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Vision of an Imminent Bombing of Midwestern American City?

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posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 06:13 PM

originally posted by: Passerby1996

originally posted by: NumberMan

The unfortunate part is if you are correct you won't get fame they'll investigate you for it. I'd stay away from terror predictions they won't do you any good.

Well, if they do investigate me, they'll find absolutely nothing because I don't have anything to do with terrorism. I do see them recruiting me to use my psychic abilities, though, so I don't know if I would be able to post a prediction like this on a website ever again due to those investigative agencies wanting to control everything.

So maybe this is a lost cause, but I would be the guiltiest man alive if I watched a tragedy unfold that I saw beforehand and did absolutely nothing about it. I realize this could all just be a "false positive" vision which isn't predicting anything at all. Despite all this, I wish to do at least something without looking like a lunatic calling the FBI warning against a terror attack I predicted in a vision. They wouldn't believe me. The only way they'd believe is if it came true, and by that point they'd whisk me away to some secure bunker where they'll use my powers to gain the upperhand on america's enemys.

So there's no real "victory" in predicting tragedies is what I'm basically trying to say.

I totally understand but they would assume you were in on it until you cleared your name. It would be painful interrogations and most in that field don't believe in this sort of thing. It's my prediction if your prediction comes true.

Natural disasters on the other hand have at it!

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 06:45 PM
a reply to: Passerby1996

A large scale attack such as what you suggest would have generated chatter and Obama, who get's briefed by the NSA, would not have made the statement you mention about no credible threats. In the event of an attack we would not respond quickly to by invading the countries you mention as the executive branch would need authorization from legislative branch and the military would need time for planning and position of resources. Invading Syria and Iraq in short order would destroy the US economically and likely lead to a major was between Russia, Syria, Iran, and NATO, WWIII in other words.

edit on 25-11-2015 by cryptic0void because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: cryptic0void
a reply to: Passerby1996

A large scale attack such as what you suggest would have generated chatter and Obama, who get's briefed by the NSA, would not have made the statement you mention about no credible threats. In the event of an attack we would not respond quickly to by invading the countries you mention as the executive branch would need authorization from legislative branch and the military would need time for planning and position of resources. Invading Syria and Iraq in short order would destroy the US economically and likely lead to a major was between Russia, Syria, Iran, and NATO, WWIII in other words.

Yeah, the placement of troops would be slower than I imagined. Frankly, I was more concerned about what the event would entail and what leads up to it rather than all the consequences.

But, if back before 9/11 the FBI and CIA failed to notify Bush about a terrorist cell they were clearly aware was preparing for an attack, it's possible a similar scenario could play out today. Which would make this event that much worse due to the fact the government PROMISED US that there were no credible threats.

If this bombing occurs, god forbid, everything will soon make sense. All people who have ever tried to warn the world about incomprehensible tragedies are seen by onlookers to be insane ... until the event actually occurs and the world can only look back, wondering what would happen if they'd listened.
edit on 25-11-2015 by Passerby1996 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: Passerby1996

Before the 911 attack a CIA agent in the Mideast became aware that an individual with the initials KSM had obtained a couple of dozen blank passports for a large group of Saudi's but he was told that he was not to investigate it further.
He had just retired and so had no further access to security information, it illustrates that the CIA was in possession of critical intelligence, and it's just as obvious that they did not act on it in a timely fashion.
edit on 25-11-2015 by cryptic0void because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2015 @ 08:16 PM

originally posted by: cryptic0void
a reply to: Passerby1996

Before the 911 attack a CIA agent in the Mideast became aware that an individual with the initials KSM had obtained a couple of dozen blank passports for a large group of Saudi's but he was told that he was not to investigate it further.
He had just retired and so had no further access to security information, it illustrates that the CIA was in possession of critical intelligence, and it's just as obvious that they did not act on it in a timely fashion.

Exactly what I'm saying. The CIA could be witholding info from our own president in this case. Or maybe they DID tell Obama and everyone's lying through their teeth.

posted on Nov, 27 2015 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: Passerby1996

The "ISIS" video I was talking about may have happened already. I wasn't entirely sure about the "execution of captives" part, only that they'd release some kind of video. It was the one titled "No Respite" released a few days ago. Perhaps there's a more significant video coming up, but for now this might be a fulfillment of my vision.

All that's left is for some sort of passeger jet or large aircraft to get shot down somewhere in Syria or Iraq. I'm guessing this would likely be related to the scuffle between Russia and Turkey.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 07:15 PM
Alright, so the time of my prediction has gone and went. Technically there's still some time left tonight but it's no longer logical for a terrorist to bomb any american city right now. There's a lot of emotions going through me at the moment but it mostly consists of relief. Relief that this event is, hopefully, no longer looming over my head.

The chances of having such an accurate prediction were against me anyways, so I'm not extremely surprised. But ... something still seems 'off' about my vision. Like it's going to still happen, even though the concerned period of time has gone and went.

I'm not going to propose a new timeframe for the attack to occur because that would be dishonest of me. All I'll say is that I'm almost certain something big is going to happen soon, but how soon I have no idea. But if something tragic IS to occur in the near future, on the scale of 9/11, I'm confident it'll happen similar to how I said it would in the OP.

I need some rest. I'll stick around since I'm enjoying the community in ATS, but I probably won't be very active at all for the next few days unless something significant occurs.

Until then, I hope you all have joy and peace in your lives. I'll see you soon.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 08:32 PM
a reply to: Passerby1996

No the appropriate reply is to state that the "event" really happened but it was on another plane of existence/parallel world. Your prophecy came true (for those unfortunate people).

Or you can claim hero status by stating that your prophecy revealed the nasty plan and therefore the evil forces were forced to cancel. You saved the day OP! Bravo!

Or...welll, you get the idea. This board is filled with failed predictions and the excuses of the false prophets. There's always an excuse.

posted on Nov, 30 2015 @ 08:58 PM
I believe Russia will invade Europe
It is a prophecy of Nostradamus
But what I could not understand is
How America could let it happen
Which leaves me to think
That when Russia invades
America will have attacks happening all over
The country
Your vision maybe true

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