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Savage Attack Caught on Film, US Media Silent

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posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 10:19 AM

originally posted by: 8675309jenny

originally posted by: yuppa
a reply to: 8675309jenny

You do know you can be charged money for posting adverts right?

Huh. Not sure if serious, but it's not an advert and ATS does not have any payment details from me, LOL.

Well i copy and pasted it in a new tab and it worked just fine. Its a ADVERT for a BOOK. scroll down and read the page. Its too late to remove it now.

posted on Nov, 29 2015 @ 10:48 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: stevieray

It may keep the culprits from laughing at you for your weak, suicidal support, however. And making you their next victim.


You saw Ferguson, Baltimore, UVA, Duke, Trayvon, Michael, Garner.......yet you deny what you and everybody else saw clearly and completely. That's despicable. Your selfish lying is what's killing society.

I'm a selfish liar because I'm not race baiting like others in this thread? Am I getting that right? What evidence is there for the perps to racially discriminate against the victim? Based on the video there's nothing.
Based on the police report there's nothing.
Is it because a young white male was attacked by three African Americans in what I could only speculate as a predominately black neighborhood? If the roles were reversed I still would say the perps more than likely had other reasons to target the victim, if anything this incident may have been a mugging.

What am I even denying any way? Clearly I am the moron in this thread who hasn't seen the light on this topic.

Stop with the ad hominems dude.

I happen to think it's selfish lying to put one's desire to derail, deflect, and deny the front of the truth that would keep folks safer.

The truth is that there are several movements out there regularly attacking people. And no, lmao, it's not the tea party, American veterans, or churches. KKK's defunct too.

It's islam offshoots and BLM / OWS offshoots.

When you do everything you can to hide and derail this truth, you selfishly put people in more danger.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: stevieray

What am I denying? What "desire" do I have that I'm putting ahead of the truth? Seriously what is with your assumptions? This was an unprovoked attack! Meaning no motive, other than pure psychotic rage at whoever was closest.

To make this a racial issue is a non sequitur at this point.

edit on 30-11-2015 by NateTheAnimator because: ETA

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 10:51 AM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: stevieray

What am I denying? What "desire" do I have that I'm putting ahead of the truth? Seriously what is with your assumptions? This was an unprovoked attack! Meaning no motive, other than pure psychotic rage at whoever was closest.

To make this a racial issue is a non sequitur at this point.

I think the point is that you know nothing of the sort. But you're trying so hard to convince people to not look at BLM, OWS, Ferguson / Baltimore types, or muslims for their culpability in things like this, going on all over the place.

It just happens to mirror the hateful racial hysteria is happening all over the country. So yeah, let's just knock ourselves out to stop discussion of a possible connection between the two.

At this point, the "can't be" is a hell of a lot less credible than the "could be". But I doubt that you'll accept this, choosing to just ignore the precedent and evidence of it elsewhere.
edit on 1-12-2015 by stevieray because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 10:56 AM

originally posted by: SPECULUM
Its safer to be considered a racist, because if you aren't considered a threat to these idiots, they'll take advantage of any given situation and you'll just become a Victim

I understand why cops kill them

Jesus, I hope your family abandons you because someone like you doesn't deserve love.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 11:00 AM
Like my grand pappy said "if you act like an animal, you belong in a zoo".

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: THEatsking

originally posted by: SPECULUM
Its safer to be considered a racist, because if you aren't considered a threat to these idiots, they'll take advantage of any given situation and you'll just become a Victim

I understand why cops kill them

Jesus, I hope your family abandons you because someone like you doesn't deserve love.

From one who would accuse conservatives of being unkind. Oh the ironical sarcasmic.

Asking Jesus to help abandon and deny love.

You couldn't write this stuff so excellently for somebody, even if given license to make them look ridiculous.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: 727Sky
a reply to: hammanderr

That was truly disgusting by individuals who could/should be hung, but alas that would soil a good rope .. How can a society breed such savage filth ?
Hope the guy lives; maybe to old adage of, "don't talk to strangers" is appropriate, no ?

The saddest part is that this poor guy cant even learn from his experience. The next time a guy calls him over "to talk" and he says no its not safe, he will be called a racist and a hater. There is no right answer. Avoid the labels and risk this or protect yourself and be branded a racist hater for it. This should be in the media but according to TPTB there is no such thing as reverse racism so I guess its not worth reporting.

