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Who Shot JFK? JV Investigates Kennedy Assassination Conspiracy Theories

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posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: ManBehindTheMask
a reply to: intrptr


I think this film is vastly under watched and answered a lot of questions for me

Seems like to me a rookie mistake could have been made by the agent in the rear

About that, Secret service agents are the best in the world. Beleieving that JFK's head was blown off accidentally during an attempt to blow his head off intentionally, is ummm… a stretch. And why not admit that? Whoops we fugged up.

Imo, not a mistake at all, more like coup de grace.

Besides that, early Stoner AR 15 rifle had whats called a military trigger. It is 'heavy' with a lot of 'creep' to avoid accidental discharge, as well agents are well trained to keep their finger outside the trigger guard until one second before firing.

The evidence is mounting that there was a second shooter in the secret service limo, they have to cover that up, or become suspect (which they are). Considering Kellerman drove the Limo, 'stole' JFKs body from Dallas, confiscated the Bethesda autopsy evidence…

Watch it again.

edit on 1-12-2015 by intrptr because: spelling, change

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: intrptr

actually I did, maybe this was a different film I watched....

The film i saw posited that the agent behind him , when lifting his rifle to respond to the shot that came from behind them, accidentally discharged his weapon , which struck the president.

The ensuing cover up was for precisely what you have said , to cover the butts of the secret service.

In the film of the assassination looking at the car it seemed to show perhaps a recoil when he raised his rifle in response...

I thought the film you were referring to addressed that, maybe it was a different one

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 02:53 PM
a reply to: ManBehindTheMask

At the very end of smoking gun they recount omitted witness testimony, claims of seeing agents with a rifle stand up, fire or return fire, smelling gunpowder, all omitted from the investigation hearings.

Then theres the micro fragments of bullet found in Kennedys skull, (also confiscated), the falsified X-ray with bullet fragments taped to bone (Whaaa…?) and the disappearance of Kennedy's brain…

Then theres the rifle itself, omitted from the record, quieted during questioning during the Hearings by Secret Service chief.

I only recently became aware of it at all because of the video-- JFK, the smoking gun.



posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 04:31 PM
a reply to: JesseVentura
a reply to: CornShucker
a reply to: intrptr

Thanks to newer information supplied by many of the posters here, especially you Jesse and certainly CornShucker as well as intrptr, coupled with all that I have read over this in books, online content and the countless video streams... (I am in my 60's as well)...

I think the final shot came from James Files.

What he says is incredible, with obvious great knowledge of what went on that day, minute details, supports the compartmentalization that certainly must have been present as people were only allowed to know what their role was and the immediate people in their chain of command... It does not destroy the theories that there there were other shooters on the location...especially the 3 hobo's from the railroad... It just makes so much sense.

He really has nothing to lose by making this confession. He is old, and on a 50 year sentence, and probably realizes that he would probably not last long anyway if he was out on the street, as it is obvious that there are still many people still alive that could be implicated by him (even when he says he would never give anyone up). Without the hard work by those people as mentioned above and certainly others, it would be just one man's confession that would have no supporting evidence... but put it all together, it is so compelling, I cannot think of another theory that can even touch it.

I think the theories that Kennedy was shot by the limo driver, or the SSA in the car behind, the storm drain shooter (who would box themselves in like that)... all ludicrous in my opinion, and do not fit together congruent with how Files explains how this went down.

I am convinced that the fatal head shot came from the Grassy Knoll.

It is my present belief that this is the local story to how Kennedy died, and it really does not conflict was so much of the previous information that ties the entire story up the chain to the mob, Ruby, corrupt CIA, FBI and the PTB .. , and certainly all of the other enemies that Kennedy had. It seems to me the only logical conclusion. It is obviously MHO, and certainly would like to hear followup from anyone that agrees or disagrees, it is just how I view it now.

When I hear this guy talk, shivers go down my spine. I get this overwhelming feeling that it is just true.

Clinchers like the bit shell casing, how he was introduced to Oswald, the known imagery in the Knoll on that day, the way people reacted... (I have fired a 222, and it is one of the loudest weapons I have ever heard, it made my ears ring for 10 minutes... and I can see why those in front of the Knoll just hit the dirt immediately) and the man seen walking the opposite way back toward the DalTex building in many films... purposefully, straight ahead, like nothing had happened....
Just like he said he exited the area. Just wow.

