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Ark of the Covenant in Axum

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posted on Aug, 24 2008 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Hanslune

its mentioned on this page

but I wrong actually

Ethiopian Christians believe they still possess the original Ark.

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by beefeater

Whether real or not, the last time the supposed Arc in Axum was in public view was in the mid 70's for a religious parade. My friend happened to get a small number of photos of the event. The story of those photos is quite remarkable: the canister of undeveloped film was lost for more than 20 years! The photos themselves have been recently added to the Sacred Sites web page devoted to Axum: The photos are uncaptioned at the bottom of the page (quite grainy: developed after 20 years after all!)

posted on Sep, 19 2008 @ 02:17 PM
If it was really at Axum, then a few skinny little priests wouldn't be able to stop a motivated force from going in an taking it. Oh, I forgot about the flesh melting part.

posted on Nov, 11 2008 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by jupiter869

I agree. It would be apalling if someone had broken in to that church and forced their way past that unarmed priest. wether the ark is in there or not, it is stilol not very humanlike to break into that chapel just to see wether or not an ancient and holy artifact is in there. If it is, its undoubtly in good hands

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:24 AM
i have read alot of factors from your issue about the Ark in Ethiopia. First it is necessary to state that Ark has to have human contact and that explain the priest administating alone.r IF the Ark had allow itself to be removed to the present Israel of which fulfill the prophecies that a false nation shall set itself has the true israel and is not then, I can assure you it would start killing her captors. If the Ark is part of any ethiopian/Israeli negotiation then I can assure you the Ethiopian would loose their inhertiance. IF you dare read the Kabre Negast then you will note that Michael the Archangel travel with the Ark from Ancient Israel to Ethiopia which when you read the King James version would make3 sense having regards to the fact that Moses was married to Ethiopian woman, watch thye film Moses when he went to subdue the ethiopians and more importantly the fact that Amos state are ye not like the ethiopian unto me oh israel, christ reference to the queen of the south and phillip and the Ethiopian to mention just a few and ethiopia shall stretch forth her arms and be received by GOD. As for the right of access the pope he would certainly die and to state that Mussolini had no knowledge of the Ark being in Ethyiopia is untrue. Remember thy Ethiopians had mixed their blood with ancient Greeks. I have heard that since the Ark is in Ethiopia that there should have been no suffering or death. How odd there was people still dying when the Ark was in ancient israel especially when the people turned their hearts away from God and the Ark will be of limited use until its owner return to establish his rule ande to return the people to their previous state, before the coming of evil from the north. I am not being anti semetic but how is it possible for present israel to be ancient israel when their background is ashkenazi is this the ashkenazi that is the son of gomer whose father is japhet and is identified as part of the gog and magopg family. The one that were shut up in the North gate by alexender the Great with the other 22 most evil tribes. It is odd that the Askenazi can only trace itself has far4 has Europe only, would they have been able to survive the enslavement of pharoah. If it is a question of identity why was Moses was told to put his hand in his bosom and it came out has white has snow, it would hardly have got the response it did, if he was already white, the same with miriam. As for thye power of the ark, just sleepin waiting to come alive. It is apparent that now the Ark has come into thye mind of modern men in a time when the Earthy is under threat and thus the observation they that destory the earth shall themselves be destoryed R11v18 the next verse highlight the Ark being revealed with its owner. Again, would you give permission to something you are instructed not to and if you want prove, when the present st Mary and small chapel dedicated to the Ark in 1965 HIM Haile Salessie was entertain the present QEII who was on a state visit to the country and broke with protocol. If nothing there why did her majesty also visited the same chapel a few days later. If you follow David wood thyen SION =Zion whose number is 58. Also check knight templars and the number 58. How other Haile= 5 letters and Selassie = 8 letter may be you need to realize just because you belongt to a people who is in power and can dictate to the world based on material wealth is only a fading part of an ongoing history and will disappaer like all great nation that took pride in their advancement and put it in their heart their view of the world to the expense of other. It would be better to do all we can to stop what will be inevitable the destruction ofr advance nation and the true release of nations that was under4 their oppression Good luck

posted on Jan, 21 2009 @ 09:30 AM
the arc of the covenant is a symbol, that can electrify you, because it is a cuboidal capacitor. Inside are relics of psychedlics from egypt coverred in honey, along with the ritual scrolls. How do I know such things.. remote view it. And yes the media will lie and not mention the drugs inside. But Noahs Ark and the Arc of the Covenant are resonators of a more advanced salvation.

Anti-Gravity. And the arc/ark are technology delivered via telepathy by the grays who are trying to save a few of us from the future. So they time travel to give us technology. Unfortunately our politicians are saving themselves and leaving us in the dust.

Research and privately build antigravity. i never go away.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 01:01 AM
There are armed guards in the front gate of the temple. Last time I saw something about it they were using AK-47, so you probably would have to be willing to get shot to death if you try to enter there.

posted on Jan, 22 2009 @ 04:14 PM
I think that if the Ark is anywhere, and if it indeed ever existed, it's probably located in that very building. All of the evidence, however reliable it may be, points to it being there.

posted on Jan, 24 2009 @ 07:00 AM
Which Ark is there at axum??

According to sources there were two Arks made.

Parfitt had this artifact radio-carbon dated to about 1350 AD, which coincided with the sudden end of the Great Zimbabwe civilization.[10] Jewish sources in the Talmud, as well as the Jewish exegete Rashi (Rashi's commentary of Deuteronomy), suggest that there were two Arks: one was the original simple wooden Ark of Moses described in the Book of Deuteronomy, the other was the later golden Ark made by Bezalel as described in the Book of Exodus. Rabbinic opinion maintains that the first of these Arks was the Ark of War and the second was a ceremonial object which stayed in the Temple. Parfitt suggests that the Ark he found was the descendant of the Ark of War and that a wooden chest being used as a weapon was replicated at least once, and possibly many times. Parfitt offers the suggestion that the wooden ark may always have been a drum as well as a weapon of some sort, like the ngoma. It was often found in musical processions, David danced in front of it and it was covered over with a piece of leather. Parfitt, however, offers no explanation of the original principal contents of the Ark, the stone tablets.

Unless, anyone can get out a picture/photograph of the Ark at Axum, the question about the Ark remains unsolved.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 02:13 AM
Sorry to ressurect an old thread but eventually someone went to have a look and pinched the ark!

New report of ark theft 2014

I was brought onto the subject by a FrankieonPC war stories video about Hitler gathering holy artifacts

Fankies vid

He mentions some really interesting stuff - the guards have a life expectancy of 2 years and all get cataracts. He does also reference the electrical properties and other relics like the Baghdad Jar etc.

posted on Aug, 4 2015 @ 05:13 AM

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