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Roswell - New scans of the Ramey Memo : Can it now be enhanced/deciphered?

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posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 03:30 PM

originally posted by: Ianska
This is what I've managed to tweak and read so far:

Full size:

Decent quality picture but looking closely it seemed to me it reads Fort Morris/Norris and after looking it up seems there is a fort morris/norris dont know whether its of any significance, also can clearly see "CIA" maybe they put it in quotations because the organization was fairly new at the time, also to my skeptical eye it looks as though it is HAND written and not typed, I asked my partner and she agreed without knowing what she was looking at, could this be a possibility?

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 04:06 PM

originally posted by: whyamIhere
To solid state circuitry pretty damn quick.

Shows you what people can accomplish when they're highly motivated -- $$$$$.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: IsaacKoi
Mmm. That forum certainly seems to have a lot of expertise in image processing.

There are some pretty cool cats there, but you'll notice the thread used as reference is less than two pages in and someone asks for a comparison sample to be able to verify their results. Furthermore the image that they're working with is magnitudes better than the Roswell scans. The signal to noise ratio is in a different postcode.

That said, totally open to being blown away and like seeing the different approaches; maybe contact a mod here and ensure they they'll let you link back and forth so we can see?


posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 07:57 PM
I appreciate the effort Isaac, you're a great poster. But seriously, who really needs this memo to convince them that aliens crashed at Roswell and Corona? If there are people that haven't figured that out by now, I seriously doubt that fuzzy memo will make a difference in their minds.

While it is always nice to have another piece of evidence, if all the testimony of the people involved, including deathbed confessions, isn't enough for some people to realize that aliens crashed at Roswell, then nothing is. Why waste time trying to convince the small percentage that refuse to acknowledge such a well-documented event?

If it's simply a matter of having an official memorandum that discusses the aliens at Roswell, well then, there are PLENTY of military and intelligence memos discussing Roswell in the public record.

This seems unnecessary to me.

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 08:50 PM

...also to my skeptical eye it looks as though it is HAND written and not typed, I asked my partner and she agreed without knowing what she was looking at, could this be a possibility?

No, I don't think so. The letters are just too identical in size and alignment to be hand written, and the lines are too perfectly spaced imo.

I appreciate the effort Isaac, you're a great poster. But seriously, who really needs this memo to convince them that aliens crashed at Roswell and Corona? If there are people that haven't figured that out by now, I seriously doubt that fuzzy memo will make a difference in their minds.

I think it's very important. If they could conclusively find a way to decipher that memo, and it pointed to a wrecked alien craft, that's the smoking gun that would both point to alien visitation and government cover-up at the same time. Of course, it would have be an ironclad translation that could be proven true. But if one could do this, it would help the cause tremendously.

We just need the Rosetta stone of memos now to figure this out.
edit on 2-12-2015 by fleabit because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: trueskepticnumberone
[...] who really needs this memo to convince them that aliens crashed at Roswell and Corona? If there are people that haven't figured that out by now, I seriously doubt that fuzzy memo will make a difference in their minds.

I've read a lot of stories and New Mexico tall tales and AFOSI spook disinformation, but to me they have never added up to an alien spaceship crashing at Roswell. I guess you're just more trusting than I am.

But there are a lot of people who think this memo really is the "smoking gun," and believe it is one of the more convincing pieces of physical evidence in a case where physical evidence is scarce as hen's teeth. I wouldn't mind seeing if enough sense can be made of it to give it a definitive yes or no. As for myself, without that verification it just goes into the no pile.

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 11:43 AM
There is a Camp Murray, Washington...

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 12:33 PM

originally posted by: trueskepticnumberone
I appreciate the effort Isaac, you're a great poster. But seriously, who really needs this memo to convince them that aliens crashed at Roswell and Corona?

I tend not to express opinions in most of my posts here on ATS (usually preferring just to share resources), but I don't mind saying that - for reasons that would probably involve writing a book-length analysis - personally I'm not convinced that aliens crashed at Roswell and/or Corona.

So, personally I'm interested in reading the "Ramey memo" (if it can be enhanced) since it may help clarify what happened at Roswell.

If the "Ramey Memo" can't be significantly enhanced, I don't think most of it can be read with any certainty.

At the moment, I still think it may be possible to enhance the new scans so that more of the memo can be read with some confidence. However, the feedback I've had in this thread (and elsewhere) so far suggests that most people with experience with digital imaging issues that have expressed any view are doubtful any significant improvement can be made. I haven't given up hope yet.

edit on 3-12-2015 by IsaacKoi because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2015 @ 11:36 PM
a reply to: trueskepticnumberone

If Ramey could be read with genuine confidence by anyone who can read rather than being interpreted by those with a belief bias it could, at last, be genuinely considered as semi-solid evidence...

At last...

I'm with Isaac, I still hold out hope it can be enhanced to the point you don't need to believe what someone else claims/declares it reads...

edit on 12-3-2015 by Springer because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: IsaacKoi

I tend not to express opinions in most of my posts here on ATS (usually preferring just to share resources), but I don't mind saying that - for reasons that would probably involve writing a book-length analysis - personally I'm not convinced that aliens crashed at Roswell and/or Corona.