If some have not seen it: Interview with James Files
And obviously great kudos to Jim Mars and Wim Dankbaar, who conducted this interview.

edit on 1-12-2015 by charlyv because: added content

edit on 1-12-2015 by charlyv because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 05:31 PM
I still believe the shooter who delivered the head shot on JFK was shooting from ground Level and up, from the storm drain on the left side of Elm St.

In this video they pressumed they have debunked that theory.....

......but they didnt bother to notice that since 1963. Elm St have been re filled With paiment. As can be seen in these images:

Older image from the same drain on Elm St.

A image of the storm drain from present day and from 1963.

Both storm drains on the right and left side of Elm St lead Down to Trinity River by old tunnels. The Storm drains on the left and rigth side of Elm St are also Connected together under the street.

How large the openings to these tunnels were in 1963 compared to today. I have not managed to find.
But here are som images of the tunnel openings inside the storm drain on the left side of Elm St.

These tunnels could be a Perfect way to enter and leave the nest.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: spy66

I think I remember one of the latest analysis of a storm drain solution showed that even though the slit in the drain was modified after the assassination, and made taller, the entrances in and out were probably too narrow for someone to navigate. They always said that the cop on the motorcycle stopped in front of the drain to check it out, but video's and witnesses show him approaching the Grassy Knoll..... I also do not think a professional shooter would want to be boxed in to something like that if someone had seen the muzzle flash and smoke. Too many negatives.

posted on Dec, 1 2015 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: charlyv
a reply to: spy66

I think I remember one of the latest analysis of a storm drain solution showed that even though the slit in the drain was modified after the assassination, and made taller, the entrances in and out were probably too narrow for someone to navigate. They always said that the cop on the motorcycle stopped in front of the drain to check it out, but video's and witnesses show him approaching the Grassy Knoll..... I also do not think a professional shooter would want to be boxed in to something like that if someone had seen the muzzle flash and smoke. Too many negatives.

I have seen the video where the cop stops right in front of that strom drain. But he does not look into it. He just puts his bike Down and walks past it up the grassy knoll. It does seam like he is looking towards the storm drain as he puts his bike Down. But the storm drain is quite deep, the cop would never see the shooter inside if the shooter is sitting Down/hiding. You would have to walk all the way up to the storm drain and look Down inside it.

If the storm drain has been tampered With/modefied since 1963. It is hard to know for sure if the tunnels leading from that drain is doable?

Here is a video that shows the cops. HE is actually picking up his bike.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 01:45 PM
Kenedy's assassination was orchestrated by the EU especially in the form of France and the UK to force the USA to declare war to Vietnam. The purpose was not to stop communistst in Vietnam. On the contrary was to bog down the USA.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 01:45 PM
Kenedy's assassination was orchestrated by the EU especially in the form of France and the UK to force the USA to declare war to Vietnam. The purpose was not to stop communistst in Vietnam. On the contrary was to bog down the USA.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: Flanker86
Kenedy's assassination was orchestrated by the EU especially in the form of France and the UK to force the USA to declare war to Vietnam. The purpose was not to stop communistst in Vietnam. On the contrary was to bog down the USA.
EU didn't exist, eh? That's a terrifically narrow theory. I suggest you immerse yourself in the literature Some of it doesn't suck.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 08:19 PM
General Curtis LeMay (USAF)... He was, quite simply, the most powerful military man in Washington DC. The owner/operator of SAC.

Senator/Vice President/President Lydon Baines Johnson... If not the most powerful, and corrupt, politician in Washington DC, I don't know who would have been...

Together, those two men, and their loyal followers, had the necessary power/influence to assassinate not only a President, but a Senator, as well. John, and Robert.

To say Johnson hated those two men, would be an understatement. That the hatred was returned would also be an understatement.

LeMay got his war against Communism. ...and Johnson got his Oval Office.

Cubans? Nope. Oswald? Nothing more than window dressing, a patsy. Mafia? While they hated Robert, they worked with, and for, his father...I doubt they were involved.

With the kind of power and influence LeMay and Johnson together had? No one else was really necessary.

posted on Apr, 13 2016 @ 10:04 PM
Air Force General Edward Lansdale was also at Dealey Plaza:
L. Fletcher Prouty alleged that Lansdale can be seen in one of the "three tramps" photographs that were taken near the Texas School Book Depository shortly after the assassination of United States President John F. Kennedy

"The haircut, the stoop, the twisted left hand, the large class ring.
It's Lansdale." - Lt. Gen. Victor Krulak.

