posted on Jun, 11 2003 @ 11:08 PM
I guess Jesse Ventura has some competition now...
LOS ANGELES - Despite persistent rumors he's considering running as a Republican candidate for governor, actor Arnold Schwarzenegger insists the only
thing he's campaigning for at the moment is his forthcoming film "Terminator 3."
The 55-year old star of the "Terminator" movies, who spoke to a taxpayer advocacy group Tuesday night at a Century City hotel, brushed off questions
about his political ambitions.
"I'm telling you right now that I'm just thinking about `Terminator' and not about anything else," he told The Associated Press.
But he delivered a campaign-style speech to the conservative Washington anti-tax group Club for Growth to commemorate the 25th anniversary of
Proposition 13. He extolled the voter-approved property tax-slashing measure authored by Howard Jarvis and Paul Gann that launched a nationwide tax
revolt, adding that the time is right for another revolution at California's voting booths.