posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 08:33 AM
How do you explain the countless other pictures Curiosity has sent back showing features that match the Martian surface, but don't exist anywhere on
Devon Island?
Err, ALLEGEDLY sent.
How do you really know where those pics originally game from?
Also, in the current year (or even in the 1960s), it's pretty darn easy to manufacture 'false images'. In 1960s, they actually built a 'fake moon'
with perfect features out of whatever Papier-mâché stuff they had available back then. Today, such faking possibilities are basically ENDLESS. You
can't trust pictures or video in this era, sorry to say. They can create breathtakingly accurate and realistic sceneries without actually going or
sending anything to ANOTHER PLANET.
When you use Occam's Razor... which seems more likely? The cheap, easy option, or the cumbersome, amazingly enormous and mega-expensive undertaking
that no one can prove one way or another whether they did it or not..?
You SHOULD have some doubt about ANY official story, no matter how realistic, or how much you want to believe it. NASA is a massive money black hole,
and always has been. I am not going into what they did to murder astronauts and whistleblowers back in the day, but there's a REASON why people called
it 'Never A Straight Answer' even back in the day. Also, remember that it was basically formed and staffed by "ex"-nazís.
They have 'cleaned' their image since then, but we shouldn't forget these 'little details' so quickly and start trusting anything they say without any