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patterson bigfoot stabilised ~fake

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posted on Jan, 25 2005 @ 03:27 AM

Originally posted by d1k
First off Instar, you're doing a miserable job if you're trying to debunk this, you really sound like you're reaching in a lot of your posts, it also seems you are trying too hard.

Secondly I watched a special on Discovery just a couple months ago in which they showed this footage. Strange they did not say it was proven a fake long ago, in fact they said it was one of the best footage that shows a living unknown species alive today.

One of the biggest points they made was that no human on Earth walks with his knees constantly bent like that, they also determined the size of the ape as 8+ feet tall. There was other points but these were some of the more notable ones. So we have a guy in a suit in the 50s or 70s? which ever it really does not matter, maintaining a funky walk with bent knees that towers at 8+ feet?

There are lots of good arguments on Bigfoots exisiting and not existing, please save us from your Judge Judy shamble of a debunk.

LMFAO Buddy you and others can beleive whatever you like. I started this thread to state my disbeleif based on my observations after veiving the antishake vid. I.E I think its BS. I have no need to debunk it, I already disbeleive its genuine. Every other post since the original is neither here or there, Im merely pointing out my observations in return.
Your childish angry insults will not change my mind. Something clearly irreffutable might.

posted on Feb, 3 2005 @ 09:16 PM
Fair enough instar...

You have your beliefs, I have mine...

However...I don't think this is a guy in a "monkey suite", the muscle movements don't match the "monkey suites" I've seen of that time frame...

But that's my opinion...

[edit on 3-2-2005 by Jedi_Master]


posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 01:56 AM
The stablized video does nothing to debunk this.
The centralized part of the video that is being studied is already steady in the original.

posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 02:10 AM
People I understand that anyone hates the idea of something they beleive in "debunked"(i hate that word) while i dont think the footage in question is genuine, I do conceed I may be wrong. On one hand I would love for such creature to be proven real, found, perhaps communicated with.
On the other hand, more realistically, I hope they never are, I beleive for them, as a species, if discovered, it would be the beginning of the end.
Man just cannot grasp the concept of "hands off", they would be shot, exploited as tourist attractions, put in zoos (not that I have a problem with zoos, but A species that has managed to stay hidden and free in this humans world, deserves to stay so imo) things would never be the same. Their habitat would be destroyed be development of tourism etc etc.
Perhaps they and other yet undiscovered species manage to yet, exist here, I wish them the best and no interference from man. All the more reason for man to cease destroying the natural world, who knows what lies undiscovered.


posted on Feb, 4 2005 @ 02:38 AM
I know you didnt make the video.Just saying that whoever did,is trying to say "look,I stablized the video,now you can see it is a hoax" when infact the the part that is being stablized,is already in the original.

I for one believe that he exists,perhaps a few species of them.I also agree that man will not just want him to let it be known they exsist,but more of a trophy.
I can see it now,they find some,then a bunch of drunken hillbillies go out with their 12 gauge trying to locate one to put up on the wall and make a nice Gucci Yetti handbag

posted on Feb, 11 2005 @ 12:33 AM
I tend to believe it isn't fake. One because of the sheer size of the creature. Two because of the anatomical features of this creature, it's forearms are far too long and big to be a human's. Thirdly, closeups on the creature's face show a legitimate face, not a mask or makeup. Another reason to believe it's a true creature are it's legs, I have never seen a suit that could replicate huge muscle movements as effectively as that. If it is a man in a ape suit, it must be somewhere inbetween the size of Shaquille O'Neal and that Bigshow wrestler. The stabilization does nothing for me, since if a bipedal ape does exist it's method of walking would be much the same as our own. So thats so much for the stabilization, it doesn't prove anything except that it's bipedal walking method is much like our own, which one could expect if we are dealing with a bipedal ape. Also if you do a closeup of the feet they look simply too real and large to be fakes. You can't see any lines or seams that would constitute a suit or fake feet. This thing in is legitimate in my honest opinion. Anatomists all over the world have looked at this film and all of them have concluded that it's walking pattern is consistent with a real animal. Lastly the mammory glands on this thing looked quite proportional with the creature, and not alot of suits would include such a thing. Not to say they couldn't be included in a suit, but in my mind it looks nothing like a man in a suit. I'd like to think people can tell between a man in a suit and a real creature, especially at relative close distances as in the Patterson/Grimlin film.

