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The Nazis Really Won and Took America As Their Prize

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posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 06:56 PM
Ever since the end of WW2 and the start of Operation Paperclip with the help of very influential people like daddy Bush, more and more Nazis were brought into America to quietly take positions of power over the years.

Wernher von Braun, the Nazi behind Hitlers V2 rocket program and the man behind the NASA Saturn Rocket Facade, yep that is right. NASA is no more out in outer space than my dog sitting here trying to get me up for dinner. I know its so hard for you all since being indoctrinated from birth to believe you to can go to space one day lol, but facts are facts. Only one picture was ever taken of earth from low earth orbit and they were busted doing that by using the port hole in the Apollo capsule to make earth look round. He single handedly sabotaged the NASA rocket program until the Army beat him to the punch with their Redstone Rocket. The boys in Bama made him look real bad, causing a lot of people in the U.S. military at the time to suspect he was no good for us.

I have seen enough shuttle launches and landings from the Cape and on the west coast of Florida to know they fly straight out to sea shortly after take off and NASA owns a SR-71 to duplicate the sonic booms that is necessary to make it seem like the shuttle is flying in back home, yet nobody ever witnessed it flying back over the west coast of Florida at all. NEVER!!

I suggest you all ponder how the ISS can stay up there and support life four times as long as a U.S. or Russian Ballistic missile submarine can stay down before needing to come up for fresh air. A sub like that with the most advanced air recycling system can only stay down around 80 days max. ISS would need the same fresh air to support life, something it can not do. You need a lot more than Oxygen to stay alive and would need to force the old air out somehow. ISS is in all sense of the matter is impossible!!!!

Never mind the 20-40,000 satellites they say are up there with no air traffic control and still not one of them have ever crashed into one another LMAO!

GPS is nothing more than DGPS that has evolved from the ever-evolving Loran-C technology. The most advanced is Loran-E that at least Europe admits they still use. GPS is nothing more than DGPS Microwave towers in the northern hemisphere to get a fix on your position.
That is why they can not track any real positions of those downed planes.

Check every flight time from south America to another continent in the southern hemisphere. They do not add up in distance on a globe or make any sense with the lay overs but make 100 percent sense on a flat earth.

Throughout its operations to 1990, Operation Paperclip imported 1,600 men, as part of the intellectual reparations owed to the United States and the UK, some $10 billion in patents and industrial processes.[19][23]

Soon after the United Nations was formed, supposedly to avoid another huge war but was it really? Given the anti-god, anti anything common sense nature of the group the U.S. and Russia would have quickly got all the nations together to let them all know what they recently found out. The U.S. launched Operation High Jump to Antarctica after Admiral Byrd finally had the resources to go back. He looked like he had been at war again but he had only finally found the edge of the dome, trying to penetrate it is what left his group in tatters. The U.S. and Russia tried to see if Nukes would punch a hole in it with their so called Atmospheric test. They soon realized they could not and that the dome would bounce the harmful EMP effects over a wide area.

Now lets get into U.S. Administration Foreign policy since WW2, especially since Paperclip was in full swing until 1990

You will quickly learn the Nazis control everything in the U.S. and Satanic is a nice thing to say about them.

Russia was Americas ally in WW2. While at the start of the so called cold war we see Russia being branded as the new enemy pretty quick and all Americas military might is brought to bare to stop the spread of Communism like it was the plague. While Korea was the first big war, that had more to do with the mess Japan left us.

Lets look at the European theater for a bit. Russia knew that no German was a good German after what they faced with Hitler and the Nazis. German Nazis were looking for payback and they use the U.S. Military might for this, then NATO.

The Nazis have started every conflict in Europe and used the U.S. to make sure it comes out like they want however they are now trying to weaken the monster they helped create so they can rid themselves of the two great supper powers they despise.

How you ask! Well, Hitlers favorite of course.

Muslim Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 by a 22-year old Muslim named Hassan al-Banna, who admired Adolf Hitler's hatred of the Jews and persistently wrote to Hitler to express his admiration for Hitler, as well as his desire for collaboration with Hitler's Nazi Party.

After World War II, the Muslim Brotherhood continued to grow, supported this time by the West, which saw it as a counterweight to the threat of Soviet-backed Communism in the Middle East. By the late 1940s, Muslim Brotherhood numbered 500,000 members.

