional, and insightful thing I have ever done with my time on this beautiful world.

I love how we are afforded this opportunity to share our respective journey and insights together.

Much joy within my heart during these times.

Long story short:

Do I believe in Reincarnation?
Absolutely and without a doubt.

edit on 12/5/15 by GENERAL EYES because: formatting

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 02:22 PM
I have heard and read a little about DNA activation and it kind of sounds like a more scientific explanation of reincarnation.

I think that what we carry in our bodies is very telling; not just about how to survive (our bodies tell us we need warmth and food and etc. to survive) but also about who we are and where we came from and what we're supposed to do. Furthermore, there are studies about how epigenetic changes are possibly being passed down from generation to generation(negative ones which put people at risk of illness- epigenetic changes caused by trauma), which although these have nothing to do with DNA, may be linked to DNA activation stuff (you might be able to tap into knowledge of your ancestors- as their lives and experiences have been passed down to you). And even more, if we are all truly connected (and I believe we are) then you may be able to tap into EVERY past life/the human collective conscious, which may be confused as past lives. But I think our DNA, who we are, can kind of set us up for what pool of conscious we get tapped into, as if there are different sections/levels/pools of consciousness.

LOL, yeah I'm nuts.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: optimisitcplanet

Short answer, yes.

posted on Dec, 5 2015 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: optimisitcplanet

I believe that only some people reincarnate. The rest of the populace only lived once and once they die they stay in the afterlife permanently . The book the Bone Clocks by David Mitchell (Same author of Cloud Atlas) explores that idea. For those who reincarnate, they have 40 days to stay in the afterlife. After that they are then transported back to the physical realm.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 12:41 AM
a reply to: starwarsisreal

The problem with this theory of reincarnation is the fact that there is a 40 day time period. No such method of time keeping exist outside of the human construct.

posted on Dec, 6 2015 @ 12:54 AM
It is really a tricky subject, when a person is born it is near impossible to calculate what "went into them" - the matter that is responsible for the growth of a new person could come from a myriad of places.

Contained within that matter could have been matter that did belong to other individuals, if it is possible to delve into that, I would assume that we would have thousands if not truly millions of past lives.

The product, the person, I think, is a new combination of old parts.
edit on 6-12-2015 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 04:49 AM
The reincarnation does not exist, it is a misinterpretation of a real phenomenon, but misunderstood by people of XXI century.

posted on Feb, 2 2016 @ 12:00 PM
The word 'reincarnation' means to re enter flesh.
Are you in flesh now?
There may be a belief that there is a you inside the body but it is not true. The body appears in what you are - you are the conscious space in which everything is appearing - and everything which appears is made of nothing but that.

The dream may contain ideas of being born and dying and ideas about being born again - but that is just a character within the dream. What 'you' really are was never born and will never die.

Have you ever considered that this could be an eternal dream?
Are we the stuff that dreams are made of?

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