Being white already brands you as a racist. I'd take the brand and keep walking. Of course, I don't think I'd be knocked out with one punch because I'd be expecting some type of action. This is why it's ok to profile. I'll keep an eye out and profile anywhere I go, I don't really care what people think.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: hillbilly4rent
Like my grand pappy said "if you act like an animal, you belong in a zoo".

Well, that was during grand pappy's day.

Today it's "if you act like an animal, you will get free stuff and everybody will get scared and agree with whatever you say".

So far they're getting this to come true. Hope it stops soon.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: SPECULUM
Its safer to be considered a racist, because if you aren't considered a threat to these idiots, they'll take advantage of any given situation and you'll just become a Victim

I understand why cops kill them

Those cowards won't fight you one on one either. They've got to have a crowd behind them before they take any kind of action... It's been that way, that I can remember, since at least the 1980's when I was in elementary school.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 11:13 AM

originally posted by: LSU0408

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: 727Sky
a reply to: hammanderr

That was truly disgusting by individuals who could/should be hung, but alas that would soil a good rope .. How can a society breed such savage filth ?
Hope the guy lives; maybe to old adage of, "don't talk to strangers" is appropriate, no ?

The saddest part is that this poor guy cant even learn from his experience. The next time a guy calls him over "to talk" and he says no its not safe, he will be called a racist and a hater. There is no right answer. Avoid the labels and risk this or protect yourself and be branded a racist hater for it. This should be in the media but according to TPTB there is no such thing as reverse racism so I guess its not worth reporting.

Being white already brands you as a racist. I'd take the brand and keep walking. Of course, I don't think I'd be knocked out with one punch because I'd be expecting some type of action. This is why it's ok to profile. I'll keep an eye out and profile anywhere I go, I don't really care what people think.

In today's environment, if you walk past any group of certain demographics with your head in the clouds, you're incredibly stupid and/or insane.

There may even be nice, decent people in the group regardless of color, culture, etc.

But they will be afraid to say anything to the one or two that jump you, and they will be afraid of the consequences of not joining in. Just like all the mythical "peaceful muslims". They exist only in our hopes, not on the street.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
a reply to: hammanderr

You really don't get it, do you? The outrage from most of the social protests is because of a lack of justice in those cases. 2 of the 3 suspects in this instance have already been arrested & they're already tracking the 3rd suspect. It's 2 completely different situations because justice is being served here. Just to be clarify it even more:

Situation A: An incident occurs. No one is initially being held responsible for it. People get mad at the lack of accountability & justice. People start protesting, demanding accountability. Media picks up the story if it fits the ongoing narrative of no justice for similar cases.

Situation B: An incident occurs. 3 suspects have been identified & 2 have already been arrested. Authorities are searching for the 3rd suspect. Accountability & justice are being served so there's no need to protest a lack of justice. Media barely mentions it if they mention it all, because crimes where suspects get caught are daily occurrences.

Get it now?

Situation C: The piss-ant protesters didn't get the answer they were looking for and burnt their own city to the ground.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 11:19 AM

originally posted by: pcgamer11
Nothing to see here. Just good misunderstood kids doing what they do. They were just on their way to Bible camp when that evil white man challenged all of them.


They oprested by tha white mans. Ain't you know?

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant
a reply to: hammanderr

You really don't get it, do you? The outrage from most of the social protests is because of a lack of justice in those cases. 2 of the 3 suspects in this instance have already been arrested & they're already tracking the 3rd suspect. It's 2 completely different situations because justice is being served here. Just to be clarify it even more:

Situation A: An incident occurs. No one is initially being held responsible for it. People get mad at the lack of accountability & justice. People start protesting, demanding accountability. Media picks up the story if it fits the ongoing narrative of no justice for similar cases.

Situation B: An incident occurs. 3 suspects have been identified & 2 have already been arrested. Authorities are searching for the 3rd suspect. Accountability & justice are being served so there's no need to protest a lack of justice. Media barely mentions it if they mention it all, because crimes where suspects get caught are daily occurrences.

Get it now?

Then why we're they rioting in Chicago? The cop has been charged with murder. Baltimore? 6 Cops are being held accountable, Michael Brown? Justified shooting, even according to Eric Holder, ERIC FREAKING HOLDER claimed the shooting was justified, yet they rioted. Don't give me that. They riot because they want mob justice, Jim Crow era style. They riot if the cop is found justified, they riot if the cop is charged with murder. Their is no appeasing them.

Get it now?