Lets just look at one for example, I dont have all night lol. The Balkans! The one real thorn in Putins side that he will never forget.

In 1993, Uno Mas Uno, in a report entitled, German Finger In The Yugoslav Crisis, wrote, “Those who believed that defeat in two world war had diminished Germany’s expansionist ambitions were certainly wrong. More than ever before, Germans need territories and they want to expand.” Germany knew that by recognizing Croatia, it would foment a civil war to its advantage. In two world wars, Serbia prevented Germany from gaining access to the Adriatic Sea. It was now payback time.

Who did the enforcing there? Yup, NATO led by the U.S.

Here is a segment of the August 11-25, 1995, issue of Intelligence Digest (emphasis mine throughout): “American generals trained and advised the recently triumphant Croatian army, and German pilots have been training the Croatian air force (UN sources at Zagreb airport say air-traffic control frequencies ‘resound to the voices of German pilots’). Yet the recent events in the former Yugoslavia, important (and dangerous) as they are, form only a small part of an overall U.S.-German plan for Europe. … “America’s solution is to encourage and support German hegemony [domination] in both east and west Europe. “Germany’s control of Western Europe is exercised through the European Union (EU), and American support for German dominance of the EU has been evident since at least 1990. At that time a pro-German U.S. State Department under James Baker started a whispering campaign against British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher because of her opposition to any further surrender of British sovereignty to the German-dominated EU (or European Community as it then was).

Shortly after Germany recognized the breakaway republic of Croatia, civil war broke out in Yugoslavia! Many people blame Germany for causing that civil war. All of Europe and America were openly hostile to Germany’s action at that time, but Europe quickly caved in when Germany threatened to pull out of the European Community.

Who did it the second time for Kosovo?

The conflict in Kosovo intensified following bombing attacks by the KLA on five Serbian refugee camps in 1996. With assistance from both the US and Germany, the KLA was able to expand and supply its fighters with weapons and equipment acquired across the border in Albania. In 1998, following increasing international pressure for an embargo on weapons, the Albanian prime minister, Fatos Nano, appealed to NATO for assistance regarding control of his country’s border region with Kosovo in an attempt to rein in the KLA. Any dispatch of NATO combat troops to Albania at this point would have meant a direct confrontation with the KLA and would have dealt a severe blow to Germany’s designs in the Balkans. German Foreign Minister Kinkel vetoed such an intervention, declaring: “Naturally, one must consider whether morally and ethically one should prevent the Kosovo Albanians from purchasing weapons for self-defence.” The German defence minister at the time, Volker Rühe (CDU), put forward the position, which was later to become the official position of the German government, that Milosevic was carrying out ethnic cleansing on a large scale. He said, “The problem of Kosovo cannot be solved by my sending troops to Albania, closing the border with Kosovo and thereby encouraging the operations of Mr. Milosevic.” His comments amounted to a blank cheque for the activities of the KLA.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 06:57 PM

As we see it is not funny that Germany is always using the U.S. to support Terrorist. First through the Croats then the Kosovo Albanians. Now you know where all those Muslim refugees are coming from mostly. They (Germany) have had this problem all year long. The Arabs love their Nazi brothers.

9/11 attack gets the U.S. into endless wars in the middle east. Besides the Bushes getting rich it drags the U.S. into wars that will exhaust its man power.

ROKS Cheonan sinking, it was also reported for a day that it was a German torpedo that was found on the bottom. They quickly removed that claim though.

Today we see ISIS and all it has to offer after soon as the U.S. pulled out of Iraq. ISIS is the Caliphate, the only Arab Caliphate to ever exist was in Turkey and that is who is behind ISIS today. Turkey has the second largest army in the world today and Germany is calling on its Muslim Brotherhood goons to take down every weak Arab leader who would never challenge Israel. Turkey wants its empire back and they will stop at nothing to get it.

The Nazis know they will never have a strong enough army in Germany proper to fight the U.S. or Russia for that matter ever again so they welcome these Arab refugees in with open arms to be a part of the Caliphate. For it to work they need the U.S. and Russia to fight one another.

