So, I see a lot of lumpage, and I'm here to point it out. You can't simply have it both ways. When you become an adult you should understand you
cant have your cake and eat it too. Also I'm writing this from an American point of view, other countries need to figure out there own issues with
their constitution and leaders, so I can't speak for them. So here we go: If you are going to lump the crazies with guns with the sane people with
guns, then you have to lump all American Muslims with Radical Islamist's. You simply can't have it both ways. I can see even on ATS most people are
Dictionary challenged, but people who get it both ways are called HYPOCRITES.
I, personally, will not lump Muslim Americans with the crazies overseas, bc it's wrong. Also I will not lump crazy gun owners with responsible ones.
If you take one side, you have to take the other, or your a HYPOCRITE.
Now, Lets talk about source and responsibility. You know, that sense of realizing only you are in charge of your life and RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU ACTIONS
AND WHO YOU ASSOCIATE WITH. Seems to be in short demand in America these days. All I hear are Americans claiming to be either a #ing victim or they
want to point blame at any source that they don't have to TAKE A PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR. Having responsibility means your NOT entitled to always
have things go cozy and nice and easy for you. I grew up with nothing, worked hard, and I am young for the success I have attained now. My Point?
How can anyone be a victim in the USA?! Jesus, have you seen what these other countries look like? Even growing up in a #ing ghetto I could see how
cozy I had it as an American. I cant stand the whining. We got it real good compared to the rest of the world.
Radical Islam in 2015:
Source - Elite Arabs didn't curb the growth of young, impoverished, five year olds in their own back yard after 9/11 and now they formed ISIS, Boko,
Deash, etc. You know, you cant have an effective radical army without young men and women to carry out your work, and with all the worlds oil money,
they didn't stop this new batch from being created. And they think they can handle more nukes hahaha ... anyway.. it's a cut and dry source.
Responsibility - The Arab Elites, it's their backyard, they let it grow the last 15 years, they should be stopping this, but.. well.. they suck at it.
Obviously, they had 15 years and all that money and couldn't figure out something as simple as NOT ALLOWING PSYCHO'S TO BRAINWASH THEIR COUNTRIES
KIDS. And they think they can handle more nukes hahaha ... anyway.. it's a cut and dry responsible party.
Solution - Business as usual. The crazies will bite off more than they can chew and the worlds elite will have them put down. I personally have
suggested other ways to deal with this, but my solutions require ADULTS TAKING RESPONSIBILITY to work and something tells me no one will do that and
its easier to just namelessly bomb some cities, pass the buck, and use the peoples money to buy a new car to make yourself feel better.
Gun Violence in America - 2015
Source - Since you are innocent until proven guilty in America, until you commit a crime with a gun, your just a citizen with a gun. Even if you are
crazy. So the source is obviously criminals or the mentally ill. Sane people who follow the law don't kill people. So by definition or what I like
to call "Definitive Reality If You Follow The English Language" the source of gun violence are CRIMINALS AND THE MENTALLY ILL.
Responsibility - Now I could easily say that this is all about personal responsibility of the person behind the inanimate object they are about to
hurt or kill someone with and I would be right. BUT in the big picture I truly feel responsibility lies on the politicians that allow their cities to
go to # in the first place. If you cant handle the job or you suck at it, please stop taking the peoples money and find someone who is good at making
sure a city doesn't turn into a violent cesspool. Just because you got voted in doesn't mean you should just STICK IT OUT and drag the poorest and
most vulnerable people with you. AND GET PAID WHILE DOING IT. So I'm just going to leave it at that for responsibility, even though it can go way
further. Even responsibility lies with the gun makers. They aren't in the cookie business and they know it. I am sure they can afford to carry some
responsibility, and I here they do, but I just cant let them off the hook either. Ill get to that below.
Solution -
According to this chart we have roughly 10 deaths per 100k people in this country due to firearms. So lets do some basic math. 300 million people in
USA divided by 100k people is 3k. 3k x 10 deaths per 100k people = 30kSO the USA has roughly 30k deaths per year by firearms.
According to the chart, 30k deaths a year puts us above the middle of the pack with other countries and how many firearm deaths occur. Now this
number is NOT GOING TO JUST GO DOWN. There is no law, silver bullet, magic dust, get rich quick, solution. It is going to take YEARS and OVER TIME.
And its going to take a game plan, so lets put one out.
Put of those 30k gun deaths, 11k are the murders. Lets just focus on that part for now. So lets pretend were the president and we are looking at a
map of the country with all the gun deaths mapped out. You think to yourself...You have 11k murders by guns a year. You have 50 states. Which states
governor's and politicians are #ing up?
It was easy to find Chicago's numbers on gun murders but it wasn't easy to find other cities. I am going off this site for the rest.
Illinois, Chicago - 400 some gun murders this year so far. Seems like a good place to start. Then according to that list you got Baltimore and
So the President calls a press meeting, the Governor's and Mayors from the above states and cities are with him and so is the NRA. Prez says we have
a major issue with gun violence in these cities, we are all here to ask the American people to help us fix these cities. Donations, help, missionary
laws would replace hard work and responsibility is the epitome of how #ing lazy our society has become. Look Wilford, If we simply change some laws,
then we'll be entitled to safer streets.. meh.. WTF Really? How can this even be considered a real solution to anyone. That's there's some EASY WAY
OUT of the nations problems. # if its that easy, I can change words on paper, I should be running this country. I can type and I even have a pen
with an eraser!
If there was a clear plan and leadership the gun lobby's aren't going to turn down a plan to help these cities, so our rights don't change and these
places that are dramatically raising our gun murders are fixed over time. This bull# about changing laws is like the laziest and insincere way I have
ever heard of leaders or anyone for that matter, solving an issue. And that's it, over time if you target the worst areas, which obviously need our
leaders help and the nations support, then slowly those numbers would go down and our rights wouldn't change.
edit on 3-12-2015 by tonycodes because: (no reason given)