As to the identity of the shooter on the grassy knoll? It's a Mystery Wrapped in a Riddle Inside an Enigma. We'll never know.

edit on 13-4-2016 by starviego because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:41 AM
Smoking Gun is an LOL, accidental SS shot in the middle of an assassination which strikes JFK in the head, I don't think the odds favour that one.

I believe Oswald or another single person could have done the shooting himself, all 3 shots....but why such a horrible rifle?

No way would Oswald be sipping soda pop all alone in the break room with JFK driving by, that makes NO SENSE.

I think Oswald was set-up to be the patsy, whether he touched the gun at all....someone said beforehand, "hey Lee, meet me in the break room and we'll heckle the president when he drives by". But no...the Carcano was planted, shots fired from elsewhere (even from the other end of the Depository) Surely Oswald realized when he heard the shots that something was amiss, and he took evasive action. What would be his choices, stay and "explain"? He brought a tightly wrapped package to work that day, what he claimed to be curtain rods. What an odd thing, whether it was the gun or not.

I watched the footage of the Carcano being recovered from the snipers nest and then presented to the press at the Dallas PD HQ, it was definitely the carbine model, with the sling attaching into the middle of the stock butt. I believe the sporting goods store ONLY sold the standard model of this rifle, not the carbine. Also, it took a clip to fire, which was not included in the purchase, and the ammo was quite rare and antiquated, no account of where Oswald acquired these two items has been recorded. If anyone knows about, or can verify what I added, please do.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:45 AM

It was Bush who shot him twice from the drainage system...
Many others were involved including Nixon and Johnson in the planning... And for the same promise of power and to secure plans for the future for a secret brotherhood...
The first shot struck him in the neck from a straighter line as the car was further away... And the kill shot was almost too late as the adrenaline was countering the lorazapam taken before hand to calm him and was rather unsteady while aiming... Thus the fatal blow was a little to the side of the skull instead of straight on as planned...
If you watch the film and study the trajectory as well as the movement of the head after impact the truth is revealed...
edit on 14-4-2016 by 5StarOracle because: Word

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:45 AM
How about the pic of Ruby in front of the School Book Depository? Warren Commission claimed Ruby was not there, and cropped him out the subsequent pic that went into the record.

I saw a pretty good JFK piece in CNN's "The '60's" documentary. It is the first in the series, I'll look for it unless someone else can find it and post.... my time online is very limited.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:47 AM
The footage of the motorcycle cop dropping his bike in front of the Grassy Knoll and regarding the sewer opening is always cut short, we can't see his full reaction nor what continues from that point. Surely, if there was anything suspect, it would be evident with or without the rest of the footage.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:50 AM
Another thing to revisit is the money order supposedly used to purchase the rifle. It was NEVER cashed, lacking the three stamps it would have from the sporting goods store's bank deposit, from the clearing house and finally the bank it was drawn on. The evidence in the national archives has zero stamps.

Can anyone verify???

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:54 AM
Jesse I like a lot of your work dude but you could stay relevant with what's happening in today's conspiracy world?

We just had the Republicans cut voters out of the process in multiple states and they have a majority in congress right now.

Stay focused.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: charlyv
a reply to: JesseVentura
a reply to: CornShucker
a reply to: intrptr

I think the final shot came from James Files.

What he says is incredible, with obvious great knowledge of what went on that day, minute details, supports the compartmentalization that certainly must have been present as people were only allowed to know what their role was and the immediate people in their chain of command... It does not destroy the theories that there there were other shooters on the location...especially the 3 hobo's from the railroad... It just makes so much sense.

He really has nothing to lose by making this confession. He is old, and on a 50 year sentence, and probably realizes that he would probably not last long anyway if he was out on the street, as it is obvious that there are still many people still alive that could be implicated by him (even when he says he would never give anyone up).

When I hear this guy talk, shivers go down my spine. I get this overwhelming feeling that it is just true.

Clinchers like the bit shell casing, Just wow.

If some have not seen it: Interview with James Files
And obviously great kudos to Jim Mars and Wim Dankbaar, who conducted this interview.

J.Files is out of jail and walking the streets, afaik.

posted on Apr, 14 2016 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: onequestion

Ordinarily? I'd agree with you.

But this is the assassination of the President of the United States.

There is strong evidence, though circumstantial, of a conspiracy of the very powerful was involved. Now many of those people are dead--'tis true. But their heirs to power, their students, if you will...are still very much alive, and would be in some cases in many of the same positions of power, or behind those positions whispering in ears.

To imply that this is not a relevant topic would, I think, be a serious mistake on everyone's part.

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