So, personally I'm interested in reading the "Ramey memo" (if it can be enhanced) since it may help clarify what happened at Roswell.

As if a memo at a staged press conference in any way carries as much weight as the testimony of the people who were there?
And as I said, there a number of memos and official documents released under FOIA that deal with Roswell. In what possible way are they any less significant evidence?

I guess I'm just past the point where I can empathize with people who still think the evidence for Roswell is somehow inconclusive.

edit on 4-12-2015 by trueskepticnumberone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 09:32 AM
I wish that photographer had been standing a foot closer. That difference could have made it legible.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: trueskepticnumberone

Sorry I'm new, what other memos and documents are there? Could you direct me to them?

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: ctj83
a reply to: trueskepticnumberone

Sorry I'm new, what other memos and documents are there? Could you direct me to them?

Glad to help. Don't get caught up in this stupid fuzzy memo B.S., as if it were the least bit important in establishing that aliens crashed at Roswell.

Here are OFFICIAL documents that you can actually read. Roswell happened. Don't buy into the disinformation agenda that we need to read to this particular fuzzy memo to know the truth about Roswell. The evidence has been available for decades.
______beforeitsnews/alternative/2011/04/j-edgar-hoovers-saucer-crash-secrets-by-anthony-bragalia-549854.html ml

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: trueskepticnumberone
Don't get caught up in this stupid fuzzy memo B.S., as if it were the least bit important in establishing that aliens crashed at Roswell.

Here are OFFICIAL documents that you can actually read. Roswell happened. ...

Except that the FBI document at that link relates to a hoax, as I detailed in a post a few years ago at:
Debunked! The FBI alien bodies memo – A case study in the reinvention of the wheel

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 04:41 PM

originally posted by: IsaacKoi

originally posted by: trueskepticnumberone
Don't get caught up in this stupid fuzzy memo B.S., as if it were the least bit important in establishing that aliens crashed at Roswell.

Here are OFFICIAL documents that you can actually read. Roswell happened. ...

Except that the FBI document at that link relates to a hoax, as I detailed in a post a few years ago at:
Debunked! The FBI alien bodies memo – A case study in the reinvention of the wheel

Bull, it is an authentic FBI document. And you have no evidence that it relates to a "hoax", only your own conjecture. And although you do try awfully hard to "debunk" this authentic document away, you fail because it isn't "bunk". Your thread looks like an elaborate hatchet job to me, if not disinformation.

Let me make this clear: the documents I linked to are authentic documents.

Nobody needs to agonize over this blurry photo for another twenty years to realize that aliens did indeed crash at Roswell. It is public record.

This thread strikes me as simply pedlling doubt where there really isn't any.

Ask the men who were there, they'll tell you what really happened, and their testimony corroborates each other's precisely. The ones who are now dead gave detailed testimony, including deathbed statements, and the ones who are still alive will still tell you that aliens crashed at Roswell.

We don't need a blurry memo, and it seems odd to me that anyone would need this to finally realize Roswell happened.

How about the fact that U.S. Air Force Colonel Philip J. Corso wrote a book explaining exactly what was done with the wreckage of the Roswell craft over the course of the 1950s and 1960s? If that isn't good enough, how will an out-of-focus memo make any difference?
If you don't take what Corso said seriously, some people certainly did. "The Day After Roswell" was the best-selling book at the Pentagon for a year.

edit on 4-12-2015 by trueskepticnumberone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 04:44 PM

originally posted by: trueskepticnumberone
And the other documents?

Which "other documents"? I've just checked your second and third links and they both also link to the same FBI memo from Hottel about the same hoax.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: IsaacKoi

originally posted by: trueskepticnumberone
And the other documents?

Which "other documents"? I've just checked your second and third links and they both also link to the same FBI memo from Hottel about the same hoax.

So you're unable to follow my link to the J. Edgar Hoover memo, where in his own handwriting Hoover insists upon the Beaureau being allowed to examine the retrieved disc. No hoax. It is Hoover's own handwriting.

To dismiss this very serious document as anything less than substantial evidence would be irrational.

edit on 4-12-2015 by trueskepticnumberone because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-12-2015 by trueskepticnumberone because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: trueskepticnumberone
So you're unable to follow my link to the J. Edgar Hoover memo, where in his own handwriting Hoover insists upon the Beaureau being allowed to examine the retrieved disc. No hoax. It is Hoover's own handwriting.

To dismiss this very serious document as anything less than substantial evidence would be irrational.

You mean the annotation regarding access to the "La" (?) disc ( in the Part 1 of the FBI’s 16 UFO files, at pages 44 and 45 of 69)?

I've also written about that one before. I posted the equivalent of several A4 pages of material at:

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 05:48 PM
Getting back to the "Ramey memo", I've reached out to two experts by email. I'll contact a third expert tomorrow.

I'll report back here if they say anything interesting.

posted on Dec, 4 2015 @ 06:08 PM
I feel there is a pattern of bias emerging.

I just provided an official document in which J. Edgar Hoover writes, in his own hand, that the FBI would agree to not interfere with the military by investigating crashed flying saucers, but insists that the bureau be allowed to examine the crashed disc.

Now you're trying to pretend that this isn't hugely significant documentation.
Yet at the same time you profess that, gosh, if we could only read that blurry memo, that would convince you.

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