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 01:47 PM

originally posted by: NateTheAnimator
a reply to: PresidentCamacho

If the perps in this particular incident were racially motivated to target this young man than you may have a point, but to race bait this incident for political purposes is unnecessary and does nothing to address nor solve the issue of dealing with violent crimes.

You mean the same way Darren Wilson was portrayed a racist by all but the right?

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 01:49 PM

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: hammanderr

Those #ers would of wound up staring down a 44 revolver. I believe we need to be tougher on heinous crimes and lighter on rediculous crimes. I would even be in favor of the death penalty for child molestors and perhaps even the guy jumping on a defenseless mans head. First, if I am in a fight and a person becomes unconscious that's it that's enough, then again I can't put my self in these people's shoes they were evil for what they did. Sick world people, defend yourselfs and your family # the politically correct.

If this was done to somebody I care about, these people don't make it to arrest / trial. If they do, I'm doing everything I can to avoid filing complaint / charges, because I want them on the street, near me.

Won't catch me, or ever find them. May as well play the game like everybody else.

This ^^^ Every bit of it.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: darepairman
a reply to: hammanderr
Thank you for this post, I viewed that video.
Now let me tell you what I am, I am a 52 year old white male, I was raised in a small town in northeren Wisconsin, hit the road at 18 and ended up in the inner city of Milwaukee because of the early 80s job market. I lived there for 10 years this was my first exposure to people like this fast forward worked my way out to the suberbs and raised my family and my kids were not exposed to this either. I just made my wife and daughter watch this just to show them that this kind of behavior really exists and what you face in certain enviroments being a white person. ya call me a hater or raciest but I want my family safe and aware and all this pc crap can get you killed there is a very real danger in being involved with a certain type of person. flame away I will not argue, I have stated my opinion, it will not change I have lived it

Exactly... People are already going to call you a racist anyways because you're white.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 02:03 PM

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: LSU0408

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: 727Sky
a reply to: hammanderr

That was truly disgusting by individuals who could/should be hung, but alas that would soil a good rope .. How can a society breed such savage filth ?
Hope the guy lives; maybe to old adage of, "don't talk to strangers" is appropriate, no ?

The saddest part is that this poor guy cant even learn from his experience. The next time a guy calls him over "to talk" and he says no its not safe, he will be called a racist and a hater. There is no right answer. Avoid the labels and risk this or protect yourself and be branded a racist hater for it. This should be in the media but according to TPTB there is no such thing as reverse racism so I guess its not worth reporting.

Being white already brands you as a racist. I'd take the brand and keep walking. Of course, I don't think I'd be knocked out with one punch because I'd be expecting some type of action. This is why it's ok to profile. I'll keep an eye out and profile anywhere I go, I don't really care what people think.

In today's environment, if you walk past any group of certain demographics with your head in the clouds, you're incredibly stupid and/or insane.

There may even be nice, decent people in the group regardless of color, culture, etc.

But they will be afraid to say anything to the one or two that jump you, and they will be afraid of the consequences of not joining in. Just like all the mythical "peaceful muslims". They exist only in our hopes, not on the street.

Sometimes you come across people like this and aren't aware that they were in the area. Appearances are everything to those chumps though.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 11:16 PM
a reply to: THEatsking

So, you have a problem with someone wanting to stay safe, but no problem with the people doing the violence? What if someone has learned empirically that they need to avoid certain people to stay safe? Is that wrong? Should they ignore their survival instincts?

posted on Dec, 2 2015 @ 12:23 PM

originally posted by: hammanderr
a reply to: THEatsking

So, you have a problem with someone wanting to stay safe, but no problem with the people doing the violence? What if someone has learned empirically that they need to avoid certain people to stay safe? Is that wrong? Should they ignore their survival instincts?

lol, beating someone to death, well, that just kinda sorta happens now and then.

But looking out for the attackers to avoid it ? RACIST !!!

Reminds me of the circular / endless logic about the cops.

"they stop more minorities.....profiling......"

'Those are the people being caught doing the crimes, it's all stats"

"That's only because they stop them more....."

"No, it's because they did the crimes"

"That's only because they have no disenfranchised them"

"Most of the crime is against themselves and each other"

"That's only because you pitted them against each other......."

"No, it's gangs and cultural"

"Its only because the guns, not enough gun laws in Chicago, NYC, NJ, CA....."

"They have the strictest gun laws of anywhere"

"All the guns come from neighboring states"

etc...etc...etc...etc...forever. When they're wrong every time......they just invent a new fake false myth to answer the inconvenient truth.
edit on 2-12-2015 by stevieray because: (no reason given)

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