a reply to:
There is quite a difference between youth from broken families and extremists that simply reject our society, norms and values.
If you would have read my reply you would know that your assumption about immigration starting in the nineties is false, i'm talking about the signs
that were already visible back then.
I've lived in suburbs among turkish and antillean immigrants who were our neighbors in the 80s, back then everything was quite relaxed, well except
when Musa started to play his guitar.
The shift started in the nineties and certainly after 9/11 everything changed completely.
We've had to protect people due to threats from extremists, Theo van Gogh should have been protected, sadly he was killed by an extremist.
What is this 'far more white' about? does it matter what the color of the skin is to you?
is this again your conclusion based on faulty reading? because nowhere do i imply or claim that immigrants are criminal, hell i've even stated that
the extremists within our borders were born and raised in the west.
Above all a criminal is not extremist, they don't tend to blow themselves up or kill as many as possible, based on a theological motive.
You'll notice that almost every single one of those terrorists is in their 20's or 30's, from an impoverished area, with broken families, drug habits,
criminal histories...
And why do you think that this is so, have you ever thought about the possibility that because they segregate themselves from our society, they put
themselves in a position in which they rely on welfare benefits without any effort to develop themselves, to improve their skills, to participate and
live together in our society.
No one is left behind unless they are unwilling to participate and segregate themselves.
Enough stubborn drop outs who think they are something while in fact they are losers with a big mouth and a heart full of hate against westerners.
I'm from a broken family, but me, my brothers and sisters never once have even toyed with the idea of killing people.
We've done things to survive, steal food and so on, but we did not segregate from the society and developed ourselves, our skills in order to be self
sufficient and earn a decent salary.