posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 07:14 AM
Hey that's pretty good stuff. May I suggest you learn how to ink wash if you are interested in painting and all that I think I will do two things for
you. Firstly you think you have a value issue being heavy on your dark's, well ink washing is neat because you can use very little ink diluted with
water and it creates a very light valued wash, from there you can use it to build your value darker ny additive value meaning you keep washing over
the same area to go darker. This will help as you start out with your lightest values then move to your darker values. Second if you are into painting
this will help you become familiar with moving your brushes getting a feel for them. Dont ever think you have to have formal training to be an artist,
it shows that it is more then boredom coming out on paper. If you didn't know it, you are showing us a part of something inside some kind of mental
process then can only come out this way. Its like a form of problem solving and language. Keep it up and one day you will attain whatever artistic
feat you are after. Again good job.