Enter Ukraine!!! Nazi snipers start the show and keep antagonizing the situation there even though as of now, Putin seems to know the gig and what Germany is trying to do. Hopefully Obama will get a clue and come to his senses before it starts into a real shooting war.

edit on 21-11-2015 by Patriotsrevenge because: added content

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:08 PM

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge .....the man behind the NASA Saturn Rocket Facade, yep that is right. NASA is no more out in outer space than my dog sitting here trying to get me up for dinner. I know its so hard for you all since being indoctrinated from birth to believe you to can go to space one day lol, but facts are facts. Only one picture was ever taken of earth from low earth orbit and they were busted doing that by using the port hole in the Apollo capsule to make earth look round. ......

This post lost all semblance of credibility with that first paragraph (or that first run-on sentence resembling a paragraph).

Second line.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:13 PM
Im a fan of all of this but one question;
When I'm outside on a clear, dark night, and I'm using the sky chart app to locate stars and satellites, why is it that if ISS is passing over head and I locate it, why is it that I can actually see it zipping by?

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: NowWhat

Can you see a 747 at 40,000 feet??? Its just a hot air blimp that you are seeing. They have to keep up the show but if you cant see a 747 at 40,000 how can you see one that size out in space??

And it dam sure does not have people in it for any length of time. Do I really need to show all the vids of the so called women astronauts with supper hair sprayed perms? lol.

Oh and by the way, all you people who think you see UFOs in the space walk vids NASA keeps releasing. They are air bubbles as the space walk vids are done at night in their pool. In one video you see a man hiding inside the mock up ISS with a white scuba tank. If you think the earth is round just listen to the experts.
edit on 21-11-2015 by Patriotsrevenge because: added content

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:27 PM

originally posted by: lakesidepark

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge .....the man behind the NASA Saturn Rocket Facade, yep that is right. NASA is no more out in outer space than my dog sitting here trying to get me up for dinner. I know its so hard for you all since being indoctrinated from birth to believe you to can go to space one day lol, but facts are facts. Only one picture was ever taken of earth from low earth orbit and they were busted doing that by using the port hole in the Apollo capsule to make earth look round. ......

This post lost all semblance of credibility with that first paragraph (or that first run-on sentence resembling a paragraph).

Second line.

Try using your brain then! I do not need credibility to show the truth to you, you just have to use your brain and open your eyes. NASA was caught on tape lying about it lol. Their own dam tape!! Don't get any better than that.

Proves they lied about EVERYTHING!

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

Ok. Thanks.
Guess I'll go back to sleep then.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:30 PM

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge
a reply to: NowWhat

Can you see a 747 at 40,000 feet??? Its just a hot air blimp that you are seeing. They have to keep up the show but if you cant see a 747 at 40,000 how can you see one that size out in space??

?How do you square then, looking through a telescope at a 747 which is 40,000 feet above.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:32 PM
a reply to: Patriotsrevenge
Well I guess one has to draw a line somewhere with what they allow their brain to believe.

I can believe that the nazis won and are currently incharge of the world.

I believe in the flat earth fact.

I believe in the hollow earth scientific law.

I believe nasa is just a digital firm.

But, I don't believe in space. That's just too much to ask.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:33 PM
Except its not a blimp. I can see it with my telescope, and I bought the damn thing at Walmart. There's even a person on the boards here who has a telescope pic of the ISS as their avatar (slips my mind their screen name though) and I've personally seen that exact thing with my own eyes...

a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:35 PM

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge

originally posted by: lakesidepark

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge .....the man behind the NASA Saturn Rocket Facade, yep that is right. NASA is no more out in outer space than my dog sitting here trying to get me up for dinner. I know its so hard for you all since being indoctrinated from birth to believe you to can go to space one day lol, but facts are facts. Only one picture was ever taken of earth from low earth orbit and they were busted doing that by using the port hole in the Apollo capsule to make earth look round. ......

This post lost all semblance of credibility with that first paragraph (or that first run-on sentence resembling a paragraph).

Second line.

Try using your brain then! I do not need credibility to show the truth to you, you just have to use your brain and open your eyes. NASA was caught on tape lying about it lol. Their own dam tape!! Don't get any better than that.

Proves they lied about EVERYTHING!

