posted on Nov, 26 2015 @ 07:52 PM
Greetings members, mods and admins.
I am composing this thread in order to highlight an issue I have had with a few threads lately. First, I should explain that I am using an iPad when
having this problem, and that the problem appears to only effect certain threads...
So here is the situation.
I see an interesting thread, I write a post (and as you know, I have something of a habit for verbosity and comprehensiveness when the mood takes
me), and attempt to post it. However, when tapping the post icon, underneath the text field, nothing happens at all. The icon does not activate,
change colour or appear to be "depressed". The icon is unresponsive, as is the preview icon next to it. Other icons on the screen are fine, including
the entire "top" bar and all its attendant icons, and indeed the icon which takes one to the top of the page. Only the post and preview icons seem
I have tried going and doing something else for half an hour, and coming back to my post, which has not worked. I have tried copying and pasting my
post, putting it in Notepad, and then shutting down my iPad in order to try again later, and that has not worked either. Now, this does not happen in
every thread, not by a long chalk, but it is happening enough that it is aggravating/concerning.
Any pointers or suggestions?
edit on 26-11-2015 by TrueBrit because: Title contained spelling error.