It doesn't take a genius to look at this footage and realize it's no person in a suit. Mainly for it's anatomical size and swaying of the arms. I've never met a person who could fill out a 7 1/2 - 8 Feet tall suit with 400-500 lbs to go with it. I don't fully understand why zoologists and scientists reject the footage. Grimlin has contested to it's authenticity from the time it was made till the day he dies, which he is quoted as saying. We already know that's exactly how adament Patterson was since he proclaimed it's authenticity all the way to his deathbed. As for Patterson's family claiming it was a hoax, I think that's a rouse. I wouldn't believe it until I saw them saying as such and as far as I know nobody has footage of them mouthing those words.

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 11:27 AM
I know with a creature like Sasquatch, there are bound to be hoaxes and hoaxers. But what I fail to grasp is how all of the sightings are based on hoaxers pulling elaborate pranks. Alot of credible witnesses have reported the stench Sasquatch has. Now correct me if I'm wrong but unless you have the guy in the costume roll around in manure, I don't think a guy in a costume could produce an odor that would choke you.

[edit on 27-2-2005 by Reptilian_Queen]

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by Instar

@ points for you though:
(a) the seem line down the back.

No primate has a neat part down the spine

(b) the perfectly hairy arse

No primate's arse is totally hairy either

[edit on 023131p://51012 by instar]

Can you point out which Bigfoort researcher has been close enough to Bigfoot populations to study their butt hair and document the density thereof.

[edit on 2-27-2005 by groingrinder]

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Terapin
If anyone bothered to do some minor research, you will find that the people who shot the footage finaly admited that it was faked. Infact the guy who wore the suit came clean and told how it was done. This particular footage was debunked a long time ago. The other evidence is another story and each claim needs to be looked at on its own merit. This footage is just another special effect film that has had its day.

Actually, you could not be more wrong. Your "minor research" is laughable at best. This footage has NOT been debunked, thanks for doing your homework. Also, these claims came out immediately after Patterson died, who was adamant his entire life that the footage was genuine. It was actually just a publicity stunt made by the family members to try to make some quick cash.

Before posting this idiocy, please get your facts straight son.

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 09:15 PM
I agree with what Ajax said...

If you have any links to your claims, please post them...

Besides, if Patterson and Gimlin hoaxed this film, they could've made a fortune in the special effects part of Hollywood...

The "monkey suit" in this film is too good, for amatures...

[edit on 27-2-2005 by Jedi_Master]

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 10:49 PM
I agree. Hollywood special effects artists have admitted that with the effects technology of the time, they could not have made such a suit and have the soft tissue dynamics exhibited on the film. Computer effects were non existent at the time. Put an ape suit on for yourself and walk around and see how many people mistake you for bigfoot. Go ahead. Do it.

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 11:31 PM

Originally posted by saukrates420
... The stabilization does nothing for me, since if a bipedal ape does exist it's method of walking would be much the same as our own. So thats so much for the stabilization, it doesn't prove anything except that it's bipedal walking method is much like our own, which one could expect if we are dealing with a bipedal ape...

There has been some known cases of bipedal walking apes. Oliver the "humanzee" is just one. He has been walking upright ever since he was found - he was not trained to walk upright like some chimpanzees have been. Most primates who are tought to walk upright become tired fairly fast... not Oliver. He even looks eerily human in his mannerisms, and facial expressions. Although he has been proven not to have human DNA as many have thought, he does have one part of his DNA that is different from other Chimpanzees. They had an interesting show about him on the History channel, TLC, or Discovery (I can't remember which) - titled (appropriately) "Humanzee." There is also a thread on ATS about it... somewhere.

Here is a good link about him: Link

Also, I remember reading a while ago (an article on CNN) about a woman who had found a tribe of these bipedal chimps in Africa, and she was going to go document them. I haven't read or heard anything about since. :-/

Well, I for one think BigFoot probably exists. There are still too many things in this world left undiscovered (despite what most people may believe). Earth is abundant with mysteries. How often do you see mountain lions, other than the news (or zoo)? Remember, a smart creature will actively avoid humans - you won't know they're there.

posted on Feb, 27 2005 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Terapin
If anyone bothered to do some minor research, you will find that the people who shot the footage finaly admited that it was faked. Infact the guy who wore the suit came clean and told how it was done. This particular footage was debunked a long time ago. The other evidence is another story and each claim needs to be looked at on its own merit. This footage is just another special effect film that has had its day.

