(Edit/Note: I just changed the title of this thread so as to reflect the direction it has taken. Feel free to skip my intro paragraphs if you think
I'm long-winded. The long and short of things is that two separate sat photos, taken on different dates, show an unexplained formation of triangluar
carvings/buildings on the edge of Holloman AFB, a base reputed to be the site of past UFO activity)
one enlargement of area in question:
(what follows is the original post)
*Have I found a black triangle landing pad at an AFB?*
In short, here's the idea:
The public has avaliable to it many private companies that provide free satellite photos. This could be a bonanza for UFO buffs, who now, unlike
previous generations, have the ability to 'look in' on most gov facilities. If the gov is really hosting aliens... or has tech based on trades with
aliens... there should be relevant facilities that indicate what is really going on. So... isn't it time for hardcore UFOlogists to conduct an
intensive review of sat photos to see if they can find anything that stands out like a sore thumb?
To start this thread rolling (and I hope that others will sort through sat photos) I did a close inspection of Holloman AFB in NMex. Before the
internet became flooded with tales of reptilians (which, BTW, rarely appear in serious UFO/abduction reports), Holloman was known to old-school UFO
researchers as the site where the gray aliens originally initiated diplomatic relations with the US. Thinking that Holloman, once it had become
involved with the ET issue, might have continued to support an alien presence... I looked at its facilities...
Well... so far I've found one very interesting thing. It's a large collection of three black triangles, arranged tip to tip, that rests to the
northeast of the main base. The triangles have clearly visible sides, though they appear to be carved or built on top of an area that has had the
soil disturbed. Here they are, above and to the left of a smaller, separated section of the base:
Here is a photo of the base in its entirety:
Why is this interesting? because they are clearly man-made structures... and yet I cannot think of any normal building that consists of three
triangles arranged tip to tip in the standard radiation sign pattern. Also, considering that giant black traingles make up many UFO reports...
For the record, I am not interested in conducting anti-government activities. I would never consciously betray the US government or people. I am
only starting a thread about looking at US bases through sat photos because there isn't a thing on these photos that hasn't already been
photographed and analyzed by our enemies.
I hope that others will look for unusual items on these sat pics:
[edit on 5-1-2005 by onlyinmydreams]
[edit on 5-1-2005 by onlyinmydreams]
[edit on 5-1-2005 by onlyinmydreams]