how theatrical/tragedy this sounds... lol
But we do have some spicy news...
Today turkey provoked once more Russia, by sending a battalion / squad of 250 armed gray without fur wolfs. The official excuse is to protect a small
minority of turks in a village. But those 250, are already made videos in the past, supporting and giving some short of idiotic oaths, of joining the
tzixadists in their sacred (lets call it that way) war. Now Russia gives warnings to turks, that this move is bold and stupid, because they play with
What makes it interesting, turkey slowly and steadily shows their true face and if Russia activates the treaty "51" in UN, they can attack turkey
directly, with every right and nobody will be able to stop Russia from it. It will be legal.
here is what originally happened and today Turks provoked once more
Turks, rightfully own the title of the monkey. (u know, tiger, dragon, monkey and turtles) ottoman/tartars - mongols are the monkeys. The 4 Bixi's are
just hordes of mongoloids. And its not a conspiracy, even IRAN called them monkeys a couple of years ago. There is always a reason.
I will give you a link, its pro russian news website, but you can read the news. You dont need a translator, it has the choice to translate the page
directly (under the main article photograph, it has the choice to "translate into "you choose a flag").
Turks also provoke via Crimaia
Depends what the turks do, they could trigger much bigger damage in the world, than isis does. Imagine if turks provoke russian SO MUCH and they start
bombarding turks, what is going to happen.
edit on 22-11-2015 by Ploutonas because: (no reason given)