This has been discussed in documentaries many times. It is bunk. The man who originally shot the film claimed it was real to his death. Anyone who has said it was fake turned out to be a hoaxster trying to get attention - there were only two men there. The guy who claimed to be in this so-called "suit" had no evidence to backup his claim (let alone ties to the two men who video-taped the BigFoot). Do you think someone would have kept this original "suit" to prove it was a "hoax" later in life? Yeah, only someone who wanted to show how "great" and "wonderful" they were for making people think it was real. A claim needs evidence.

posted on Mar, 5 2005 @ 11:37 PM
I think the mosdt important aspect of this discussion is that alot of people have tried to recreate the hoax using the materials available at the time to construct a costume, the most prominent being the BBC to laughable results compared to the original. If it was a hoax, then why didn't Patterson make a mint off of the footage by selling it to every TV network he could find. As I recall he died of cancer penniless and poor. Certainly not the mindset of someone wanting fame and fortune.

posted on Feb, 23 2007 @ 01:59 PM
Dude, finally someone who has sense! Bigfoot is so fake! You just make it so clear! Finally, someone that actuall understands!! Yes!!

posted on Mar, 7 2007 @ 09:19 AM
From a strictly scientific standpoint, and the various forms of motion analysis, the majority of educated specialist in mobility and anthropology agree it is "HIGHLY UNLIKELY" that it is a "SUIT". For if it was a "Suit" it would be unrealistic to spend todays equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars to wear a cutiing edge hollywood suit through the forest for merely fun, then destroy such suit. And, that is if the technology was even possible. Unfortuneately unlikely.

posted on Mar, 8 2007 @ 11:10 PM

Originally posted by tyralen
I though patterson's video was established fake a long time ago...

It was. Some people just cannot accept that and cling to their irrational beliefs -- similar to the Flat Earth Society. Their minds are closed to the facts and refuse to acknowledge reality. Many are educated people that really should know better, but still maintain the fantasy.

You cannot convince them otherwise. Just smile and let them be. They are hurting no one but themselves with their delusions.

posted on Mar, 9 2007 @ 03:17 AM

It was. Some people just cannot accept that and cling to their irrational beliefs

Source ? Links ? Whilst I am open to the possibility that the Patterson footage is a hoax, we are a long way from proving it.

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 02:53 AM
Beckjord says:

I am a film analyst, and I OWN two top copies in 16mm (not mere video)
and have been analyzing it for 25 years.

There is no man, no suit, and no fake. It is a paranormal, shape-shifting
humanoid (see dictionary).

If it were a fake, I would be the first to blow the whistle.

90% of what I read above is garbage by people who HAVE NOT VIEWED THE ACTUAL FILM FOOTAGE, FRAME BY FRAME.

And I do NOT mean videotape. NOR DVD.

[edit on 8-4-2007 by beckjord]

[edit on 8-4-2007 by beckjord]

posted on Apr, 8 2007 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by instar

Originally posted by d1k
First off Instar, you're doing a miserable job if you're trying to debunk this, you really sound like you're reaching in a lot of your posts, it also seems you are trying too hard.

Secondly I watched a special on Discovery just a couple months ago in which they showed this footage. Strange they did not say it was proven a fake long ago, in fact they said it was one of the best footage that shows a living unknown species alive today.

One of the biggest points they made was that no human on Earth walks with his knees constantly bent like that, they also determined the size of the ape as 8+ feet tall. There was other points but these were some of the more notable ones. So we have a guy in a suit in the 50s or 70s? which ever it really does not matter, maintaining a funky walk with bent knees that towers at 8+ feet?

There are lots of good arguments on Bigfoots exisiting and not existing, please save us from your Judge Judy shamble of a debunk.

LMFAO Buddy you and others can beleive whatever you like. I started this thread to state my disbeleif based on my observations after veiving the antishake vid. I.E I think its BS. I have no need to debunk it, I already disbeleive its genuine. Every other post since the original is neither here or there, Im merely pointing out my observations in return.
Your childish angry insults will not change my mind. Something clearly irreffutable might.


Anti-shake is meaningless. I view the film frame-by-frame under a microscope. 99% of you have never even touched a microscope.

I also stabilized it in 1976, and nothing fake got shaken out.

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