No its proof some people will believe anything they read on the Internet.
Second line.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: NowWhat

Thank you!

But, I don't believe in space. That's just too much to ask.

You know, that thing where nothing is lol. Has to be some out there somewhere.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: lakesidepark

Its NASAs own video you fool. You know, when they claimed they were by the moon in the Apollo mission, but if you watch the dam video you will learn something real for once.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:46 PM

originally posted by: DuckforcoveR
Except its not a blimp. I can see it with my telescope, and I bought the damn thing at Walmart. There's even a person on the boards here who has a telescope pic of the ISS as their avatar (slips my mind their screen name though) and I've personally seen that exact thing with my own eyes...

a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

As have I, and you can distinctly make out the shape of the station and the solar panels, and the modules. It really moves across the sky too.

Must be one helluva blimp to boogie that fast, especially with that fake solar panel wing drag!

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:48 PM

originally posted by: DuckforcoveR
Except its not a blimp. I can see it with my telescope, and I bought the damn thing at Walmart. There's even a person on the boards here who has a telescope pic of the ISS as their avatar (slips my mind their screen name though) and I've personally seen that exact thing with my own eyes...

a reply to: Patriotsrevenge

You know they can make anything look real and it still be a dam blimp right or have you not seen the Macys day parade. Just cause it has cool looking antennas it does not mean it can support life.

Don't you think the U.S. Navy would have that same system on every sub if they could??

In order for the ISS to support us Humans it would need a ton of fresh air every 30 days and it would have to force the old air out. How would it even force the old air out into space without tumbling out of control, let alone it would take a Saturn V rocket to bring so much fresh air up to them as needed every 30 days.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:48 PM
I have a framed photo of an astronaut, which he signed and listed all of his shuttle missions.

He sure seems to think he piloted the shuttle to space.

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: lakesidepark

I don't care what it is, it does not support life or do you think NASA has something the U.S. Navy does not?? Not to mention it goes beyond being IMPOSSIBLE!

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:51 PM

originally posted by: Patriotsrevenge
a reply to: lakesidepark

Its NASAs own video you fool. You know, when they claimed they were by the moon in the Apollo mission, but if you watch the dam video you will learn something real for once.

Its a YouTube compilation of NASA video, and not a shred of PROOF that the audio is real, or just dubbed in by some other fool.

FYI let others judge who is the fool here. But odds are against you winning that judgment with the 'proof' you rely on.

It is postings like this that make me question our school system, and seriously worry about the future of this board as a place to discuss current events and conspiracy theories.

If you asserted that we had a secret space program and all the UFO's were ours, I would consider the possibility, as that goes beyond the 'known' into the 'unknown'.

But you instead argue against not only common knowledge, and tangible and material evidence, but further, against personal experience of thousands that have participated in the space program as astronauts, engineers, technicians, family members, corporations, etc.... you disregard the overwhelming evidence against your assertions and offer a troll's YouTube as proof.

Don't call me a fool.....

edit on 21-11-2015 by lakesidepark because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:52 PM
The nazis won? No, America were the nazis and still are, they just hide the fact. The nazi party and hilter was created by American industrialists to supposedly fight the soviets and the growing ideals of communism. The German backers of hitler and his party were supported by US industrialist, meaning hilter was made possible not by German industries but by American ones paying them. Tons of American corporations sold to or was in bed with the "enemy", enemy being the nazis. BMW, IBM, Nestlé, coca cola, Ford, all profited from nazi slave labor or otherwise did business with them. Standard oils' business with IG farben supplied the nazis with their fuel for their subs, tanks and planes, standard oil not coincidentally being a monopolized company started by the Rockefeller family
edit on 21-11-2015 by Telepathy3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 21 2015 @ 07:55 PM

originally posted by: MystikMushroom
I have a framed photo of an astronaut, which he signed and listed all of his shuttle missions.

He sure seems to think he piloted the shuttle to space.

A journalist met with every Apollo astronaut and before the interviews he asked each one politely to swear on the Bible that everything they were going to say is true.

NOT ONE WOULD and the jackass Neil Armstrong tried to fight the guy. Everyone does that at court and lies all the time but they treated the bible like it was Kryponite when they had to lie.

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